
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantasy
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158 Chs

It's Been Years

Lex's grin grew wider as he dug into his meal, savoring each bite, while his new mother exited the room.

After finishing his meal, he stood up and walked over to the window, his curiosity piqued by the view outside.

His gaze became fixed on the sprawling cityscape that stretched before him.

The city presented a captivating blend of intricate fantasy architecture, towering spires, and bustling streets, all infused with a distinctive steampunk aesthetic.

Gears turned, and steam billowed, creating an atmosphere unlike any he had ever experienced.

A mixture of wonder and excitement stirred within him. He contemplated his existence as he meticulously surveyed the city's intricate details.

Why was he here in this unfamiliar place? What had brought him to this new reality? These questions swirled in his mind like an unsolved puzzle.

A soft breeze brushed against his face, carrying a sense of exhilaration. Lex's heart raced as he pondered the vast possibilities before him.

For years, he had been captivated by the concept of life on other planets, and now, standing in this vibrant city, he felt a rush of excitement coursing through him.

All those theories, those science fiction stories—now, they weren't merely imaginative tales; they had become windows into a reality he was now a part of.

A smile tugged at the corners of Lex's lips as he recognized the unique opportunity before him.

He yearned to explore every nook and cranny of this city, to uncover its hidden secrets and immerse himself in its rich culture.

The vibrancy and energy of the streets beckoned to him, promising adventures and discoveries that awaited.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Lex silently pledged to himself that he would seek happiness in this new world, just as he had strived for it in his previous life.

No matter the challenges or uncertainties that lay ahead, he was determined to confront them head-on.

A second chance, a fresh start in a world of boundless possibilities, had been granted to him.

Continuing to gaze out the window, his determination solidified. He would seize every moment, embracing this opportunity to create a life that was uniquely his own.

Looking out the window, he heard a knock on his door. He turned and said, "Come in."

His new father walked in and saw him by the window. He asked, "Do you like the view?"

Lex nodded, replying, "Yes, it's a beautiful city. Very different from where I came from."

Gavriel looked at the boy with sadness, then shook his head. He sat down at the table, and the room fell silent.

But not for long. The older man broke the silence, asking, "What was life like over there?"

Lex shrugged, saying, "It was okay, I guess. The orphanage took good care of me, and I was into a few sports."

He turned to the window after speaking but then remembered their first meeting. He asked Gavriel, "How did you know I wasn't your son?"

His new father's face showed deep thought as he retrieved a book from his storage ring and handed it to him.

Taking the book and studying it, Lex looked back up and inquired, "What's this?"

Gavriel smiled before saying, "It's a spellbook. Try to learn from it."

Lex glanced at the book and then at the man. "You still haven't answered my question."

The man sighed before speaking. "It's the mana in your body. Before our Lex fell into a coma, his mana was calmer than yours. It's as if the energy is continuously pouring into your body."

Gavriel stood up and walked over to him, standing next to him. "You see, Lex, we are vampires who came from the north many years ago. We possess the knowledge of how to wield and manipulate mana proficiently."

He paused, raising his hand to summon a ball of clear mana, then continued speaking.

"But what I sense within you is vastly different from our son's. It's as though a storm is brewing inside your body."

Lex nodded and sat to read the spellbook Gavriel had given him. The man observed him closely.

His son had never exhibited such enthusiasm for learning; in the past, they had to push him to study. However, the new Lex seemed to enjoy the process genuinely.

Gavriel walked over and patted Lex on the shoulder as he finished speaking. "Try to learn the spell. It will prove beneficial when you return to the academy."

Lex nodded and delved into reading the spell. As he perused the pages, he discovered it was a body enhancement spell designed to strengthen the user for a specific duration.

After a couple of hours of reading, Lex grasped the knowledge of the spell.

[Body Enhancement Learned]

Lex's excitement surged, prompting him to cast the spell immediately. "Body Enhancement."

A sensation of increased toughness spread through his body, and his vision sharpened.

Overwhelmed by the unexpected effects, Lex quickly deactivated the spell before something bad happened.

He rushed out of the room and wanted to tell Gavriel that he learned the new spell as he made his way to the living room.

Lex came across his new parents sitting on a sofa discussing work. Lila turned to him with a smile and spoke. ''How can we help you, Lex?''

"Um, Gavriel, Lila," he began, his voice steady but tinged with excitement. "I... I learned the spell you gave me."

The words hung in the air momentarily, and then the room fell silent.

They turned to look at Lex, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. Gavriel's brows furrowed slightly, and Lila's eyes widened in astonishment.

"You learned it?" Gavriel's voice held a hint of disbelief.

Lex nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yes, I read through the spellbook, and I think I've got the hang of it."

Lila's gaze intensified, her red eyes seeming to flicker with a newfound intensity. She pushed herself up from her seat and practically glided over to Lex.

Her movements were swift, and her presence was almost electrifying. "Show me," she demanded, her voice a soft but urgent whisper.

Lex hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect. He took a deep breath and focused on the spell he had learned. Channeling his inner energy, he enacted the incantation.

"Body Enhancement."

A subtle shimmer enveloped his form, barely visible to the naked eye. He felt an immediate surge of power, as if his entire being was invigorated.

His senses sharpened, and he could feel his muscles tense and flex beneath his skin.

Lila's gasp was so quiet that it barely reached his ears, yet its impact was palpable. Even Gavriel appeared momentarily surprised by the display.

As Lex's gaze locked with Lila's, he witnessed a phenomenon beyond the ordinary.

Her red eyes, normally a deep crimson, were glowing with an otherworldly intensity as she looked at him.

Lex quickly stepped back, but she grabbed his arm. ''Don't move, Darling.''

He did as she asked, and not long after that, her eyes returned to normal as he brought her hand to his cheeks.

She smiled as she spoke, "You're different from our Lex in many ways, but your core remains the same. You're what my son would have been if he were more outgoing."

He looked down and mumbled. ''I'm sorry I'm not him.''

When Lila heard him she got angry and grabbed him by the chin forcing him to look into her eyes as she spoke. ''YOU are our son, you're in his body, you sound like him but you don't act like him.''

Her gentle touch cradled his cheeks as she carried on, her voice soft but earnest. "Yes, we carry the ache of his loss in our hearts, but then there's you. Our new son, Lex. I understand that you've spent years without a family but you now have one."

When he heard her words, a few tears slid down his face, but he quickly wiped them away as he nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to having parents. It's been years."

Lila then embraced the boy, offering him reassurance that he was truly their son. Gavriel stood back, quietly observing the heartfelt scene between the two.

He was aware that he had lost his son, but their relationship had been distant. The previous Lex used to seclude himself in his room, avoiding any interactions with them.

However, this new Lex seemed eager to engage, even though his nerves were evident. Gavriel shook his head with a warm smile and chimed in, "It will take some time to adjust, but my boy, you're stuck with the two of us."

He playfully grinned and continued, "Just wait until your Grandma hears that you're awake. She'll rush over here in no time."

Gavriel's laughter filled the room, and Lila turned around, her expression a mix of amusement and exasperation.

"You know how Mother is. She absolutely adores Lex, but his avoidance used to upset her greatly."

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

[Check out my other novel: A Journey That Changed The World]


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