
I'm Not Here To Hurt You

As tension peaked, the Hive Devourer turned away, seemingly losing interest. Lex, Silika, and Maralene released the breath they hadn't realized they were holding.

The monsters moved on, continuing their rampage through the remnants of the once-idyllic garden. Lex maintained the Stealth Shroud until the last sign of the Hive Devourers vanished into the night.

They collectively released a breath before stepping out of Lex's Shadow Shroud, and when Marlene saw the cabin, she became upset as it had been her home for many years. 

When Lex saw this, he approached the woman and hugged her. Maralene's reaction wasn't what he was expecting. 

The emotions swirling within her suddenly erupted, manifesting in an unexpected burst of strength. With a force that caught everyone off guard, Maralene shoved Lex, propelling him through the air.

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