
The Runt

The day had finally arrived, I just have to make it to this Saturday then I’ll be free. “Runt!” I heard the alpha yell from the front of the pack house.

grahamgirl1280 · Fantasy
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The day had finally arrived.

The alpha's son was due home in the next 3 days.

I had spent the whole week following orders from everyone in the pack house, even though I was not a real member of the pack. Monday I was told by the alpha to clean the future alphas room, prepare the lounge room with decorations and plan a menu for the night of the future alphas return. Besides that the stuff he's tasked the pack members to do what given to me by said pack members because they say it's my punishment for being weak.

"Hey runt!" I heard Alpha smith yell. I'm currently hanging the pack bedsheets on the clothes line not to far from the abandon shed I was forced to live in.

I drop what I'm doing and run to the front porch where alpha smith is standing with an unreadable expression on his face. I stood still but my body couldn't help but shake from the aura coming off the alpha.