
The Rulers World

Damn what the hell! who told you I want to be a ruler please let me enjoy a peaceful life I am tired of working. Derrick Dark the sole heir of the Dark territory was given a second chance of life, due to the events of his past life, he wanted nothing more than peace and leisure. Derrick came to terms that to enjoy the peace and leisure he desires, he needed power and due to his quest for power and leisure, beauties usually find their way towards him.

NicholasZZ · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Derrick's Past Life 11

The battle wasn't getting any easier, the fight was getting more and more intense, four men were already dead leaving only six of them, one has already lost one his hands, leaving only five able to fight properly.

Shadow could only parry their attacks, he knew he was in a pickle, he could only manage to defend, he had sword marks all over and was bleeding.

'Maybe it's time for me to leave' Shadow thought before apparently rushing forward dodging their attacks before apparently throwing a dagger towards one of the men in black only for the man to dodge it, but Shadow was waiting for that split moment of him dodging it, Shadow threw himself forward and stabbed the man in his chest before leaving his sword there and ran to escape, he finally escaped only to get outside and see about another thirty men in black with guns pointed at him.

Shadow face went pale after seeing all the guns pointed at him, he sighed.

"Damn it, I guess this is the end" he said while bringing out his gun and dagger, he was prepared to go fight his way out, only to be smacked in the neck from behind with the hilt of a sword losing his consciousness.

"This damned idiot gave us a hard time, killing five of my men" the man in black said in anger kicking the unconscious Shadow, "Take him away, if not for the orders his head would be the next thing flying from his damn body"

The men saluted him and dragged off the unconscious Shadow and threw him in the booth of the car they came with.

After God knows when, Shadow woke up in chains tied to a chair, in a room that looks like a cell.

Pahh!!! a sounding slap was heard echoing through out the room, as soon as Shadow woke up the pain of the slap was felt and his ears were ringing, he struggled only to find out he was chained to a chair.

"Hey hey hey" the man said to Shadow while tapping Shadow's cheek with his hand.

"The only thing keeping you alive now is your adopted father, you fucking little prick" the man said while looking at Shadow whose face was full of rage, seeing shadows face like that he began laughing very hard, he then went down forcefully pulled on Shadow's hair and said to him while bringing his face closer to Shadows face...

"Look here you fucking little prick, if you stare at me like that one more time I will castrate you, those damned idiots couldn't catch one man and couldn't find him for years, you would have been dead already" the man said while pushing Shadow away, he then brought out a cigar, put it in his mouth and then blew on it.

"On that faithful day Blade massacred all the men we sent out leaving only one alive with a message, ""Touch Shadow and the whole world would know the true faces of the organization"" before he apparently disappeared, till this day there were no traces of him, that's why the organization have been turning a blind eye towards all your movement ever since, but you are trying to find out too much"

The man said blowing out the smoke from his cigar.

"The organization has decided not to ignore you anymore, we would be putting you on surveillance, all your acquired wealth would be seized, and you would be put to work as a normal salary man in one of the companies under the organization, this is the decision of the higher-ups" the man said with a grim face, he wanted so badly to end Shadow's life, the death of his most elite men was still fresh in his brain, this punishment was far too mild for him.

"Fuck you and fuck your organization am not working under anybody, and if Blade is still alive do you think you can catch him, you guys are screwed" Shadow said while glaring at the man.

The man punched Shadow's face saying "I told you not to look at me like that you fucker, you have no choice, during your little nap, we have installed a bomb and a gps inside of you, so this wasn't a request it was an order" the man said with a face that screams anger, if looks could kill, the look on that man face would have killed Shadow ten times over.

'A bomb that could kill is in me?' "You fucker you must be lying" Shadow shouted not accepting reality.

The man burst out laughing "Yes this is the look I want to see in your face despair, did you think you would be alive now if we wanted you dead? thank your stars this is the way for you to live" the man said then left Shadow there.

Shadow was left alone for up to five days, there was no one coming to torture him, he hasn't been fed or left the place he has been sitting for five good days.

"Are you willing to cooperate now?" the man that once interrogated came back with a smirk looking at Shadow weak frame brought joy to the mad man and he couldn't help but be happy about it.

"Get lost fucker" Shadow said to the man with little to no strength left in him, the man smiled and left, about another 5 days he came back with thesame question but only to see that Shadow had collapse, he was immediately rushed to the emergency room, it seems they were in a secret location of the organization and they had everything there in case of emergencies.

Later when Shadow woke up he was fed, he ate like it was his last meal, due to the feeling of not tasting water talk less of food for 10 days after fighting seriously and losing alot of blood, he was down to his last legs before, he accepted their proposal, he regretted not listening to Blade and living a quiet life, now Blade was still even protecting him.

He worked as a salary man in the lowest totem of hierarchy, he was mostly doing menial jobs with menial pay, he was worked to the bone everyday carrying boxes, his co workers laughed at him because they knew his situation and knew he was being picked on, while his boss who was taking orders from the organization made his life as miserable as ever, he lived like that for four years with no hope in sight, that's when he became 32, his death was still something he couldn't understand, did they find Blade and the organization decided to kill him or did he really die from over working.

His past life was a miserable one, so in this new life, he decided to enjoy it, the childhood he never had, he would behave like a child and enjoy it, to protect his family he couldn't protect in his past life and to work as less as possible in this life, the strain of his past life still hunts him, since he was adopted there was no time he was really free and enjoyed himself, he was even a bit happy that, that life has ended, he must look forward and protect everything dear to him now.