
Chapter 269 GRAVE MISTAKE 3

          The sound of the heavy downpour of rain accompanied by the raging thunder echoed in the office which bore a man, as the lightning from the thunder flickered in the room, showing its presence. His black eyes searched through the notes on written documents and important records on the table. While on it, Liam could hear his phone beeping continuously in the silent yet noisy room.

          He abhorred disturbance while working, he should have switched off this phone initially, but Scorpion had informed him of taking his wife and her friends out. He wanted to get the last call from the man that they have returned to their apartment safely.

         He glanced at the phone on the table groaning silently, he reached for it but stopped when he heard a sudden knock on his door.

          When he said nothing, Carlos stepped in. The small man stared at the man sitted on his chair, pushing his glasses upwards as his eyes stared at every other thing in the room except the one man in the room. From the cold gaze he got, he knew he came at the wrong time and decided to turn back, but the situation would get worst if he leaves without delivering the information he had with him. He thought.

         "I'm sorry for disturbing you, boss."

        "You do it all the time, say what you want or leave," Liam said sternly. He didn't have the patience to listen. He was in one of those phases where he works tirelessly to achieve a certain goal, these are the times he blocks himself from the world. But this time was different, he had a wife to take care of, a woman he actually loved so much. She was now the first thing he thought about before anything else.

        "I just wanted to inform you of..." Liam's phone beeped for the tenth time in a row distracting Carlos's speech. "Hold on Carlos." Liam picked it up to finally see who the hell is disturbing him this late at night. He hoped his silly wife hasn't gotten herself into some kind of mess or trouble again.

        Few blurry images from unknown numbers were on display, he tapped on them only to see naked pictures of a woman. She seemed to be familiar, he knew that body from anywhere. His thumb swiped to the next one and it was a video just to reassure him it wasn't fake. It's his wife, and she was talking to a man bare, from the look of things everyone in the room was bare.

         What the hell is this? What is she doing here with naked people? Liam could feel his breath hitched as pure anger brewed up in his chest. He found himself not being able to breathe, there were just many questions and doubts all at once. It couldn't be her, this is not the kind of woman he's married to. She listens to him, she's said it countless times of her affections for him.

       She is not closed, so what the hell is going on?

        For Carlos, nothing seemed to have changed his boss's expression except that the man was exceptionally stiff in his seat. The only part of him that moved was his eyes and thumb. But...

        He was slowly turning red and he could see veins popping from his head. Carlos wondered what had happened this time, he's never seen his boss at this stage before. It looked like he was typing and waiting for a response.

        "What the hell is this? Where are you?" He sent the pictures and videos to her awaiting a response that was taking more than forever to get a response. Liam was losing it, he wanted an answer at this point.

        He placed his hands on his forehead pressing it with both his thumb and index finger to stay calm. He let out a heavy sigh before moving his hands into his hair. Liam has never felt this angry before, he still wanted to confirm from her just to be clear it was not real. He really hope it was photoshopped or a prank from her. But then how can someone photoshop her body to look exactly the same as the original?

        His phone beeped again, clearly showing she's seen his message but had refused to reply. Then it is true, he thought smiling downwards. The rage in his heart doubled, he was fuming, nothing could stop this. He called her but there was no response.

        He smashed his phone on the wall rising from his seat as he paced back and forth in the room smashing everything in his way, Carlos was not excluded. He recognized nothing and no one anymore. Just one woman, one woman was driving his nuts. One woman was making him lose himself, he couldn't think, all he felt like doing at the moment was destroying things. Killing things.

        Carlos trudged out of the office with little injury on his arms. This is the first time he's seen his boss this mad before, what just happened? He's never seen the man lose it this much before, he was out of control for the first time since he's known him. This could only mean one thing, his madam was involved in this. She's the only person that can make this man act so irrational. "What has she done this time?" He murmured wondering what she has done. 

        Liam picked up his keys and left his office, he couldn't stay there for long anymore, not in this state. He stepped into his car and drove off. He refuse to go over to meet her, in fact, at this point, he didn't think he wanted to see her.

        Carlos hurriedly followed suit, his boss never leaves without his guards' cause of the numerous enemies he had around. He knew he wasn't thinking at this point, he called for backups immediately telling them about his location.

        Liam took the subway to arrive at an underground tunnel. He stepped out of his car with an empty bottle in his hands when he arrived at a building, he had to let go of this anger to think straight cause if he doesn't, he might make weird decisions. Really weird decisions.

      Everyone turned to peek at the man who just stepped in, his presence alone sent shivers to them. Though he seemed drunk and messy, he was more good-looking that the men in their fully dressed attire. "What do you want here Mr. Black? Haven't you don't more than enough?" A man at the door said turning aware of his environment as the others searched around.

        Of course, they knew who he is, the man that dethroned their don, the very man that killed their leader and threaten the entire mafia organization in the country. A man that wasn't scared of death cause he's the death bringer himself. From the look on Liam's face, they could already tell he wasn't there to joke around, he meant serious business.

       But when has he joked though? He moved the man standing there aside, this is his city what right do they have to question his arrival? He stepped in.

       "I've got a billion-dollar offer for the man that can beat me up." A commanding voice roared from the back causing all men to turn in that direction. They saw a man in a white shirt stomping in with a commanding presence. With one stare they could already guess who he is, but what is he doing in their fighting house?

         Murmurs began among the men in there, a billion dollars was a good offer but the man before them was the only issue they had. Everyone waited for the first to speak as they stared at each other.

        "I... I would fight you." A man among the rest said stepping forward. Liam grinned, it was time to let go of his anger. This is the secret to his callers for years, each time he got to get upset, he would always come here to beat someone up or get beaten. He's stopped for ages, who knew one woman would bring his bad habit back again?

        What he felt was beyond anger, he isn't aware of what heartbreak felt like. It's a new feeling to him, something that hurts more than anything in the world.



         Both Preya and Jesse arrived back home from their party. Both girls were smiling from their fun night and planned to attend another party before their trip. Nothing in the world is going to stop them from having lots of fun during their vacation before finally going back home.

        They found Elsa on a sofa staring at her phone, "We're back and a certain person thought we couldn't, well look at us now." Jesse mocked but got no response from her friend. "Are you right El?" She asked.  "Elsa, Elsa." She called when she got no response. 

       "Someone sent pictures of me at the party to Liam, he sent this to me," Elsa said sadly showing them the content on her phone...