
THE run away(s)

Allison had been married to her husband for five years, but the past two had been harrowing. He had become increasingly controlling and abusive, and her life had become a prison of fear. Despite her best efforts to make the marriage work, she knew it was time to face the truth and get away.

Narsuki_isaki · Teen
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4 Chs

The escape(prologue)437 words

Allison had lived a fairly average life, growing up in a small town with her parents and siblings. She had a few close friends but never really felt like she fit in. After graduating high school, she married her high school sweetheart, thinking it would make her life better. 

However, Allison soon realized that her husband was abusive and controlling. He would belittle her, criticize her, and make her feel she was worthless. She stayed in the marriage for years, afraid of leaving him and facing the unknown. 

The Escape

Allison had been married to her husband for five years, but the past two had been harrowing. He had become increasingly controlling and abusive, and her life had become a prison of fear. Despite her best efforts to make the marriage work, she knew it was time to face the truth and get away.

It wasn't until she discovered she was pregnant that she found the courage to make her escape. But, she knew she had to be careful. Her husband would never let her go without a fight.

On a cold and rainy night, she packed a bag and left her home, taking her unborn child with her. She knew that this was her only chance to leave, and she was determined to take it.

She took a bus to a nearby city and used the money she had saved to rent a small apartment. It wasn't much, but it was enough for her and her unborn child. She worked odd jobs here and there and tried to make a new life for herself.

It wasn't easy, but she eventually made her way. She found a job as a waitress and saved enough to eventually buy a small house. She also reconnected with her family and was able to get money to put her kids through college.(she only has one kid)

Allison had taken a huge risk and it paid off. She had managed to start a new life for herself and her unborn child, and she was proud of what she had accomplished. Although she had lost her husband's money, she had gained a newfound freedom and independence.

As her due date approached, Allison nervously prepared for the birth of her child. She knew she would have to keep her little one safe and away from her husband's influence.

After a difficult labor, Allison welcomed her baby girl into the world. Although she was filled with joy, she was also filled with fear. She vowed to keep her daughter safe and to make sure she was never in the grips of an abusive relationship.