
Reaching Viridian City

The sun rose on a new day as Ethan stood outside Professor Oak's lab, ready to start his journey to the Indigo League.

Eevee sat perched on his shoulder, eyes bright with anticipation.

Professor Oak emerged from the lab, carrying a small box. "Ethan, before you go, there are a few things I need to give you."

Ethan stepped forward, silently attentive.

Professor Oak handed him a Pokédex first. "This device will help you record data on any Pokémon you encounter. It's an invaluable tool for any Trainer."

Ethan accepted the Pokédex with a nod and a grateful smile.

Next, Oak produced a small, sleek black card. "This is a Trainer Black Card. It can be used to purchase anything you need and grants access to exclusive facilities. It's a privilege also given to Ash and Gary."

Ethan's eyes sparkled with gratitude as he pocketed the card.

Oak then handed over a Trainer ID and a set of Poké Balls. "Your Trainer ID will officially register you for the Indigo League. Use these Poké Balls wisely to expand your team."

"Thank you, Professor Oak," Ethan said sincerely, his voice carrying a depth of gratitude.

Professor Oak placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder, looking at him with a mixture of pride and respect.

"Ethan, over the years, you've demonstrated an exceptional understanding of Pokémon training, grooming, and food preparation.

You've also learned to fully suppress your power, which is an incredible feat. This journey will be the perfect opportunity to put all your skills to the test."

Ethan's smile widened, his heart swelling with appreciation for the professor's acknowledgment.

With everything in hand, Ethan turned and began his journey, Eevee by his side, ready to face the challenges and adventures ahead.

"Eevee~," Eevee chimed in, nuzzling against Ethan's neck.

Ethan nodded, his gratitude shining in his eyes. "Let's go."

After bidding farewell to Professor Oak, Ethan immediately set off towards Route 1, Eevee perched confidently on his shoulder.

The path led him into the lush greenery of Route 1, where sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

As Ethan explored the area, he marveled at the diversity of Pokémon around him.

Bellsprout and Oddish swayed gently among the tall grass, while a few Gloom ambled about, their flowers releasing a faint, foul Smell.

In the sky above, Pidgey and Spearow flitted and swooped, adding to the route's lively atmosphere.

Curious about the Pokémon around him, Ethan pulled out his Pokédex and began scanning them one by one.


[ Bellsprout ] [ M ]

[ Type: Grass/Poison ]

[ Description: Bellsprout has a thin and flexible body, which allows it to bend and sway to avoid attacks. It spits a corrosive fluid that melts even iron. ]


[ Oddish ] [ M ]

[ Type: Grass/Poison ]

[ Description: Oddish searches for fertile, nutrient-rich soil to plant itself in during the daytime. It absorbs nutrients from the soil while it sleeps.]


[ Gloom ] [ F ]

[ Type: Grass/Poison ]

[ Description: Gloom releases a foul-smelling drool from its mouth. Despite its smell, it is loved by some people for its ability to produce a unique nectar.]


[ Pidgey ] [ F ]

[ Type: Normal/Flying ]

[ Description: Pidgey is a common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand. ]


Satisfied with the new information, Ethan continued his journey.

After traveling for about an hour, he realized he had lost his way.

The route's winding paths and thick undergrowth had disoriented him.

Determined to regain his bearings, he decided to climb a nearby rocky outcrop to get a better view of the surroundings.

The climb was arduous, each step requiring careful navigation over loose stones and jagged edges.

Eevee clung to his shoulder, providing silent encouragement.

When Ethan finally reached the top, he found himself staring at an unexpected sight:

A large nest, clearly belonging to a Fearow. Among the numerous eggs of Spearow, one stood out starkly.

Ethan squinted at the egg, which was three times the size of the others and an unusual black color. Intrigued, he pulled out his Pokédex and aimed it at the egg.

The Pokédex whirred to life, displaying detailed information:

[ Spearow ] [ M ]

[ Type: Normal/ Flying ]

[ Description: Spearow has a very loud cry that can be heard over half a mile away. If its loud cries are heard echoing all around, it is a sign that they are warning each other of danger. ]

-----[ Mutation detected: Royal Gene ]------

Ethan's eyes widened slightly, his calm demeanor barely masking his surprise. "A Spearow with the Royal Gene? This could be a game changer."

"Eevee~," Eevee murmured softly, sensing the significance of the discovery.

Ethan carefully examined the nest, ensuring he didn't disturb the other eggs. "I need to be careful. Fearow won't be happy if it catches me here. But this egg... it's worth the risk."

Gently, he took the unique Spearow egg into his hands, cradling it with the utmost care. "This egg is extraordinary. With the right training, it could become a powerful ally."

With the Spearow egg safely secured, Ethan made his way back down the rocky outcrop, his determination renewed.

"Getting lost was a blessing in disguise. This egg could shape my journey in ways I never imagined."

"Eevee~," Eevee chimed in, nuzzling against Ethan's neck.

Ethan nodded. "Let's find our way out of here and get to Viridian City. We don't want to be around when Fearow comes back and finds its nest disturbed."

"Eevee~," Eevee agreed.

Ethan picked up his pace, moving swiftly through the undergrowth.

He knew that once the Fearow returned, it would be furious to find its nest tampered with.

If he encountered the enraged bird, it would spell trouble.

With a sense of urgency driving him, Ethan navigated the winding paths of Route 1, always mindful of his surroundings.

The thought of the Royal Gene Spearow egg in his possession fueled his determination. Soon, the edge of the forest came into view, and he could see the distant buildings of Viridian City.

"Almost there, Eevee," Ethan murmured. "Just a bit further."

"Eevee~," Eevee responded, its eyes filled with trust and excitement.

Finally, they emerged from the forest, the bustling streets of Viridian City welcoming them. Ethan took a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation.