
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
158 Chs

The Beginning

A boy named Lex was trudging his way to school on a bitterly cold winter morning, with the wind howling and rain pouring down relentlessly.

He raised his backpack over his head in a makeshift attempt to shield himself from the elements.

The morning rush hour was a chaotic nightmare, with people jostling and bumping into him as they hurried to their destinations.

After successfully maneuvering through the thick crowd, which consisted mostly of people headed to work, Lex narrowly escaped a near collision with a passing truck as he crossed the road.

He glanced at the speeding vehicle, a sigh of relief escaping his lips, before continuing on his journey to school.

However, his steps were soon halted by a searing headache that suddenly struck him. Upon entering the school gates, a wave of dizziness overcame him.

His surroundings seemed to warp and distort, resembling the smudged edges of a watercolor painting.

Anxiety gripped his chest as he battled the onslaught of dizziness. The cacophony of honking cars and distant conversations echoed in his ears, warped and distant.

Instinctively, his hand shot out, grasping the nearest fence for support. Its cool metal provided a weak anchor amidst the swirling confusion of his reality.

A concerned glance from another student met his eyes, though their words appeared to be spoken underwater, distorted, and barely comprehensible.

Lex's vision darkened, confusion clouding his mind as his world transformed into obscurity. Suddenly, his senses gave way, and the world around him plunged into darkness.

He collapsed onto the ground, a heap of limbs and confusion, his head smacked off the ground.

Teachers and fellow students rushed to his side, their voices a jumbled cacophony in his ears. As their alarmed voices gradually faded into the distance, a heavy silence descended upon Lex.

Within the confines of the school gates, his life slipped away unnoticed, leaving behind an eerie stillness.

The people around him were confused as they knew Lex to be healthy as he loved free running and many other sports.


[The world of Eldora]

A woman gracefully navigated her way through the desolate streets of Celestia City, a city nestled in the northern expanse of the Solstice continent.

It was well known for its expertise in agricultural produce and for being the birthplace of countless renowned Runners.

These Runners were brave and fearsome souls who embarked on dangerous journeys through the wilderness, carrying urgent messages and items between cities and remote settlements.

Such a mode of communication had become important, as the Hivefiends had cunningly stopped any conventional means of inter-settlement discourse.

Efforts by the cities to adopt technological marvels like Steamweavers and Whirlwinds for aerial expeditions were swiftly countered by Wraiths, menacing monsters that held control over the wildland's skies.

In response, the imperial family of the Valvehaven Empire took a momentous decision: to raise a new breed of heroes — the Runners.

These valiant individuals would traverse the wildlands, bearing messages and crucial items to far-flung cities and communities.

A formidable high wall enveloped each settlement and city, steadfastly guarded by Gatling Skyguards, Steam-Driven Flak Bursts, and Valvehaven soldiers, working round the clock to ensure the safety of their homes.

Once a realm teeming with diverse races and creatures, Eldora witnessed a cataclysmic event five centuries ago. The mysterious and evil Hivefiends had arisen, descending upon kingdoms with an unyielding and merciless onslaught.

During their initial invasion, millions fell victim to the monstrous horde, cities were reduced to ashes, and villages lay leveled.

Only a handful of survivors retained memories of those dire days, primarily the long-living races such as Elves, Dwarves, and Vampires.

The origins of these invaders remained shrouded in inscrutable mystery, yet their ruthless conquest reduced countless kingdoms to ruin.

In a desperate struggle for survival, the remaining bastions of civilization united to construct towering Megacities, resolute bulwarks against the relentless advance of the encroaching threat.

Amidst this turmoil, the empire established Runner schools, recognizing the vital necessity of maintaining communication and unity in the face of impending annihilation.

Confronted by the monstrous onslaught, the notion of inter-kingdom warfare became an unthinkable extravagance, overshadowed by the all-consuming struggle for mere existence against the nightmare-infested hordes.

As the monstrous invaders continued to pour in, they seized dominion over the wildlands, leaving once-thriving cities, towns, and villages abandoned and overrun.

Within a modest-looking abode, a woman entered and checked on her ailing son, who had recently turned fifteen but was now bruised and battered due to a vicious bullying incident.

The boy's mother tenderly cared for him, expending a substantial portion of their hard-earned credits on medicines that could offer relief.

At this time, she entered the room, inadvertently dropping the bag she held as her eyes widened at seeing her son sitting in bed. She rushed over to him and hugged him tightly as tears fell.


[Back To Lex]

When his world plunged into darkness, he was bewildered by the unfolding events.

It felt like years slipped by within the confines of that enveloping obscurity, accompanied by an overwhelming sadness that clung to his heart.

However, amidst this desolation, a recollection surfaced in his mind – he was not alone in the world, even if it seemed that way.

The women and volunteers who tirelessly ran the orphanage embraced him with care akin to a mother's.

An orphan, he had found a sense of belonging there. With only two years remaining until he reached the age of eighteen, the looming prospect of bidding farewell to the place that had become his sanctuary weighed on his mind.

Yet, this impending departure failed to trouble him as he clung to the unwavering knowledge that his parents hadn't willingly forsaken him.

Tragedy had struck when he was twelve years old, his parents meeting their untimely demise in a tragic traffic accident.

He suffered from depression for a few years but soon got in free running, and it started to heal him, but he missed his parents dearly.

Suddenly, his body was pulled in a direction, and Lex hurtled through space. Stars whizzed by, and a multitude of planets came into view. He was dragged past stars until he slammed into something; he felt something under him.

That's when he felt his body and got happy thinking the paramedics had brought him back, but when he opened his eyes, he saw an unknown ceiling.

He was lying on a comfortable bed, draped in linens, as the morning light cast a soft, golden glow across the room.

The air carried a faint scent of lavender, which was both soothing and delicate. Blinking in disbelief, Lex propped himself up on his elbows, taking in the scene before him.

The room boasted tasteful decorations. However, he was confused and started looking around.

His attention was captivated by a sturdy wooden cupboard standing against one wall. It had a simple charm, clean lines and a worn look that told a story.

Nearby, a table stood adorned with a collection of neatly arranged books. The volumes varied in size and color, their spines conveying tales of knowledge and exploration.

As Lex swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rose to his feet, a sense of curiosity propelled him forward. He approached the cupboard, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns etched into the wood.

With a gentle tug, he opened the doors, revealing a humble assortment of clothing neatly hung and folded inside. Turning his attention to the table, he picked up one of the books. Its pages felt crisp beneath his touch.

The unfamiliarity of the room left him bewildered; everything was new. His confusion was apparent, his gaze constantly darting around the unfamiliar space.

Suddenly, his legs gave way, causing him to drop to the floor with a thud. Annoyance surged within Lex, compelling him to lift himself back up.

With great effort, Lex finally reached the bed and lowered himself onto it, his body throbbing with discomfort. Glancing to his left, he noticed a drawer. Opening it, he found a handheld mirror nestled inside.

Taking it out, he held it up to his face. His eyes widened as he caught his reflection – elf-like ears, striking red eyes, and hair as white as snow.

Confusion gripped him as he contemplated his new appearance. He entertained the idea of being an elf, only to have his hopes dashed when he spotted the two fangs protruding from his mouth.

Lex's ears perked up as he heard footsteps approaching the room. A woman with the same white hair and red eyes as him entered the bedroom.

Seeing him, she dropped the bag and rushed at him with tears falling from her eyes.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]


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