
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantasy
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158 Chs

Getting A New Family

Lila noticed her son looking amazed by everything. She called out to him, "Lex, are you alright?"

He snapped out of amazement, turned to his new mother, and smiled. "Sorry. Everything is new to me, and I can't remember anything."

The warm, golden sun's light filled their cozy home, creating beautiful patterns on the wooden floors.

Lila nodded as she sat at the well-used dinner table, her eyes shining affectionately as she gazed at him.

He stood near the window, lost in thought as his gaze fixed on the horizon.

With a soft smile, she beckoned him over with a wave. "Lex, come join me," she said, her voice carrying a gentle melody that resonated in the small room.

Startled from his reverie, Lex turned to his mother and offered a sheepish grin.

He pulled out a chair, sinking into it with anticipation and curiosity. "What is it, Mother?" he asked, his eyes curious.

Lila's gaze locked onto Lex's, and she leaned in with a focused look. "Before you return to the Runners Academy, there's something important about Celestia City I want to share with you," she said, her voice carrying a touch of curiosity. "And I'd like to discuss what lies beyond the city wall in the wildlands."

She began explaining the City was controlled by the noble families who eliminated rivals if they excelled and the academy's preference for admitting nobles and children of former Runners.

Lila highlighted the competitive nature of the school and its connection to becoming an official Runner.

Curious about his admission, Archer inquired, "How did I gain entrance?"

Fortunately, his parents facilitated his attendance at the Runner Academy without additional fees, covering only essential costs.

Lila detailed the dangers beyond the city wall, including Shadowstalkers, Wraiths, other dangerous creatures, and wild humans who prey on travelers.

Only protected merchants and Runners are allowed to leave the city, with a history of losses and attacks among those who ventured out.

She revealed that she and Lex's father were Runners before settling in the city.

For over an hour, Lex listened as Lila informed him about everything, from the academy to the city and beyond.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and a man with white hair and blue eyes entered, visibly startled by the scene before him.

With a smile, Lila greeted him, "He woke up a few hours ago, Gavriel. I've been explaining things to Lex since he lost his memories."

He stared at the older man, who had a suspicious expression. "Who are you, boy? What have you done with him?" the man questioned sharply.

Lila reacted swiftly, standing up and speaking angrily, "What do you mean, Gavriel? He's our son. Who else would he be?"

Ignoring her, the man advanced toward Lex and roughly grabbed his shirt, lifting him off the ground.

Despite Lila's attempts to intervene, the man pushed her aside and glared at Lex.

Feeling cornered, Lex finally admitted, "You're right. I'm not your Lex. Unfortunately, he passed away, and I found myself here after my own death."

The man's grip loosened, and he lowered Lex to the floor, tears welling in his eyes. Stepping back, he asked shakily, "What do you mean? What happened to our son?"

Lex looked at the couple, his heart racing as he gathered his thoughts. "I'm sorry, I don't have all the answers, but I'll tell you what I know," he began.

"I... I don't remember how I died," he admitted, his gaze dropping to the floor momentarily. "But somehow, after that, I woke up in your son's body."

The couple exchanged bewildered glances, a mix of emotions evident in their eyes.

"I know this is difficult to believe," Lex continued, his voice growing steadier as he spoke. "But I woke up with his memories, his thoughts, and... his feelings. It's like I was pulled into his life."

Her eyes glistened with tears. "Are you saying that our son's... essence, for lack of a better word, is now in you?" Gavriel asked, his voice a blend of hope and skepticism.

Lex shook his head and answered honestly, "I have some of his memories, but everything else feels like the old me."

Lila and Gavriel turned away from him, tears streaming down their faces.

He quickly spoke, easing the situation, "I can leave if my presence bothers you. I'm used to being alone, so it won't be too difficult for me."

Upon hearing this, Gavriel looked at him and spoke, curious, "Tell us about your previous life."

Lex hesitated momentarily, his gaze fixed upon the floor as memories of his past surged.

Sitting across from him, the couple focused on him, waiting patiently for him to talk. Taking a deep breath, Lex began to speak, his voice calm and steady.

"Back on Earth, my life was pretty normal. I had loving parents who cared about me. We lived in a cozy house on the edge of a busy city. My dad was an architect who loved drawing and designing beautiful buildings, and my mom worked hard as a nurse, helping people.''

A sad yet sweet smile appeared on Lex's face as he went on. "We used to go hiking on weekends in the woods nearby. We'd laugh and tell stories as we walked the trails. Those times were the happiest moments of my life."

His mood turned somber as he recounted the fateful day that forever altered his existence.

"It was on a rainy morning when my parents were on the way to work. The roads were slick, and tragedy struck as their car slammed into a tree.''

As he spoke, a tear rolled down his cheek. He continued, "I was at school when I got the terrible news – they didn't make it, and they passed away in the accident."

Lila's hand extended across the table, gently resting atop Lex's own. Her eyes brimmed with empathy.

His voice quivered slightly as he continued, "At the age of eight, I found myself alone and placed in an orphanage, grappling with overwhelming grief and a deep depression."

He paused, absently fidgeting with a loose string on his pants before resuming, "When I somehow passed away, I found myself within your son's body."

Lila's eyes widened, curiosity kindling within her. "So, the memories you possess… they're not genuinely yours?"

A somber expression accompanied Lex's nod etched across his features. "Exactly. I hold fragments of your son's memories, yet deep within, I am still myself, though I retain a wealth of experiences from my previous life."

They both appeared somber, but Gavriel's words brought a glimmer of hope, "You don't have to leave and be alone again. You can stay here." Gradually, they felt more at ease, realizing he might not have completely vanished.

Lex quickly replied. "Thank you both. I won't be a bother."

He stood up and returned to the room where he had woken up. In the meantime, he could hear Lila crying, with Gavriel trying to console her.

After a few hours of reading, a knock was on the door. Lila entered, carrying a tray filled with food.

She greeted him with a smile as he turned to face her and said, "Hey, Lex. Here's dinner."

She set the tray before him, offering vegetable soup and bread. Lex turned to her and said, "Thanks for the food, Lila. It looks delicious."

Lila regarded him with a mixture of warmth and sadness in her eyes. She took a deep breath and spoke gently, "Lex, my dear, I want you to understand that you don't have to address me by my name anymore. Going forward, I'd prefer you to call me 'Mother.' Regardless of your past, in our hearts, you are now our son."

Lex appeared slightly surprised, his brow furrowing. "But... I mean, I get it. However, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

She gently touched his shoulder and said, "Lex, please understand. We knew we lost our son, but we couldn't truly accept it. We felt so sad for him, for who he was. But now, we have you. We don't just see an orphan in our son's body. You're here, and we want to welcome you completely. Calling me 'Mother' is a way for us to start anew, to connect with who you are now."

A lump formed in Lex's throat as he looked into Lila's eyes, witnessing the genuine love and care she held for him. "I... I understand, M-m-mother. It's just a lot to absorb."

Lila's smile radiated warmth as she gently wiped away a tear that had escaped her eye. "I comprehend, dear. It's overwhelming for all of us. However, we're here for you, and we'll navigate this journey together."

Lex nodded, a small smile emerging on his lips. "Thank you."

She drew him into a tender embrace, and for a fleeting moment, it felt like a bridge between the past and the present was being constructed.

He realized that, even though he might never fill the shoes of the old Lex, he had discovered a new family that genuinely cared about him and desired his presence in their lives.

[A/N - Your comments, power stones, and gifts are greatly appreciated as they help support the book. Artwork can be shared in the comments or on Discord]


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