
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
158 Chs

The Celestial Witch

As she spoke, Lex felt a chill run down his spine. He walked over to the sofa and sat down, conversing with them.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, causing all three individuals to jump. Lex shifted his gaze toward the noise and saw a woman who resembled an older version of Lila.

With eyes that shimmered like rubies and ears that tapered gracefully, the woman exuded an aura of mystique and elegance.

Lex couldn't help but marvel at her flawless form—a symphony of beauty, curvature, and a massive chest that seemed to defy the bounds of the ordinary.

As if under an enchantment, Lex's gaze remained steadfastly fixed on this entrancing figure before him, his senses entrapped by the allure and uniqueness that radiated from the woman.

Lila turned and rolled her eyes, muttering, "I should have guessed she would have known he woke up."

The woman rushed in, making a beeline straight for Lex. She enveloped him in a tight hug upon reaching him, pressing his head into her ample cleavage.

"My darling grandson is awake. Why didn't your silly mother tell me?" she exclaimed.

At this remark, her gaze shifted toward Lila, her eyes narrowing. Lila shrugged and responded, "I was going to send you a message."

The woman introduced herself as Tila Dawnstrider, the matriarch of the Dawnstrider family. A formidable mage, she is known for safeguarding Celestial City from outside threats.

Tila ceased her embrace of Lex and scrutinized him. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and she forcefully pushed him away.

With a raised hand, she demanded, "Who are you? What have you done with my Lex?"

Upon hearing her words, Lex's gaze fell to the ground, rendering him speechless. The woman appeared to be growing angrier by the second.

Lila and Gavriel swiftly intervened, their voices rising. "Mother! Please, calm down and allow us to explain."

Tila complied with her daughter's plea, though her gaze remained fixed on Lex. As the couple began recounting the events, they spoke for about ten minutes, outlining everything that had transpired.

Upon the conclusion of their explanation, Lex's new parents fell silent. Tila continued to gaze at him, her accusatory expression slowly dissipating.

She approached him and started examining him as her eyes glowed. After doing that for a few minutes, she finally spoke.

''Tell your story, boy. How did you end up in my precious grandson's body?''

Lex sighed and started explaining everything to the eccentric older woman. The more she heard, the more emotional she became.

She unexpectedly grabbed him and started hugging him again, but this time much tighter. To her complete shock and amazement, he returned the hug with one of his own.

Tila's smile became ecstatic as she began peppering his face with kisses, shocking Lex, Lila, and Gavriel, who started laughing at the scene.

Lex accepted the woman's affection without complaint. After fussing over him, she backed off and looked at him as she spoke.

"The old Lex would never have allowed me to do that. Sadly, he's gone, but in a way, he hasn't left because you're here in his body. Still, we should keep this between the three of us."

Lila and Gavriel nodded in agreement. Tila smiled upon seeing their reactions, then suddenly grabbed hold of Lex and spoke before leaving the house. "I'm taking him out on a date. I'll bring him back later."

[Gavriel's and Lila's POV]

They watched as the older woman dragged him away. Gavriel asked his wife, "Does she behave like this with anyone else?"

She shook her head with a jealous smile. "No, she doesn't. Mother was always strict with us. Even to this day, she remains strict, but with him, she is like a maiden in love."

Gavriel laughed upon hearing the jealous tone in her voice. ''It's not like she plans to marry the boy, does she?''

Lila didn't answer, which made him nervous, so he asked, ''She doesn't, does she?''

She shrugged her shoulders and answered. ''She always talks about him, writing me letters and sending her students to check on him. She probably cast a spell on him to alert her when he woke.''

Gavriel chuckled when he heard his wife reply and hoped the boy wouldn't be too friendly with his mother-in-law; otherwise, she would become his mother/daughter-in-law.

When the thought passed through his head, it made him laugh as it was absurd.

No way a woman like the Celestial Witch would marry his seventeen-year-old son and her grandchild.

Lila saw the look on his face and laughed as she walked off speaking. ''She will dig her claws in him. You can see how he returned her cuddle and loved her kisses.''

Gavriel sighed as he followed his wife and decided to cross that bridge if it ever came to it.

[Back to Lex]

He was dragged out of the house by Tila, who still held his hand as they walked down the street.

Lex strolled down the cobblestone streets, his eyes widening with every step as he took in the mesmerizing spectacle of the steampunk and fantasy-inspired buildings that surrounded him.

Brass-coated spires reached skyward, adorned with intricate gears and cogs that turned lazily in the afternoon breeze.

Elaborate balconies curved out from the sides of buildings like wrought-iron petals, each housing a profusion of potted plants and hanging ivy cascading down in a riot of green.

The windows were a stained glass kaleidoscope, depicting scenes of mythical creatures and epic battles, their vibrant colors casting playful patterns on the cobblestones below.

Steam-powered carriages trundled by, emitting soft hisses and gentle puffs of white vapor as they transported passengers and goods between the buildings.

The air was filled with the melodic chime of clockwork mechanisms and the distant hum of machinery, creating an almost magical symphony that resonated throughout the entire district.

As he paused to admire the intricate ironwork of a lamppost, a voice, like music, floated through the air and pulled him from his reverie.

"Lex," it called, and he turned to find Tila standing before him, her red eyes sparkling with excitement and uncertainty.

"Hey Tila," Lex said with a warm smile, his heart skipping a beat as he got a proper look at her as he didn't get the chance to when they were home.

She was dressed in a flowing, emerald-green gown that seemed to blend seamlessly with the fantastical surroundings and wore a pair of glasses that suited her well.

"What's up?" He asked with a smile as he looked at the older woman.

Tila's cheeks flushed slightly as she nervously twirled a lock of her white hair.

"Well," she began, her voice soft but stubborn, "I was wondering if you'd be interested in, um, going on a proper date with me?"

Lex's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a delighted grin spreading across his face. "Are you kidding? I'd love to," he replied, his heart racing with a newfound anticipation.

Tila's eyes lit up, and a radiant smile bloomed on her lips. "Really? That's fantastic! I thought maybe you'd enjoy exploring this district together."

Lex chuckled, gesturing to the enchanting surroundings. "I don't think there's a more perfect place for a date."

Tila's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink, and she glanced down shyly. "Well, I'm really glad you feel that way."

As they began to walk side by side, they immersed themselves in the ethereal atmosphere of the steampunk fantasy realm around them.

Hand in hand, they meandered through the winding streets as Tila pointed out all the different places to him.

From the merchant guilds to the city's barracks, where they build the weapons for the wall. Upon their arrival at the park, an enchanting and palpable energy permeated the air.

This realm seamlessly wove the symphony of turning gears with the rhythmic cadence of magic while delicate airships glided gracefully above meticulously crafted clockwork sculptures.

Golden sunlight filtered through a canopy of brass and glass overhead, casting a warm and inviting glow upon the cobbled paths.

As the two of them walked, the rhythmic clinking of machinery melded harmoniously with the soothing rustle of leaves, cocooning them in an surreal and comforting atmosphere.

Drawing near a tranquil pond, Lex and Tila discovered an intricately wrought wrought-iron bench.

Its ornate backrest depicted scenes of intrepid adventurers embarking on fantastical quests, a testament to the park's imaginative allure.

Settling onto the bench, their gazes were captivated by the serenity of the pond's reflective surface.

The water mirrored a menagerie of floating islands, each adorned with whimsically designed architecture and embellished with steam-powered flora.

Tila leaned gently against the cool iron of the bench, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns meticulously etched into the surface.

Her eyes danced with wonder as she observed clockwork butterflies flitting about, their wings casting a radiant kaleidoscope of mechanical colors.

Meanwhile, Lex's focus remained fixated on the water.

His attention was drawn to the tiny steamboats that glided with graceful ease, leaving delicate trails of mist in their wake as they elegantly navigated between the scattered islands.

While enveloped in this enchanting picture, Tila eventually broke the silence. "Lex, may I ask you something, please?"

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]


Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

NegansPalacecreators' thoughts