
The Runaway Princess is Alittle Lost

Here magic can make the impossible possible, and even the craziest of dreams into reality. Magic can even allow someone to your nothing but will power to will something into existence. Amiria is the only daughter of the King of Lou. A prosperous kingdom that makes it wealth by invading other kingdoms and stealing their land and resources for themselves. The king is a selfish cowardly man, who locked up his only daughter in to tower allowing her to never be free of those walls. The only way she could see the outside world was threw using a magic sparrow that she could see and speak threw. Magic came easy to her, even without the help of a teacher. All that she knew was reading from old books, and simple trial and error. Once she had finally built up enough magical power after cultivating for the last seventeen years, she was ready to make her grand escape and take her revenge while she was at it. Freedom didn't come easy, the world was full of people and things that continuously catch her by surprise. Like a certain demon man that wont seem to leave her alone. Will she be able to grow strong and take back her Kindomd from her father? Or will her challenges prove too much for her to bear? Will she be able to kill those that threaten her and her loved ones and keep her adopted son safe.? The adventure begins. *Disclosure- I do not in any shape or form own the art used for the cover photo. The credit goes to it wonderful and talented creator. *

robinbanks725 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Bend or Burn

"Mikel, my love, you'll want to take a few steps back."

Her sudden suggestion made him alittle worried, but he still followed her orders without question. She would never say something she didnt mean, or without good reason.

He had an idea what she had planned to do, and couldn't help but feel alittle bad for the vines.

You would never know from that gentle face of hers, but she really enjoyed destroying things that got in her way. She would get what she wanted, it didnt matter what she had to do. It was all fun and games to her.

How many ways can I make someone bend to my will? Or how many ways can I destroy something in my way?

Poor little vines..

With her hands still placed firmly on the vines, she closed her eyes tightly in concentration. She imagined her hand becoming so hot they turned anything they touched to smoldering red magma. She channelled this thought until she could actually feel the palm of her hand grow hotter and hotter.

The vines made loud hissing noises as they started to burn from her touch. A potent smell of burnt greens filled her nose and smoke rolled out from behind her hand.

Suddenly, the vines began to twitch and twist in pain, curling away from her touch. They slithered away from her like a wall of a thousand green snakes running in fear. The vines twisted and coiled themselves until they formed a perfect human size doorway. A clear path was seen all the way threw the thick vegetation revealing a strange white light at the end of the tunnel.


"I want you to stay here until I get back." She turned to look at Mikel, who was still in shock by what he had seen. When her words finally registered in his mind, his jaw slacked and his eyes widened.

When was he going to learn not to be surprised when things like this happened? Magic can make the impossible possible, and wildest dreams to become reality. Magic can even allow someone to 'will' something into existence. Just like how Amiria 'willed' her hands to become hot like magma. If you had the power to do so, then almost anything could happen.

Of course there were limitations to everything. If you dont have the aptitude or the power to cast a spell then it would fail no matter how hard one tries. The same concept goes for someone if their concentration is broken, or if they simply dont know the basic requirements of the spell.

Nothing in this world is free, even magic. Each spell with take the required amount of spiritual power from the caster. If the caster has low magic abilities then the amount of spiritual power their body contains might not be enough to cast certain spells. Those with high magic abilities will be able to cast more advanced spells because their bodies hold an abundance of spiritual power.

"No! Mikel will go with Mistress!" he stomped his little foot on the ground in a fit of rebellion. His bottom lip stuck out in a pout and he crossed his arms across his chest. How could he stay here when his Mistress might meet danger? He was her fierce proctor! How could she think to leave him behind?

Amiria let out a long heavy sigh. As cute as she thought he was right now, she couldn't encourage such defiant behavior.

She once read in a parenting book that rebellion was natural for boys his age, but this was no time for him to test such a theory out. She didnt know what was hidden inside this thick wall of vines. The only thing she did know for sure was that someone went to great lengths to keep it a secret. And with secrets, come danger.

Who knows who or what she will anger for breaking threw their spell. The most likely scenario is that who ever the mastermind was would want to seek revenge against her for ruining their spell. She doubted they would want to reward her with a cup of tea.

Even if the caster was long dead, what ever was within these walls couldn't be something simple. The way she saw it, it could be one of two things.

One: the spell could be put in place to keep outsiders from breaking in and stealing what ever treasures in side. Or two: the spell was cast to not keep others out, but to keep something from leaving. If it was the later, then it could very well be a powerful spirt beast locked away within to keep it from killing the caster. Or somthing on those lines.

No matter what it ended up being, she wasnt intrested in retrieving, or angering what was inside. If it was a treasure, then she didnt want it. The magician that casted this spell didnt cause her any harm, and she saw no reason to steal from someone so skilled. It would only bring her and her followers more trouble in the future.

If it was something dangerous, like a spirt beast or evil relic, then she would leave it there to rot. What mad woman would let loose a monster with their child bearly out of arms length?

She had used up alot of her magic lately, and any intense fights might be hard for her to win as she was now. No way she would drag a losing fight onto her own child to bear the consequences.

When it came down to it, she was just simply curious and felt she had already made it this far. It would be a shame if she didn't get to the bottom of such an interesting mystery. After all, Knowledge was her biggest weakness(besides Mikel), even if it was something useless she would still like to know.

"You will stay here, and because you defied me, I want you to recite the magicians code until I have returned"

She placed her pointer finger on his forehead, and a small red dot formed right where she had just touched.

"I placed a recording spell on you. If you stop reciting then I will know."

Mikel's face turned red in embarrassment, and he looked at his feet in defeat.

~How can Mistress make me recite the magicians code nonstop until she returned? I guess I should do as she says, or the punishment might become even worse... What if she decides to dye my whole body purple for a whole week like she did to Alister that one time?~

A shiver ran threw his spine and he was suddenly feeling much more cooperative. After making fun of Alistair that whole week, he couldn't give him a chance to get his revenge if the same happened to him! He wouldn't beable to show his face ever again!

"Yes, Mistress." he nodded signifying that he understood her would wouldn't disobey.

Amiria gave her sweet little kitten one last pat on the head before she turned toward the passage way the vines had made for her. A sweet smelling breeze was escaping from the tunnel, and gently brushed by her face, making her hair twist wildly behind her as the wind carried it.

She straightened her back and began to walk threw the long passageway, straight into the strage glowing white light at the end. Curiosity and excitement making her expression light and carefree.