
The Ruler Of All - The Immortal Demon’s Rise to Power

Offered a chance to save his own life, Demon, Shinji Yuu, makes a deal with a mysterious voice in his head and is cursed with immortality, as well as the ability to unlock his unfathomable power that’s hidden deep inside his soul. There is one condition though - He must rise to defeat the almighty Demon King. Word count: 1000-2000 words/ch (on average) Roughly 1 chapter per month

JSPRX · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Holy Celestial Mages

The Celestial Palace, Holyland, The Holy Kingdom:

Gina and Karma entered the conference room and is greeted by the glances of the other celestials, who had been waiting for the 5 empty chairs to be filled, although 3 would continue to remain empty.

"If it isn't the fake princess, and she seems to have brought some strange child with her!" Iris, Celestial of Purity, snickered to the new arrivals.

"Don't mind her you two!" Seize, Celestial of Truth, Speaks up, "It is wonderful to see you both!" He smirks.

Gina begrudgingly smiles at Iris and Seize, who, as a couple, have a clear disliking towards them.

"Hello Karma, Gina," Esmeralda speaks, silencing the minor commotion. "Please take your usual seats and we shall begin."

"Begin? But we're still awaiting Kin, Tone and Nebula!" Term, Celestial of Love, makes a point.

"Oh, hey Term!" Karma says, ignoring what he said, "I didn't see you there, how are ya?"

"Shut up you little brat, can't you see i'm busy?" Term responds, having a hatred for Karma due to

her carefree attitude.

"HEY THERE'S NO NEED TO BE SUCH A BITCH ABOUT IT, I WAS JUST SAYING-" Karma's short fuse blows, before getting interrupted by Esme, who is getting slightly impatient to start the conference.

"Silence." Esme silences the others. "The absence of the Faith Celestial's squad is one of the reasons you are all here today" She announces, "The Celestials of Faith, Patience and Pacifism were all killed during their siege on the Demon Realm Capital: Limbo."

The room erupts into conversation, concern and confusion. Gina and Karma, however, sat solemnly with expressions of grief.

"Karma are you okay? You can talk to me if you want, will you?" Asked Pine, Celestial of Reticence, with genuine concern.

"No i already knew, but thanks man." Karma replies.

Pine has always liked Karma, being the second youngest of them behind her, but Karma only really likes him for how he always speaks his mind, in fact, he can't not speak his mind!

Pine nods and looks away.

"Don't say the conference was called just for that? They can just be reincarnated!" Scold, Celestial of Piety, irreverently speaks up. Scold, being a tall, blonde, tough looking man is considered to be one of the strongest celestials, almost as strong as Gina.

"You are correct Scold, and two of them already have been." Esme reveals, ignoring the disrespect. "The new Celestial's of Faith and Pacifism have been born in the Holyland, receiving the True God's grace at birth."

"But what about Nebula?" A concerned Karma asks, "Why hasn't the Celestial of Pacifism been reincarnated?"

"That's because the Holy Skill: Recharge, which is required to activate the reincarnation, is unobtainable." Esme says, "It's due to the skill being within a living vessel."

The celestials briefly converse speculation.

"This brings me to the main reason for the conference - The era of peace with the demon race has ended, as instructed by the True God himself." Esme explains, "During this first raid, there were two anomalies that caused the death of Kin's squad."

"If i may take a guess, would one of them be a Demon Lord?" Gina enquires.

"You're correct Gina, Demon Lord Diablo undoubtedly overpowered Kin and Tone within minutes of each other." Esme says, before glancing at Karma, who she had already told this too. "Nebula, however, was killed a while after by someone else - another unprecedented demon. This one though, was not a Demon Lord."

Yet again, discussion emerged among the celestials before it faded to silence.

Karma sat with a stern expression, despite her buried sorrow from losing her older sister.

After about a second of silence, Esme continued speaking. "This demon seemingly appeared out of thin air, but by some stroke of fate, it was able to beat Nebula in a one on one and steal her holy skill thereafter." Esme displays a magic chart that held a description of a dark magic ability. "This could only have been done so with the use of such a rare dark magic ability that it has only been seen enough times throughout history to count on my two hands." Esme says this with 8 of her fingers up, before putting the 9th up after she finishes speaking. "This ability is non other than merge, an ability created by the longest living non-primordial demon, the one who bares the trait of sloth - Demon Lord Izar."

Term smirks, before he speaks his mind "That lousy excuse for a demon lord? The same one that spends his time in hiding, avoiding our sights for what seems like an era? The same Demon Lord of Sloth that he," Term points at scold, "Failed to eliminate?" Scold scoffs at this unnecessary statement, "Do you have any idea what-"

"And what do our failed past endeavours have to do with the issue at hand, Celestial of Love?" Esme cuts Scold off, handling the situation by putting Term in his place. "And who are you to interrupt your Leader on such an important matter?" She continues, making Term sit down and apologise.

"I know this situation is not ideal, with the absence of 3 Celestials, one being unable to be reincarnated, but we are now at war with the Demon race, yet again, i should say." Esme's voice fills the room, silencing any other noise within it.

"As of now, we have 3 main objectives: To release the Holy Skill: Recharge from the problematic demon, to reincarnate and train the new Celestials of Faith, Patience and Pacifism, And finally to eradicate the Demon Race, as instructed by our True God, once and for all." For once, all the Celestials in the room stay quiet and listen.

"Karma, i take it you'll make the first objective your main concern?" Esme looks at Karma as she gives a stern nod.

"Me too, i'll help Karma, only because it might make her feel better." Pine, Celestial of Reticence says.

"I suppose i'll have fun with this, but only if i am assisted in what i'd call…. a local problem, in return." Gina smirks at Karma, who nods at both her and Pine with thanks.

"Good, that is all." Esme stands up from the table, showing her small stature, "Keep your connections active, she briefly glances at Gina, i will in no doubt be in touch." With that, Esme disappears using Instant teleportation. Seize, Iris and Scold waste no time in making their exits either.

"Oi, Gina," Term calls out, catching her attention. "Don't involve my territory in any of your petty diplomacy's." He says, referring to her takeover of the Sarauta kingdom, before he walks out of the room. Gina yet again smirks at his remark, before leading Karma and Pine back to her castle, marking the end of this Celestial's conference.

The Adventurers Guild, Tesmuth, Realm of the Humans:

Returning to the adventurers guild, Aki, following behind Shinji and Kasumi, makes note to keep an eye out for that strange girl he met yesterday in hopes to monitor her out of worry that she would dig too deep. However, despite her insistence of being there the next day, Sena was nowhere to be seen.

They approach the front desk and are directed to the rank scaling room, where the wait in line for their scheduled time. Shinji, standing in front is greeted by a large, armoured man who wears the "Silver I" plate around his neck. The man looks down at Shinji, who's appearance doesn't strike that of a powerful warrior. "Oi, kid, wanna make a small bet with me" the armoured, muscular man smirks. Shinji looks up with a seemingly unfazed expression. "What do you want."

"What i want is for you and i to bet…. let's say ALL of our money on if you'll start at a higher rank than me." The man looks to exploit the eagerness of young, confident adventurers like he has done so in the past. Shinji smirks back at him. "Sure thing,, i'll bet ALL of what i got, it would be nice to have some more money." He realises the value of this man's incompetence.

"Hehehe, you can't back out of it now, i'll be waiting right here."

Shinji is the first to get scanned out of the three of them, but after the human doing so is finished she has a troubled look on her face. "Wh-what? This stupid thing must be broken." She says, looking a bit shocked. "Sorry, i'll try again with this other one." But it seems she got the same result and try's again, and again, and again, and again before she finally accepts this shocking reality. "W-well, Mr Natsuki, it appears that you're… extremely gifted." The woman digs out one of the few spare Crystal plates they have in the building and hands it to Shinji. "You're now the 6th and newest Crystal Plate."

Shinji walks out of the room, crystal plate around his neck, catching the Silver I man on his way out.

"So, newbie, what did you-" The man pauses in awe at what he has seen, while Shinji stands with his hand held out, waiting for his winnings. After Aki and Kasumi both shock the life out of the power scaler just like Shinji did, the three of them walk out with a big bag of money in hand. "We should probably hide this, humans are known to be shamelessly consumed with greed." Aki says.

"No problem." Kasumi store the Money away using one of the few light magic spells she managed to learn: Deep pockets.

"So we're going to see this… Unbeatable Five, like the desk lady said, right?" Shinji says as he walks.

"Apparently they're the strongest of the adventurers…. this will be rather interesting." Aki smiles as they head towards their destination, unaware of the substantial impact this day will have on them for the rest of their lives.