
The Runaway Princess is Alittle Lost

Here magic can make the impossible possible, and even the craziest of dreams into reality. Magic can even allow someone to your nothing but will power to will something into existence. Amiria is the only daughter of the King of Lou. A prosperous kingdom that makes it wealth by invading other kingdoms and stealing their land and resources for themselves. The king is a selfish cowardly man, who locked up his only daughter in to tower allowing her to never be free of those walls. The only way she could see the outside world was threw using a magic sparrow that she could see and speak threw. Magic came easy to her, even without the help of a teacher. All that she knew was reading from old books, and simple trial and error. Once she had finally built up enough magical power after cultivating for the last seventeen years, she was ready to make her grand escape and take her revenge while she was at it. Freedom didn't come easy, the world was full of people and things that continuously catch her by surprise. Like a certain demon man that wont seem to leave her alone. Will she be able to grow strong and take back her Kindomd from her father? Or will her challenges prove too much for her to bear? Will she be able to kill those that threaten her and her loved ones and keep her adopted son safe.? The adventure begins. *Disclosure- I do not in any shape or form own the art used for the cover photo. The credit goes to it wonderful and talented creator. *

robinbanks725 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

A Wife's Responsiblity

An extremely handsome man with wild and long black hair slowly sat his body up right in the coffin. Each limb moving slowly like he hadn't used them in a long time.

His face was almost too perfect to look at. His skin was pale, contrasting beautifully against his black hair. Even in the dimly lit room she could make out his high cheekbones, chiseled masculine jaw line, and his piercing set of crimson eyes.

He looked as if he had woken up from a long sleep, and wasn't quite sure of his surroundings just yet. In fact, he didnt seem to of notice her at all. His enchanting crimson eyes weren't focused at all, as if he was looking at nothing at all.

The air around them began to turn cold, and even the white mist that collected of the ground began to dissipate. Everything around the man began to dim significantly, the only light seemed to be focused on him like a spot light.

If she wasn't more concerned about her own life at the moment, she would most likely of been captivated by the sight of him. Luckily for her, she knew better then to waste the precious time she could be using to escape!

Her mind became frantic, and she felt slightly panicked in such a unique situation.

Shit. Shit Shit!

Why was he locked up here? How did he get out? This was bad news. HE'S bad news! What if he attacks? I need to get Mikel and get the hell out of here while he still hasn't noticed me..

As stealthy as she possibly could be, she slowly began to back up towards the exit. Her eyes never leaving the unnaturally attractive man infront of her.


For fuck's sake!

As she was retreating, her foot crushed a bit of rubble from where she had blown a hole threw the wall earlier. The sound it made practically echoed threw out the silent tomb.

Her body froze from the sudden disturbance, and her blood quickly turned ice cold.

The man sheepishly tilted his head to the side, his eyes following to where the sound had originated from.

It didn't take long for his line of sight to aline with her. When their eyes met it felt like a bolt of electricity traveled down their spines at the same time. The room so silent you could hear a needled falling to the ground.

His breath caught In his chest at the sight of her. She was a Goddess. Everything about her was absolutely perfect to him, like she was made with his tastes in mind.

He clearly saw her long silver hair cascaded down her back, and her matching silver eyes glowing in the reflection of the light she carried at the tip of her fingers. Her gaze was fierce but at the same time elegant and beautiful.

Her slinder body was dressed in a simple blush pink robe, that emphasized all the right curves in all the right places. It was simply made robe with a common design on it's own, but when paired with her goddess-like-beauty it looked utterly exquisite.

His voice came out deep and hoarse, making it clear he hadn't used it in a very long time.

"Wife?" His crimson eyes looked up at her as innocent as a child. His expression soft but confused.

What did this revived corpse call her? In what world did this strage man have the right to call her his wife?

She literally destroyed a whole royal palace in order to avoid becoming someone's wife, and this man just goes and makes such a decision on his own?

"I am no one's wife." the expression she made was almost comical, like the man was a jester trying to make her laugh. Despite wanting to laugh in the man's face, still some how kept her composure.

She looked back at his smoldering gaze with her own look of displeasure.

Why was he looking at her so longingly?

Chills shot down her spine from feeling disgust.

His perfectly shaped lips curled up in a smile, showing a set of pearly white teeth.

"But you woke me up. It's the wife's responsibility to wake her husband, so you must be my wife."

He suddenly stood up, showing off his perfectly chiseled muscles threw his loose fitting white robe. It bearly clunged to his body, and she feared any sudden movements from him and the robe would fall off completely. It didn't leave very much room for imagination..

She quickly averted her eyes from the shocking sudden view of flesh, and let out a long sigh. This was the first time being caught up in such a situation. She had read books about moments like this, but what the characters would do in such scenarios were too much for her to comprehend! No way she would do something like that with a dead man!

"I didn't mean to wake you up. You can go back to sleep now." Her free hand cupped her forehead gently, trying to subdue the impending headache she felt. All she could think about was how badly she wanted to run away at that moment.

"What do you mean you didn't mean to? I heard you call out to me. You have to take responsibility." His eyes looked at her as if he had been deeply hurt by her words. She almost felt bad looking at such a sad expression.

Did he mean when she spoke up loud about feeling bad for him? If she had known then that a crazy man would wake up and call her his wife, then she would of kept her pitty to herself.

"You don't seem injured in any way, so I will take my leave. Make use of your new found freedom." She did a quick and slightly awkward looking bow then turned on her heels, and headed straight for the hole in the wall to leave.

"Wait!" The man sounded panicked, "Please, wait!"

He reached out his hand and just bearly grabbed her hand in time before she was out of his reach.

Ouch! This bastard dared to grab her? And with such strength!

An evil look spread over her face, killing intent making her silver eyes glow in the darkness. She looked like a lioness about to kill its prey.

Swiftly, she turned her body to face him, and released her orb of light allowing it to fade away. She used her now free hand and grabbed the man harshly by the throat.

Her words come out a low growl, and she looked like a wild dog ready to attack any moment. Her expression darker then the shadows that consumed the tomb now that the light was gone.

"Release. My. Hand." Her eyes narrowed and she clenched her teeth trying to hold by the pain that shot threw her arm. That was twice now her arm had been injured.

Even with her slinder fingers rapped around his throat, he couldn't help be attracted to her. He continued to only look at her longingly, not showing an ounce of fear.

Oh. It looks like she is injured. His eyes turned even gentler at the sudden realization. She's just an injured rabit, of course she would bite when she's scared. My poor wife.

"Wife, does your arm hurt alot?" He tried to make his voice as soothing as he could to appease her sudden burst of rage.

"Shut up, I am not your wife! Besides, You're the reason my arm hurts in the first place! How are you going to compensate me now?"

She was livid! How could he look at her like that while speaking such kind words? She was one squeeze away from crushing his jugular, and he dared to be so calm? Did he look down on her?

"I will heal your arm. As far as compensation goes, I will let you do with me as you please."

When his words left his mouth, his body moved before giving her a chance to react. He skillfully grabbed the hand around his neck and used it to spin her around completely. Her back pressed against his stomach, and he used his free arm to wrap around her hips.