
The Ruler over Darkness

Heliay is a being with a powerful destiny, one that will see him feared by many in the future. As he grows and learns about the world around him, Heliay begins to realize that he is different from those around him. He has a special power within him, a power that he doesn't fully understand but that he knows is important. As he grows older, he starts to see visions of a time when he will be feared by many. He sees himself leading armies and conquering lands, his power and strength feared by all who stand in his way. At first, Heliay is scared by these visions and the weight of his destiny. He doesn't want to be feared, to be a leader of armies and conqueror of lands. He just wants to live a simple, peaceful life. But as he comes to understand his power and learns to embrace it, he realizes that he has a role to play in the world, a role that only he can fulfill. And so, with a heavy heart but a fierce determination, he sets out to embrace his destiny, to become the being that in the future will be feared by many. ___________________________________________________________ Hey Heliay here, I am completely new to writing and unexperienced but I still hope someone will like my work. I try to update the story 2-3 Chapters a week. Thanks for Reading it. For any question send me a dm on Discord heliay#6525 or send me a direct message!

Heliay · Fantasy
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2 Chs


As Heliay continued to explore, he encountered all manner of strange and wonderful creatures. Some were friendly and welcoming, while others were more cautious and reserved. But no matter what their temperament, Heliay was always eager to learn more about them, to discover their habits and ways of life.

He also encountered a wide variety of landscapes, each one more breathtaking than the last. There were rolling hills and verdant forests, shimmering lakes and soaring mountain ranges. He marveled at the beauty of it all, feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the majesty of this new world.

But despite all the amazing sights and experiences he encountered, there were times when he still felt a sense of loneliness and isolation. He missed the familiarity of his old life, the people and places he had left behind. He often found himself thinking about his loved ones and wondering if they were okay.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Heliay started to wonder if he would ever find his way home. He knew that it was unlikely, but he couldn't help but hold onto a glimmer of hope. He knew that he had to make the most of his new life, to find his own happiness and purpose in this strange and wondrous place.

And so, he continued to explore and discover, always seeking out new experiences and learning as much as he could about this amazing world. He knew that he would never be able to fully understand it all, but he was content to spend the rest of his days trying. And as he looked up at the sky, he knew that he had finally found his home, in this beautiful, mysterious place that he had come to call home.

As the months turned into years, Heliay began to feel more at home in the great forest. He had come to know it intimately, exploring every nook and cranny and learning all of its secrets. He had even built himself a small hut on the edge of the forest, where he could rest and relax after a long day of exploring.

Despite the fact that he still missed his old life, Heliay had come to love the forest and all of the creatures that lived within it. He had made many friends among the animals and plants, and he enjoyed spending his days learning about their habits and ways of life.

One day, as he was out foraging for food, he stumbled upon a clearing that he had never seen before. It was a beautiful, sun-dappled glade, filled with wildflowers and tall grasses. In the center of the clearing stood a large, ancient tree, its branches reaching up towards the sky.

As Heliay approached the tree, he felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if the tree was calling to him, inviting him to come closer. He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should approach, but then he heard a voice calling to him from within the tree.

"Come closer, Heliay," the voice said. "I have something to show you."

Heliay was hesitant, but he couldn't resist the pull of the tree. He walked towards it, and as he did, he saw a small door appear in the trunk. Without thinking, he stepped through the door and found himself in a small, cozy room.

In the center of the room sat an old, wise-looking woman. She had a kind face and twinkling eyes, and she was smiling at Heliay as if she had been expecting him.

"Welcome, Heliay," she said. "I have been waiting for you."

Heliay was speechless. He had no idea how this woman knew his name or why she had been waiting for him. But as he looked into her eyes, he felt a sense of peace and understanding wash over him. He knew, somehow, that this woman was someone special, someone who could help him find his way in this strange and wondrous place.

The old woman introduced herself as the guardian of the great forest, a being of great power and knowledge who had watched over the forest and all of its inhabitants for centuries. She told Heliay that she had been waiting for him to arrive, that she had seen his arrival in a vision and had been preparing for his arrival ever since.

Heliay was amazed by the woman's words, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism. He had never believed in things like visions or destiny, and he wasn't sure if he could trust this woman's claims.

But as he listened to her speak, he found himself drawn in by her wisdom and compassion. She told him stories of the forest and its history, of the creatures that lived within it and the secrets it held. And as he listened, he began to see the forest in a different light, to understand its beauty and complexity in a way that he had never before.

He also learned about the great danger that the forest was facing, a danger that threatened to destroy it and all of its inhabitants. The old woman told him that only he, Heliay, had the power to save the forest, to harness the energy that flowed within him and use it to restore balance and harmony to the land.

Heliay was hesitant at first, unsure if he was up to the task. But as he looked into the old woman's eyes, he saw the trust and confidence she had in him, and he knew that he couldn't let her down. He vowed to do whatever it took to save the forest, to use the power within him to bring light and hope to this beautiful, wondrous place.

And so, with the old woman's guidance and support, Heliay set out on a journey to save the great forest, a journey

that would take him to the far reaches of the land and test him in ways he had never imagined. He traveled through dense forests and across rolling hills, braving treacherous mountains and scorching deserts.

Along the way, he encountered all manner of creatures, both friend and foe. Some tried to help him on his quest, while others sought to stop him at any cost. But no matter what obstacles he faced, Heliay never gave up, driven by his sense of purpose and determination to save the forest.

As he journeyed deeper into the land, he began to learn more about the source of the danger that threatened the forest. He discovered that it was a powerful, malevolent force, one that had been corrupting the land and its inhabitants for centuries. He also learned that there was a way to defeat this force, a way to purify the land and restore it to its former glory.

But in order to do so, he would have to find the ancient relics, powerful artifacts that held the key to unlocking the forest's power. It was a daunting task, one that many had tried and failed before him. But Heliay was determined to succeed, driven by his love for the forest and his sense of responsibility to protect it.

As he searched for the relics, he encountered many challenges and obstacles, but he never gave up. He fought fierce battles and braved treacherous challenges, always pushing himself to the limit and beyond. And as he drew closer to his goal, he began to feel a sense of hope and confidence that he had never known before.

Finally, after months of searching and struggle, Heliay found the last of the relics. He held it in his hands, feeling its power and energy flow through him. He knew that this was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment when he could finally save the forest and restore balance to the land.

With a fierce cry, he unleashed the power of the relics, purifying the land and banishing the malevolent force that had threatened it for so long. The great forest was saved, and peace and harmony were restored to the land.

As the years passed, Heliay settled into a peaceful routine in the great forest. He spent his days exploring its many wonders and helping to protect it from any threats that arose. He had become a beloved member of the community, respected and admired for his bravery and selflessness.

He also made a number of close friends among the forest's inhabitants, creatures who had become like family to him. He enjoyed spending time with them, sharing in their joys and sorrows and learning from their wisdom.

Despite the fact that he had found a sense of purpose and belonging in the forest, Heliay never forgot his old life. He often found himself thinking about his loved ones and wondering what had become of them. He hoped that they were happy and healthy, and he prayed that one day he might be able to return to them.

But he also knew that it was unlikely. He had been gone for many years, and it was unlikely that anyone would still be looking for him. He had made his home in the forest, and he was content to spend the rest of his days there, surrounded by the beauty and peace of this amazing place.

So he settled into a peaceful routine, enjoying the simple pleasures of each day and living in harmony with the land. And as he looked up at the sky, he knew that he had finally found his true home, in this beautiful, wondrous place that he had come to call home.