
The runaway daughter of Duke with her hero brothers and sisters

Yuna, escaping with her fellow siblings because of the black curse, and now, those siblings turn out to be the hero that will save the world from the evil god "That being said, I am Yuna, your eldest sister, and I will not let any of you die!"

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 15: Guild Master Ram

It's currently noon, the following day after the meeting. The weather is cloudy, but no sign of rain falling soon, which is good since I don't want them to come back home, soaked from the rain. They are quite susceptible to cold after all, which is worrisome, although that's all in the past, they did build up some tolerance, but they will still get a nasty one once every few blue moons

Sitting outside the Guild Master Office, Ram, a fallen noble due to the political scheme of the Minister of Defence, I pass the time by reading some novels which I brought with me inside the magical pouch. I can read something more academics but let us not do that somewhere wide open. It will only ruin my concentration

"Yuna, you may enter" [Ram]

The guild master voice, a voice that is befitting of someone that once hold the title of the Captain of the entire knight, and yet gentle at the same time can be heard. It looks like he is done with his documentation for the day, something which he always prioritize so that his work does not pile up

"Thank you for your invitation, as well as for sparing me your time, Guild Master" [Yuna]

"You sure are well manner. I just hope those newbies' adventures take a lesson on etiquette from you" [Ram]

"I do ram it during our practice session, but they are just a little bit hesitant whenever I came up with it" [Yuna]

"I wonder why" (No doubt, it's her famous monstrous session that deters those newbies away) [Ran]

The middle-aged gentleman seems to be thinking of something, but I'm convinced its something noteworthy, thus, I simply give him a few seconds before he starts talking about what I wanted to hear

"Mira already told me regarding what happened to Charlotte, and if this is true, I'm sure you realize the implication of hiding it from the city lord" [Ram]

"No need to worry, I do, but I also can't let them monopolize the device, not when those four are still afflicted with the black curse" [Yuna]

I stand on my ground regarding this issue. Nothing is more important to me than those four (Llyod included of course), and seeing them all healthy, curse free is something I have always longed for

"As expected, that response of yours. I can just send you back there with a pre-text of further investigation, but that does not remove the primary obstacle" [Ram]

"Which is why I came here today, for asking your opinion" [Yuna]

Last resort, I will just beat every single person sent by the city lord and get those four safely to the device, but that's a violent and ungraceful way of doing it, unsuited for me. Plus, it's a hassle, and the city lord can charge me for obstructing the investigations on his behalf if I do assault them all.

"This might not be the best, but what if there is something to deter them from investigating the place" [Ram]

"Pardon me?" [Yuna]

"Simply put, we can just distract them, steer them away from there, and you can sneak up afterward" [Ram]

"And how will I do that?" [Yuna]

"This" [Ram]

He said that, while handling a quest about a fire bear