
The Ruthless Mafia Plaything

Vivian has just had a fall out with her boyfriend and she decides to go drink it out with her best friend Penelope. She then has a fateful encounter with a stranger where she makes a promise she never intends to fulfill. Years later, Vivian goes looking for a job and crosses path again with that same stranger who demands that she fulfill the promise she made to him. There Vivian discovers he is not who she mistook him for and that my friends is where their story begins..........

Deevine23 · Urban
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50 Chs

Trying To Move On

Vivian's pov........

"Isn't that enough Vivian?" Penelope asked obviously worried as I drank the third glass of vodka, if she was worried that I would get drunk then her worry was in vain cause i was already far gone.

I hiccupped "What do you mean Vivian" I reached for the bottle of vodka, but she immediately grabbed it to herself.

I pouted "Give it back".

"No way, you're wasted bae".

I shook my head "Am not".

"You are" She insisted "I did not follow you to the bar so I could watch you drown yourself in your sorrow".

My vision blurred "What do you expect me to do Penelope" and the tears came rolling down.

She frowned "Just hang on a sec babe, my eyes had better be decieving me, am I seriously watching you cry for that jerk called Cole".

"I am and I can't help it, I know he is a jerk but I love him, I loved him so much Penelope that I gave him all I had".

She nodded "Yeah am aware of that and he took it all for granted".

I bit my lips "What do I do Penelope".

She shrugged "You could maybe try to forget him".

"I am trying to forget him Penelope but I can't".

"You are not trying hard enough Vivian and that's why we came here in the first place, so you could tune Cole completely out of your mind".

I nodded "Yes" and I stood up climbing the table in front of me.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing Vivian" Penelope attempted to pull me down but I shoved her off "You said I should forget about Cole and that's what am doing".

"I can see that but you are going about it the wrong way you know, you are going to get us kicked out of here".

"Calm down Penelope, am fine" I stumbled and accidentally spilled the glass of vodka I was holding on the person walking by.

"Oh my!" Penelope gasped "Am so sorry sir".

"It's fine" a deep dominant voice replied.

I turned to face the owner of that sexy voice and my jaw dropped. Standing in front of me was the man of my dreams, no wait, he was the man of every girls dream but the way he was dressed.

I grinned "How did this bar find such a sexy guy to employ?".

"Vivian!" Penelope scolded and I turned to face her "What, it's the truth".

"You think am sexy?" Mr sexy asked raising his brow.

I smiled "Yes I do, such a shame to waste it here on been a call boy".

He cocked his head "A call boy?".

"Yes, isn't that what you are?".

He shrugged "Hmm, who knows".

I stumbled again this time missing my steps but Mr Sexy caught me before I fell. He put me down and I composed myself "Thank you".

He nodded "You're welcome but don't you think I deserve a gift, people normally give gifts to people who do good deeds".

I waved my hands "Yeah you're right, what do you want but don't ask for something big or expensive okay, am not a rich girl".

"Oh but I wouldn't dare, a hug and a kiss would be fine for a guy like me".

I really didn't feel like it was nice to kiss a guy I was just meeting for the first time but come to think of it, I was no longer in a relationship with anyone and that meant that I could do whatever I wanted which included having fun like I always wished for and no one would have a problem with it. But I still didn't think it was the right thing to do.

Penelope suddenly grabbed my hand "Come on Vivian we have to go now, have you forgotten you have an interview to attend early tommorow, punctuality is everything".

Ohh crap!! I had totally forgotten, I had to go back home and sleep so I wouldn't wake up with a splitting headache the next morning. I faced Mr Sexy "Raincheck?".

He smiled "Promise?".

I nodded "Yeah I promise you that the next time we meet, I'll give you a good kiss and a hug".

"Am holding you on that promise" He called out to me as I left the bar. Yeah like that was ever going to happen.