
The Runaways'

Ichika is a young girl with unhappy parents. She decides that life will be better off somewhere that's more lively, Tokyo. She encounters many troubles along the way but with her friend Callum nothing could go HORRIBLY wrong...right...?

DeruanLikesWhales · Teen
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7 Chs

The Beginning

I have to leave, I started packing my bag but the sound of shouting and arguing was distracting. Mum and Dad had been fighting all night, every night, for the past six months. I didn't want to leave but I had to leave to escape this nightmare. "I'll come back, I promise.."

I had finished packing my bags when I heard glass shatter, they didn't care about how loud they were anymore they just wanted to scare each other into submission. My parents are the type of parents that you just have to wonder why they even got married in the first place, It was obvious they fell out of love fast. After I was born, which wasn't too long after they got married, they started arguing, threatening each other, threatening to leave or get a divorce. What they were threatening would've been a wise decision in my eyes, but nope, they stayed together for some reason. I still can't figure out why, did they love each other but didn't know how to show it? Possibly but why couldn't they have a civil conversation about it?

I had to get into warm clothing since it's night out and very cold. I decided to also grab my birth certificate and my train card just in case I needed to get something that involves my birth certificate and I'm also not planning on walking the entire way. I put on a mask which is normal for where we live. We live in Kyoto, Japan which means masks are a pretty common occurrence but also good so people can't see you in the dark. If I wanted to get to Tokyo from Kyoto, It'd be a long journey, But I was up for it. I got into a hoodie and put my hair up, I packed my bag with essential clothing and water from the bathroom sink.

My room layout was basic, a bed in the corner, my dresser against the wall. I didn't have anything much apart from the essentials. The only way to get out of my house without getting spotted would be climbing out the window, my room is on the second floor. We have a garden box under my window which would break my fall a bit, but it's better than landing on concrete. I double checked my bag, I was all set. I was afraid the sound of the bush shaking would catch my parents attention but it didn't, they were still as loud as ever.