
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
158 Chs

Can I Bite Your Neck

Lex nodded in response to Tila's question. Her smile brightened as she asked, "Would you ever be interested in an older woman?"

Looking at her, he noticed her flushed cheeks and replied, "Yes, of course. Just look at you – you're beautiful."

Her smile widened at his answer. Her demeanor reminded Lex of a teenage girl in love, which he found endearing.

Tila turned her gaze toward him, ready to ask another question. "Don't you care that I'm your grandmother?"

Lex shook his head. "No, you clearly care for me more than any relative should. Yes, I'm in his body, but I don't feel like him at all. But the question is, aren't you married?''

She shook her head, still smiling, and explained, "No, I'm not. I've been waiting."

His eyes widened at this revelation, and confusion set in. How could she have never been with anyone yet have children?

However, she quickly clarified, "Well, thanks to cloning, I created my own children due to loneliness. It was great raising them, but I also want to experience giving birth to a child."

Lex felt a pang of sympathy for the woman; it seemed she had experienced loneliness. This prompted him to speak up, "Can I bite your neck?"

The older woman was taken aback by his straightforward request. She had never expected him to be so direct.

She had always hoped for this moment, but he had previously acted as if he was scared of women.

This new Lex was entirely different. Tila looked at him and said, ''Do you realize what you're asking, Lex? If you do it, we'll become lovers?''

He nodded as he replied, ''I don't see an issue with it. It might be a bit sudden, but life is short, so why not.''

She giggled upon hearing his response, but he didn't stop there. ''And I can sense that your feelings are genuine. No doubt, I'll come to love a woman like you.''

Tila smiled; this new version of him excited her. He had surprised her by returning her cuddle earlier, accepting her kisses, and going along with her plans for a date.

Her heart raced as she nodded and leaned toward him, exposing her neck. Lex's smile grew as his fangs extended, and he moved in to bite her neck.

When she felt his fangs touch her skin and pierce it, Tila let out a seductive moan as Lex started drinking her blood.

As he did, a notification popped up.

[Blood Magic Learned]

He continued drinking until he felt Tila shaking, prompting Lex to pull back and wipe the blood from his mouth.

She turned to him, and he could have sworn he saw hearts in her eyes, but she smiled and surprised him with a kiss.

He returned the kiss as her hand stroked his cheek. She pulled back and said, ''I've wanted to kiss you ever since you turned seventeen.''

Lex's confusion was evident, causing Tila to giggle as she explained that vampires mature at the age of seventeen, gaining even greater power. "The older they become, the more potent their magic and bodies grow,"

He shook his head and asked, "But why are you behaving this way with me? You're a powerful witch and can have anyone you wish."

She met his gaze, offering a smile. "Well, when you were born, I didn't think much of it. You were adorable. But it was when you turned sixteen that I began to feel drawn to you."

Lex nodded, encouraging her to continue. "It's not something I can control; it's a phenomenon all vampires experience. Your mother and father went through the same thing. It's in our nature to seek out our partners, and our blood responds when we find them."

Now understanding the situation, Lex found himself surprisingly unperturbed. In fact, he rather enjoyed the attention of the older woman.

He tilted his head, showing his neck to Tila. She got a bit embarrassed but quickly bit him. He felt really good and held onto her, accidentally touching her breast.

She didn't mind though, as she was enjoying his blood. Her enjoyment was evident as she continued to drink, prompting Lex to tighten his grip, which eventually caught her attention.

Tila stopped drinking and wiped her mouth before playfully asking, ''Are you done with my boob? You can have them very soon, my love.''

Lex's embarrassment was obvious, and he quickly withdrew his hand, causing her laughter to ring out even more.

She soon calmed down and got a look on her face as she remembered something, Tila took out a box from her storage ring.

Tila gave him the box as she spoke. ''This is a present for your 17th birthday but you've been in a coma for a long time.''

Lex looked down as he opened the box and saw two steampunk-looking pistols. They were like the revolvers back on earth but with a magical look on them.

She continued. ''They are called Gearhearts, they use mana as ammunition and with the amount you have they will be perfect for you.''

He picked both of them up and they started vibrating, Lex was about to panic until he heard Tila's angelic voice. ''Hold on my love. They are bonding to you.''

The weapons burned his hands but soon started to feel better, he felt his mana pouring into them and they started to react crazier then she thought.

When Tila saw this she quickly exclaimed. ''Shoot them into the sky and control your mana!''

Lex aimed them into the air and pulled the triggers. The chambers whirred with mechanical precision, and twin arcs of bluish mana erupted from the barrels.

The revolvers barked, and the deafening cracks echoed off the surrounding buildings.

The mana-infused bullets streaked upward, leaving behind faint trails of ethereal light as they ascended.

Higher and higher they soared until they reached their zenith, where they exploded into blinding white bursts.

The air was momentarily illuminated with an intense brilliance, casting an otherworldly glow that painted the entire city in celestial light.

Gasps of awe drifted up from the streets as the dazzling display unfolded. People stopped in their tracks, heads tilting back to witness the magical spectacle.

Lex's heart swelled with a mix of panic and worry as he watched the radiant lights dance and shimmer high above.

The explosions began to disperse, scattering shimmering motes across the sky like radiant confetti.

Each particle sparkled as it tumbled earthward, creating a mesmerizing cascade of luminescence.

The entire city seemed to hold its breath, caught in the spellbinding beauty of the moment.

Tila was amazed by the power she just witnessed and turned to him but noticed soldiers pouring into the park.

A group of soldiers, clad in intricately designed steampunk armor, emerged from the main entrance, their helmets adorned with polished brass and goggles that gleamed in the ambient light.

The soldiers formed a disciplined ring around Tila and Lex, their weapons at the ready, steam hissing from the mechanisms built into their gear.

Tila raised her hand, signaling for Lex to remain calm as she took a step forward, her demeanor turning serious.

"Stand down," Tila's voice rang out with authority, her eyes locking onto the leader of the group.

The soldier hesitated, his grip on his steam-powered rifle tightening. "Lady Tila, we've received reports of unauthorized magical disturbances in the vicinity. Our orders are to ensure the safety of the city."

Tila's gaze remained steady. "This was a misunderstanding, Captain. It was an accident on my behalf, nothing more."

The soldier nodded, signaling for his companions to pull back. Lex watched this in shock, witnessing the formidable power that Tila possessed.

He gazed at her with wide eyes, wondering about the person he had just become involved with.

She noticed his expression and spoke with an innocent smile on her face. ''I'm the commander of the wall, Lex. You'll learn all about it in the academy.''

They settled back down and resumed their conversation. Lex informed her that he had learned blood magic when he bit her, which visibly excited the woman.

As people passed by the two, they couldn't help but think that they looked like an unusual couple. Despite their similarities in appearance, they seemed to be getting along exceptionally well.

Tila then led him to an armor shop to purchase a holster for the Gearhearts. She reached for his hand, and they navigated their way through the bustling crowd.

She walked with Lex through the busy city streets. Their footsteps echoed on the cobblestones as people hurried by, and steam-powered carriages hummed in the distance.

The air was a mix of smells – the delicious scent of freshly baked pastries from a nearby bakery, the metallic tang of workshops, and a subtle hint of magic in the air.

The buildings that lined the streets were a testament to the city's unique blend of magic and technology.

Elaborate clockwork mechanisms adorned facades, and glass windows showcased fantastical contraptions that would have been deemed impossible in Lex's previous world.

As they turned a corner, Tila's steps quickened, her excitement obvious. She led him down a narrower street, flanked on either side by tall, ornate buildings.

The fading sunlight cast long shadows that danced across the cobblestones. Before they stood a shop unlike any Lex had ever seen.

The front facade was a masterpiece of gears, cogs, and brass, intricately interlocking in a mesmerizing display of steampunk artistry.

A large sign above the entrance bore the name "Clockwork Enchantments" in elegant, looping script.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]


Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

NegansPalacecreators' thoughts