
Chapter 2: A New Acquaintance

I was standing in the waiting room, looking at the walls of paintings until Sir Bernard, one of the Prince's personal assistants, returned.

"Prince Hugo is ready to meet with you, Lady Ahren," he said. "I will lead you there." I followed him out into the main hall again where other palace workers were rushing back and forth completing numerous tasks. "Here we are."

He knocked on the door and announced my arrival. Then he opened the door and motioned for me to step inside.

"Your Highness," I said, dipping down. "Thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice."

"I know. I received your letter just as Bernard mentioned you had arrived," he chuckled.

"I apologize–"

"Don't apologize. I'm amazed you're ready to work so soon. You seemed very hesitant to be my Royal Advisor yesterday," he said. He nodded to Bernard who bowed before leaving and closed the doors. The Prince continued, "What changed your mind?"

"I spoke with my father, and he helped clear my mind a bit. I know I am still young and have much to learn but I realized this opportunity was one way to achieve that."

"Would it be too soon to say I trust your guidance? Or should I frame it as a hypothesis?"

I looked up and saw his playful smile. I gave him a small smile in return. "What would you like me to start on?"

"Down to business, I see," he said, going back around to his desk. "We won't start with something too major. I mainly want you to get acquainted with the way things are run around here. First off, as Royal Advisor, you must know that you are just below that of royalty in terms of authority. Whatever decisions are made must be approved by you and then I or my father will have the final say. Second, you are free to use any of the resources within the palace. Just say the word and it will be brought to you. Lastly, you are welcome to delegate work as you see fit. Please do not overburden yourself. We've seen that happen one too many times which ends up bringing everyone down."

"Yes, Your Highness," I said.

"As for your very first assignment, I need you to simply review the royal budget for the upcoming year."

"The royal budget?" I repeated without thinking.

"Yes. I need you to make any necessary adjustments. I heard from your father that you are great with numbers and from what I saw at that meeting, you have a good sense of what should take priority to ensure our kingdom's prosperity." He handed me a stack of papers along with a few books. "Oh, and Bernard should be waiting right outside to show you to your office."

"Thank you, Your Highness," I said and bowed quickly.

"And also, speed is not our top priority when accomplishing this task so please do not rush."

I nodded my head and turned to leave.

"And one more thing."

"Yes, Your Highness?" I said, turning around.

"I look forward to working with you," he smiled.

"I as well," I smiled back and went out.

Just as the Prince said, Bernard was waiting for me and led me straight to my office. When I first entered the room, I was astonished. The space was much more grandiose than I thought, and the window provided a beautiful view of the palace's inner garden. I walked over and touched the large oak desk that would become my future workplace.

"Lady Ahren, your desk should have all the necessary tools for you to review the budget. Please let me know if there is anything else I can fetch for you. I will be in the adjacent room for your convenience," Bernard said. He bowed and took his leave while I took a moment to take it all in. This was my future. And with that, I began reviewing the documents in front of me.


I was in the middle of writing up a few more notes to my report when a knock at the door yanked me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered. I saw Bernard on the other side of the door.

"Uh, Lady Ahren, it is already night," he said. I looked out the window and saw the moon high up in the sky already. I briefly remembered my father stopping by asking if I was ready to leave. I told him to go ahead without me since I had a few more things to take care of.

"Oh, I must have gotten carried away," I said, starting to organize the papers into a neat pile.

"Would you like to stay in a spare room for the night? I can ask His Highness––"

"It's all right. I'll head back home tonight," I said, standing up and packing my bag.

"Are you sure? At least let us send an escort with you."

"It'll be all right. My home is not too far from here and I should probably leave right now or else my father will worry."


"Don't worry, Bernard," I smiled. "I will be back tomorrow." As I put on my coat, I hurriedly left the office and started my trek home. The streets were scarce with life, and it finally occurred to me how late I had been working. I thought back to Bernard's offer but figured it was too late to go back; I was already halfway home. I stuck to the dimly lit posts while the cold air nipped at my face. I longed to be back in bed with the fire flaming in the fireplace. I sighed aloud and looked up ahead. It was getting extremely dark as I ventured towards my home that lay on the outskirts of the forest. I debated whether I should run to escape the cold. But the decision was soon made for me.

I first heard quiet footsteps from behind until I realized there were multiple pairs of feet behind me.

"Who goes there?" I said sternly. There was no immediate answer. "My home is just up ahead so attacking me would be––"

"Unwise?" a voice said. "I already know where you live."

I turned at the voice and matched it to the face of the previously fired advisor.

"Sir Krieg?" I said in shock.

"You cost me my life-long job and ridiculed me not just in front of my peers but the royalty themselves."

"I didn't mean to––"

"Let me offer you another free lesson that I learned from working as an advisor: it doesn't matter what your intent was. The outcome determines that for you."

I glanced around and saw what seemed like rogue bandits who did not seem to bother Sir Krieg at all.

"And if you decide to tell His Highness what transpires tonight, then expect this to happen every night for the rest of your life."

I took a step back, thinking of a number of ways to avoid this situation. Then I realized there was one simple solution.

"Papa!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I could see the surprise on Sir Krieg's face after my unannounced shout. "You might want to leave before he finds you. Otherwise, it won't be just him that finds out."

"Trust me, this is just the beginning," he growled. He and the bandits immediately dispersed.

"Thea?!" my father called out as he ran out the front door. "What's wrong?!"

"Nothing!" I said. "I thought I saw a wolf but it seems it was just a shadow of a bush rustling in the wind."

"You gave me a fright," he sighed. "Come on, let's have some dinner."


When I arrived at the palace the next day, it was as if last night never occurred. Life filled the streets and when I entered the palace grounds, people were fluttering to and fro, completing various tasks whether it was gardening, laundry, or sword training.

I headed straight to my office, figuring I would set to work again. But when I entered, I came to find the Crowned Prince seated in my chair.

"Athena, Bernard told me what happened last night," he said calmly. My heart instantly dropped.

"He did?" I said slowly, wondering if Bernard did indeed follow me on my way home.

"Yes. You stayed here way into the night, and he said he offered you a room or an escort yet you accepted neither."

"Yes...that is what happened," I said. I realized I was overthinking what he knew.


"I didn't mean to cause any unnecessary worry. My home isn't far from here so I figured it would be safe. I've traveled this road many times."

"There are still many dangers lurking everywhere."

"Yes, I know."

He looked at me a moment longer and heaved a sigh. "Come with me." He stood up from behind the desk and led me down the hall and up some stairs. He stopped in front of a new set of doors. When he opened them, he stepped inside with me following.

It was a large bedroom with fanciful decorations from the floor to the ceiling. I stood in awe gazing at the presumably expensive decorum.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"This is your spare room from now on. I assume with your work ethic, late nights will be common and I want to avoid having you walk home in the middle of the night."

"Your Highness, this is totally unnecessary––"

"On the contrary, it is necessary. My father did the same for yours. Although you may have noticed: your father never used is."

"This is very kind of you."

"It's the least I can do. Also, I would like you to meet someone," he said. I turned and saw him motion to someone from the outside. "This is Val."

A young man with messy hair walked in wearing knight's training clothes.

"He will be your personal guard from now on," the Prince continued.

"Wait, why––?" I began to say but he cut me off.

"In case you do wish to return home and it's late, I'd feel better knowing someone I trust will accompany you."

"Wait just a moment," Val interjected. "This was the highly classified job you were telling me about?"

"Yes, you are the guard for my up-and-coming Royal Advisor. It's one of the highest honors you could receive."

"I thought––"

"I'm glad you agree. You better not disappoint," the Prince smiled. I watched the two of them curiously. Clearly, the title of royalty did not sway this Val individual towards obedience or reservation. "Athena, please let me know if you run into any issues with him. I will see to it personally that he learns from his mistakes." With that, the Prince took his leave. I looked at Val again who also seemed to be taking in his surroundings.

"So what do you actually intend to do when I'm working?" I asked.

"Be your bodyguard apparently," he answered. "Because that's what I was hired to do."

"All right then," I said, making my way out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To work," I said without turning around. A couple moments later I heard him following me.


I was scribbling at my desk, completely oblivious to my surroundings. My new bodyguard was extremely quiet and non-disruptive which made things easier but also made me a little uneasy. I decided to sneak a glance to see what he was up to. But when I looked at him sitting in the chair on the other side of the room, I saw that he was just staring at me. It startled me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Watching you. Does that make you uncomfortable?" he retorted.

"A little bit."

"Well, too bad. That's my job."

"I sincerely doubt it," I said, shaking my head and attempted to get back to work.

"What do you think my job is then?"

"To make sure no one targets me."

"Why would someone target you?"

"Because––never mind."

"So, there is someone to worry about?"

"No, there's not. Just let me get back to work."

"..." I looked up at him again to see him deep in thought, still with his eyes on me.

"I'm serious. Forget about it."

"We'll see," he said, leaning back with his hands behind his head.

"How close are you with the Crowned Prince?"

"Changing the subject, are we? Well, he and I have known each other since we were kids. So I'd say I know him pretty well, especially when he's hiding something."

"You tell him everything then?"

"Like this conversation? Of course. But I guess you don't want me to?"

"Just don't worry him unnecessarily. That's all I ask."

"All right, all right. I'll keep this conversation from him."

"Thank you."

I went back to work and managed to write one word down before he spoke up again.

"You don't have many friends, do you?" he said.

"Excuse me?" I set my pencil down with a hint of annoyance.

"Just by the way you talk, it's like I'm facing a doll that's been trained to respond a certain way every time."

"That's an insult, isn't it?"

"See? Right there. That response proves my point. Normal people would jump up in anger and defend themselves."

"What are you trying to get at?"

"You just don't seem––what's the word...sociable?"

"Meaning I don't interact with people? I'm interacting with you now, aren't I?"

"Technically, yes. But sociable people don't normally discuss what the word 'sociable' means. Or try to decipher every sentence I say."

"Then what does a 'sociable' individual do?"

"They make light conversation, something that doesn't involve work. For example, have you ever pulled a prank?"

"No." I stared at him wondering where he was going with this conversation. However, it seemed like he was waiting for me to say something else as he gave me a blank stare.

"...Have you ever interacted with people your age?"

I briefly thought back to my childhood growing up. I stuck by my father most of the time and rarely spoke with any other children unless he was forced to introduce me to a noble family at a Royal Ball or when we came across one of his colleagues at the palace who also brought their child that day. Still, I stayed by my father's side religiously.

"Okay, let me just ask another question: what's one popular sport that has been gaining some notoriety lately?"

"I don't need to know this sort of information. Not for what I do."

"Maybe not but it might make you a bit more interesting."

"Why does any of this matter?"

"Well, if I'm to be stuck by you every day, it would be nice to enjoy each other's company, which includes having an engaging conversation."

"Well, if you want to talk culture, I'd be happy to talk to you about Benedikt's theory of cultural relativity."

"How about you name one cultural pastime for an Aurorian?"


"This is worse than I thought," he said quietly. "When is your next day off?"

"In two days."

"Great. Leave that day open. I'll give you more details later."

I stared at him, contemplating if I should press him further. But I figured that would be the least of my worries so I just nodded my head and went back to work.


This time as evening came around, I managed to find a good stopping point in my work. As I started to pack up my belongings, I glanced over at Val who was just playing around with a small paperweight.

"By the way, you won't have to escort me home tonight. I'm planning to meet up with my father before leaving the palace," I said.

"Awesome," he said without blinking an eye.

"Then I'll be going now," I said, grabbing my satchel.

"Where are you meeting your father?"

"Just out in front of the palace? Why?"

"Oh, I was just seeing if we were heading the same way. Guess not," he said, standing up. "See you tomorrow!" I nodded and waved to him as I left the office. My father and I actually planned to meet in about a half hour but I gave myself some time to stop by the library for some extra resources that I could take home. Once I got to the library, I went straight to the Psychology section which also happened to be right next to the Cultural Anthropology section. I began to grab a few books from both sections that seemed suitable for my next project.


After my father and I arrived home and ate dinner, I got up to head straight to my room.

"Wait, Thea," my father called out. I looked back at him setting down his napkin on the table.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I wanted to let you know that the King approved initializing trade talks with Tauben."

"Oh, that's great!"

"And seeing as how you were the one who started the idea, the King suggested that you should attend as well."


"It could be our first official joint project as father and daughter."

"You're serious?"

"Have I ever told you a lie?"

"I'd be honored!" I said, hugging him while he was still seated at the table.

"I'll make sure to add your name to the group that's traveling to Tauben then," he said. "Along with your new bodyguard."

"Val is coming?"

"I'd assume so. Why? Do you not want him to come?"

"No, it's not that. I just..."

"What is it?"

"Forget what I said. I just need some time to think. When do we leave?"

"In two weeks. It will take about a week to reach Tauben. And make sure to pack a ballgown as well."


"After the talks, there will be a special ball hosted by Puli. Since it's close to Tauben, we will just meet King Friedrich and Prince Hugo there after our meeting."

"I see. I'll just use––wait, I don't think I've gotten a new dress since I was 13. I'll have to shop for one."

"Has it really been that long? Well, it's a good thing I've been saving up. We'll go shopping before we leave and get you the best dress!"

"Thanks, Papa!"

"Maybe sometime this week we can meet to begin drafting a copy of the trade deal. Let me know if you need any resources to prepare beforehand."

"Do you think we'll be successful with Tauben?"

"Hmm...it's hard to know something like that, Thea. And from what I've learned, one shouldn't think of 'we' as in 'Aurora,' but 'we' as in 'Aurora and Tauben.' Remember, deals always have two sides working together."

"I know. I'm just a bit nervous. It's one thing to speak up in your own kingdom's council but to negotiate with another nation...it's much more nuanced. And what if they're like Ditas?"

"Well, I can assure you of one thing: Tauben is nothing like Ditas. Sure, they might be a bit more stubborn and reluctant when it comes to negotiating with outside nations, but at least they have wise leaders who listen to the plight of their people."

"That does alleviate some of the pressure. And I'm sure I'll be nervous right up until we begin talking to Tauben's leaders, but there's nothing to do except to push forward, right?"

"...You've grown so much, Thea. No matter what happens, I'll always be proud of you," he said, holding my hand.

"I won't let you down," I smiled, resting my head on top of his.