
The Runaway Princess is Alittle Lost

Here magic can make the impossible possible, and even the craziest of dreams into reality. Magic can even allow someone to your nothing but will power to will something into existence. Amiria is the only daughter of the King of Lou. A prosperous kingdom that makes it wealth by invading other kingdoms and stealing their land and resources for themselves. The king is a selfish cowardly man, who locked up his only daughter in to tower allowing her to never be free of those walls. The only way she could see the outside world was threw using a magic sparrow that she could see and speak threw. Magic came easy to her, even without the help of a teacher. All that she knew was reading from old books, and simple trial and error. Once she had finally built up enough magical power after cultivating for the last seventeen years, she was ready to make her grand escape and take her revenge while she was at it. Freedom didn't come easy, the world was full of people and things that continuously catch her by surprise. Like a certain demon man that wont seem to leave her alone. Will she be able to grow strong and take back her Kindomd from her father? Or will her challenges prove too much for her to bear? Will she be able to kill those that threaten her and her loved ones and keep her adopted son safe.? The adventure begins. *Disclosure- I do not in any shape or form own the art used for the cover photo. The credit goes to it wonderful and talented creator. *

robinbanks725 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Singing Brooks Pavilion

Amiria could no longer hold in her temper. For some reason, when this man was involved all her scence seem to melted away! All her thoughts were solely focused on him and how much she wished she could murder the man!

Her hand reflexively went to her forehead, feeling the need to suppress the incoming headache she felt.

She felt almost defeated. It's not like she could actually take on a Devil despite how much she wanted to. The only choice she really had was to simply put up with him.

She let out a loud and long sigh,

"Zevran.. try and not act so bothersome. If you act so shamelessly I wont beable to be near you." She looked tired, but her eyes showed she meant every word.

"Haha! I wouldn't want that! How could I live a long and healthy life with you if you go and avoid me? We should at least consummate our marriage first.."

Zevran's muscular body shifted to the side, making just enough room for her to pass threw the gate freely.

Without saying anything else, she took this opportunity to storm past him before he had another chance to get in her way. She tried to ignore him as she went, but she couldn't help but be aware of his lingering gaze on her.

Zevran wicked at her as she walked by, making her snort angrily at his ridiculous efforts of flirting. Despite herself, she felt her face became alittle red.

The Thives Guild was alot bigger in person then what she pictured when was designing the blue prints for it. Certainly a pleasant surprise to see her vision so excellently executed. Everything from the material used to build it, to the layout of it was superb. Even the herbs shop the Guild used as a cover was thriving and bustling with customers.

The Singing Brooks Pavilion was meant to simply be a small shop to help cover the existence of the Thives Guild, but over time its popularity seemed to grow with the city folk. The herbs they sold were reasonably priced, and there were even skilled doctors whom could treat sick patients for a small fee.

Almost every could afford their prices, and the service the Singing Brooks Pavilion provided was top notch. Any one who worked there were highly respected, even the royal family took time to visit the shop every once in awhile.

Once inside, a strong scent of plants and herbs filled the air, making one feel comfortable and well at ease. Medical herbs and potions were spread out threw out the many counters with many people stopping to browse them.

An older man with long white hair and a matching beard that came down to his chest stood confidently at the front desk with his wrinkled hands clasped together behind his back. His aged eyes reflected a wise and seasoned mind.

He was obviously the manager who took care of the day to day of the shop and its customers. He looked friendly and smiled at those who walked past him, patiently waiting for someone to purchase something.

Amiria smiled kindly at the old man and slowly made her way to the counter to speak to him.

"Sir, excuse me, but I was wondering if I could buy a particular set of herbs from you."

Her big almond eyes looked up at the man innocently, not remotely giving away her true identity. She wanted to appear as if she was a simple customer coming to see the shop.

Just as she expected, the old man was oblivious to who she really was. He simply saw her as a young girl. Beautiful, but probably not all that bright. He figured she would be just like all the other girls her age and only care about her looks and finding a good husband.

He fully expected that she would want herbs used to make her skin healthier, or to loose weight. Such things were very common with girls her age.

She had high expectations of those under her, and they would have to meet those expectations or leave if they dont. This was the perfect chance to see some salesman ship in person before anyone knew who she was. She wanted him to treat her how he would treat anyone else. How else would she beable to tell if he's any good or not?

The old man smiled back at her kindly, and his voice sounded seasoned but carried itself well.

"But of course, Madame. Here at the Singing Brooks Herb House, we take great pride in carrying even the most exotic herbs! Are you looking for something to help with keeping your looks youthful? Or maybe something to make your skin glow?"

A devious smirk inched across her face, her eyes filled with mischief.

"I don't want anything as vain as that. Please bring me some water hemlock, white snakeroot, and oleander."

The man's eye's narrowed and his expression became somber.

"Miss, are you sure those are the herbs you need? Those herbs are... extremely poisonous."

She wanted to laugh at the man's shocked expression. After all, it was common knowledge that such poisonous herbs were illegal to buy. There was no way he would willingly seal such a dangerous herb to a little girl!

He would never forgive himself if the young lady missed used them and accidentally harmed herself. Even if she did know how to properly use them, that would still mean she might want some dead. He didn't want that on his concession!


☆Author's note: I am so sorry for the short chapter. Work has been especially busy and hasn't given me much time to write. I do hope you like what I have written so far, and I genuinely appreciate all my readers! Please comment and Star this novel so I can know if I'm doing well or not. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡