
The runaway daughter of Duke with her hero brothers and sisters

Yuna, escaping with her fellow siblings because of the black curse, and now, those siblings turn out to be the hero that will save the world from the evil god "That being said, I am Yuna, your eldest sister, and I will not let any of you die!"

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: Mysterious dungeon

An open field, just outside the City of Estel, a calm field with numerous activities and transaction taking place. With plenty of tame monster, precious herbs, and an ancient tomb, it's a place where all kinds of people gather, from newbie and veteran adventures, to merchant, tourist, and even citizen for recreational activities

The weather is cloudy, with the nice soothing breeze, which feel nice to our long blue hair. I can tell Charlotte is excited as she always wanted to accompany me during my request. She hums around while her eyes keep looking left and right, seeing the sight of the rainbow sheep headbutting each other

As I went to the ancient tomb area, as per the request by the local governor, regarding the sight by what many believe to be the devil itself. Many adventures had completed this request, and none of them saw anything noteworthy, even from several A ranked itself, which is why Mira asked me to take the request, before the guild can permanently closed this request

(I can't sense anything, and there isn't anything that catches my eye, thus far) [Yuna]

Still, that isn't an excuse to be careless. A moment of carelessness is all that's needed take to bring down even an all powerful dragon itself, which is why I still hold Charlotte's hand


"Feeling unwell? How about we stop today and put you back to bed? " [Yuna]

"No. I'm fine. Let's keep exploring a bit further" [Charlotte]

I can respect that. It's just a cough, nothing too serious, and there isn't anything strange that's happening now. Still, I should probably make one last inspection before

"Hmm?" [Charlotte]

"Is there something the matter?" [Yuna]

"I suddenly feel strange. It's not painful or anything, just, feels like I need to do something here" [Charlotte]

"Pardon?" [Yuna]

"I'm not so sure myself. This feels like the super important homework that's needed to be done, but on a larger scale" [Charlotte]

That's strange. What business does Charlotte have in this area?

"Charlotte, let's go home now, shall we" [Yuna]

I have a feeling, thing will turn ugly real soon. This is, after all, coming from my countless experience, and I would rather be safe than be sorry when it comes to matters of their safety

"Big sis... Can we proceed?" [Charlotte]

"But why? We should hurry up and go home" [Yuna]

I try my best to persuade her. I can easily lift her up and went home, but that will just make her sulk, and I don't want her to sneak out, coming here alone without anyone knowledge, but in the end

"Please..." [Charlotte]

Damn it... She uses her begging eyes on me. It's one of my few weaknesses that I still have not overcome, however

"No, we wil..." [Yuna]

And suddenly, a loud sound coming out from in front of us, a secret area suddenly appeared right in front of us, with stair leading to an unknown underground dungeon. I believe there's no such report about an area suddenly unveiling itself, and I haven't heard of any secret dungeon near this ancient tomb. Plus, coupled with Charlotte's weird feeling just now, this can't be mere coincidence

"Big sis Yuna, over there, and the feeling keep growing bigger and bigger" [Charlotte]

This is definitely worth investigating, however

"Understood, but promise me one thing" [Yuna]

"And that is?" [Charlotte]

"Never do anything reckless, always stay by my side, and if anything happens, run" [Yuna]


She nods seriously. She knows I don't feel like playing games. The mysterious entrance emit a rather dangerous aura, with tinge of undead. I brought out my great sword and chants couple of spells, aim to protect Charlotte from any harm. I won't compromise on this aspect. I even add a few variations from the chant, that way, it will prioritize Charlotte's safety over my own. As an S-rank adventure and someone with a God of War title, I'm sure I can take few fatal blows and survive.

With that, our investigation start