
The Rule of Marked

"The Rule of Marked" is an enthralling fantasy tale of a young protagonist, Alex, living in a world without extraordinary abilities. But when a mysterious Mark appears on their skin, Alex's life takes an extraordinary turn. With ancient prophecies, hidden secrets, and a looming darkness, Alex embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure to unlock the true power of the Mark and face the fate of the world.

DaoistJ77z8f · Fantasy
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The Unmarked World

Eldenwood town was set among rolling hills and verdant forests, a haven of peace in a world unaffected by the remarkable. The villagers went about their daily routines, tending to their fields, trading goods, and living their lives in harmony with the rhythms of nature. In this unmarked world, there were no signs of exceptional abilities or unique talents. The absence of Marks, the mystical symbols that bestowed incredible powers, was the norm, and the villagers led simple, content lives.

A pleasant and bustling general shop located in the middle of the village. Its wooden shelves were neatly arranged with a variety of goods, from freshly baked bread to handcrafted trinkets. Alex, a young and amiable individual, bustled about the store, greeting customers with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Mrs. Turner! How can I help you today?" Alex asked as an elderly woman shuffled into the store.

"Oh, just a loaf of your finest bread, dear," Mrs. Turner replied, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "The grandchildren are visiting, you see."

Alex selected a perfectly baked loaf and wrapped it in a crisp white paper. As they handed it over, Mrs. Turner leaned in conspiratorially.

"Rumor has it, old man Jenkins saw a shooting star last night," she whispered with a mischievous grin.

"A shooting star?" Alex raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "In these parts? That's quite rare."

"Yes, indeed. Some say it's a sign of good fortune, while others believe it's a harbinger of change," Mrs. Turner said cryptically before giving a little wink and leaving the store.

Alex chuckled to themselves, brushing off the idea of a shooting star having any significance. The locals had a talent for incorporating folklore and superstitions into everyday life. With a dismissive shake of their head, Alex returned to their tasks, tidying up the shelves and restocking supplies.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the village, the door to the store swung open, and Lily breezed in. Lily was a close friend of Alex's, her vibrant energy contagious and her presence always a welcomed interruption.

"Hey, you!" Lily exclaimed, giving Alex a playful nudge. "Closing up shop already?"

Alex laughed. "Almost, just a few more things to organize, and then I'll be off."

Lily leaned against the counter, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You've been working too hard, you know. You need a break."

"I know, I know," Alex replied with a mock sigh. "But duty calls, my friend."

Lily's gaze shifted to the side, and her expression turned thoughtful. "Oh, have you heard the latest gossip?"

Alex chuckled. "Lily, you know how much I love hearing about everyone's business."

Lily leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, apparently, old man Jenkins claims he saw a shooting star last night."

"Oh, that's what Mrs. Turner said." Alex raised an eyebrow. "Is it true?"

Lily nodded, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. "That's what everyone's saying. Some folks think it's a sign of good luck."

Alex chuckled again. "I wouldn't mind a bit of good luck."

"Who would?" Lily agreed with a playful wink. "Anyway, don't work too late, alright? You deserve some rest."

With a final wave, Lily left the store, the bell above the door jingling softly as it swung shut. Alex watched her go, a fond smile lingering on their lips. Lily was a constant source of lightheartedness in their life, and her words were a reminder to take a step back and enjoy the simple pleasures.

With the store finally organized, Alex locked up and stepped out into the cool evening air. The village was bathed in the warm, golden light of lanterns that lined the streets. The air was filled with the aroma of dinner cooking, and the distant sound of laughter echoed on the breeze.

As Alex strolled through the village, they couldn't shake off a strange feeling, a tingle of anticipation that pricked at their senses. It was as if the world itself held its breath, poised for something extraordinary to unfold.

Arriving at their modest cottage, Alex lit a lantern and settled into their favorite armchair by the window. The soft glow of the lantern cast a warm ambiance, creating a cozy retreat from the world outside. With a heavy tome in hand, they lost themselves in stories of forgotten heroes and magical quests.

The hours slipped away, and the moon climbed higher in the night sky. Alex's eyelids grew heavy, and they set the book aside, yawning as they stretched their arms above their head. The flickering lantern cast dancing shadows on the walls, and the silence of the night enveloped them like a comforting blanket.

And then, it happened.

A streak of light pierced the darkness outside, a brilliant flash that painted the sky with shades of silver and blue. Alex's heart skipped a beat as they sat up, their eyes widening in astonishment. It was as if the very fabric of the universe had shifted for a fleeting moment, leaving behind a trail of brilliance.

The room seemed to hold its breath, as if time itself had paused. And then, in an instant, the tranquility shattered.

A searing pain erupted on Alex's forearm, a sensation so intense that they cried out in shock. They clutched their arm tightly, fingers digging into the fabric of their sleeve. The pain was unlike anything they had ever experienced, a burning sensation that seemed to sear into their very core.

As quickly as it had begun, the pain subsided, leaving behind a deep sense of bewilderment. Alex's breath came in ragged gasps as they slowly released their grip on their arm. Trembling, they cautiously looked down, their eyes widening in disbelief.

There, etched onto their skin, was an intricate Mark. The Mark glowed softly, its ethereal light casting a gentle radiance in the room. Its lines and curves formed an elaborate pattern that seemed to shimmer and shift as they looked at it, as if it were alive.

Alex's heart raced as they extended their arm, staring at the Mark in awe. The tingle of anticipation they had felt earlier had magnified into a full-fledged whirlwind of emotions. They had heard of Marks before, the symbols that granted incredible powers to those chosen by fate. But in their unmarked world, such things were considered mere legends, distant tales from a realm of fantasy.

But now, here it was, undeniable and real—the Mark that adorned their skin. It felt warm to the touch, pulsating with a gentle energy that resonated deep within them. It was as if a dormant part of their being had awakened, a sensation that sent shivers down their spine.

Just as the shock of the Mark's appearance began to settle, a knock on the door jolted Alex from their reverie. They jumped, their heart racing, and hurried to the door, a mixture of trepidation and curiosity churning within them.

Opening the door, Alex found Lily standing on the threshold, concern etched across her features.

"Alex, are you alright?" Lily asked, her voice tinged with worry. "I heard a noise, and I thought—"

Alex's gaze shifted to their forearm, where the Mark glowed softly. Without a word, they extended their arm, displaying the Mark to Lily.

Lily's eyes widened in astonishment, her jaw dropping slightly. She reached out, her fingers hovering just above the Mark's surface, as if she were afraid to touch it.

"Wow, Alex, this... this is incredible," Lily finally managed to say, her voice a hushed whisper.

"I... I don't even know how it got here," Alex admitted, their voice filled with a mixture of awe and confusion. "It just appeared after I saw that shooting star."

Lily's gaze was fixed on the Mark, her expression a mix of wonder and excitement. "Do you think it means something? Like... like some kind of special power or destiny?"

Alex shook their head, their brows furrowing as they contemplated the implications of the Mark's sudden appearance. "I have no idea. All I know is that it's unlike anything I've ever seen before."

Lily's gaze shifted from the Mark to Alex, her expression softening with concern. "Well, whatever it is, you're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together."

A surge of gratitude washed over Alex, grateful for Lily's unwavering support. As they looked at the Mark once more, they knew that their life was about to change in ways they couldn't yet comprehend. The appearance of the Mark was just the beginning of a journey that would lead them to discover the truth about its origins, its power, and the destiny it heralded.

The unmarked world they had known was about to be transformed by the extraordinary, and Alex was at the very heart of this enigmatic awakening.