
Pewter City Gym

Professor Oak ended his call with Ethan and turned toward the door, where a familiar face greeted him.

It was his granddaughter, Daisy Oak, who had just returned after five years.

The last time she was home, she was only eleven, leaving to pursue research with Professor Juniper.

Now sixteen, she had grown into a confident and knowledgeable young woman.

"Daisy! It's so good to see you," Professor Oak exclaimed, pulling her into a warm hug.

"Hi, Grandpa! It's great to be back," Daisy replied, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "I've missed this place."

They exchanged pleasantries, catching up on the past few years.

Daisy shared stories of her research with Professor Juniper, detailing the exciting discoveries they had made and the various Pokémon she had encountered.

Her enthusiasm was infectious, and Professor Oak couldn't help but feel proud of her achievements.

"I'm so glad you're back, Daisy," he said, his eyes shining with pride. "You've done remarkable work. But what brings you home now?"

"I wanted to see Gary off before he starts his journey," Daisy explained. "I couldn't miss it. Where is he, by the way?"

Professor Oak nodded, understanding her sentiments. "Gary is preparing for his journey. He should be at home, getting his things in order."

"Thanks, Grandpa. I'll go see him," Daisy said, giving her grandfather another hug before heading out.


The morning sun cast a warm glow over Pewter City as Ethan prepared for his first gym battle.

After feeding his Pokémon their specially prepared food, he felt a surge of excitement and anticipation.

Today was the day he would challenge the Pewter City Gym, renowned for its Rock-type specialist, Brock.

Ethan's confidence in his team was unwavering, though he knew only Eevee would be participating in this battle.

Scyther, having just joined his team, still needed more training, and Spearow was still too young for such a demanding challenge.

But Eevee was ready. They had trained together tirelessly, and Ethan trusted her capabilities.

The Gym battles in the Pokémon world are unique and tailored to the strength of the challenger.

Each official Gym Leader adjusts their team of Pokémon based on the number of badges a trainer possesses.

If a trainer has no badges or only a few, the Gym Leader will typically use Pokémon that are less powerful and more suited to beginners.

As trainers earn more badges and progress on their journey, Gym Leaders respond by using stronger Pokémon to provide a suitable challenge.

This system ensures that Pokémon trainers face opponents who match their current skill level and encourages them to grow stronger with each badge earned.

It also maintains a fair and balanced environment for trainers of all experience levels as they strive to become Pokémon Masters.

As he approached the imposing structure of the Pewter City Gym, Ethan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the battle ahead.

The gym's rocky facade and rugged terrain hinted at the type of challenges that lay within.

With Eevee perched confidently on his shoulder, he pushed open the heavy doors and stepped inside.

The interior of the gym was dimly lit, with jagged rocks and boulders strewn across the battlefield. It was a fitting arena for a Rock-type Gym Leader.

Standing at the far end of the gym was Brock, his arms crossed and a determined look on his face.

"Welcome to the Pewter City Gym," Brock said, his voice echoing through the cavernous space.

"I'm Brock, the Gym Leader here. I specialize in Rock-type Pokémon. Are you ready for your first gym challenge?"

Ethan nodded, his resolve firm. "I'm ready. Let's do this."

One of Brock's younger brothers stepped forward, acting as the referee. He held up two flags and began to explain the rules.

"This will be a two-on-two battle. Only the challenger can switch Pokémon during the match. Trainers, are you ready?"

Ethan and Brock nodded in unison.

The referee raised both flags and declared,


Ethan stepped forward, Eevee leaping gracefully from his shoulder to the battlefield.

"Eevee, you're up," he called, his voice steady with confidence.

Brock reached for his Poké Ball, releasing a large, imposing Geodude onto the rocky terrain.

The Rock Pokémon flexed its arms, eyeing Eevee with a determined glare.

"Geodude, let's show them what we're made of!" Brock commanded.

Ethan's mind raced, recalling their training sessions and strategizing the best approach. "Eevee, start with Quick Attack!"

Eevee darted forward with incredible speed, becoming a blur as she closed the distance and struck Geodude with a swift blow.

The attack hit its mark, but Geodude hardly flinched, its rocky exterior absorbing much of the impact.

"Geodude, use Rock Throw!" Brock countered.

Geodude hefted a large rock and hurled it towards Eevee with impressive force.

Ethan's heart skipped a beat as he called out, "Eevee, dodge and use Sand Attack!"

Eevee nimbly evaded the rock, kicking up a cloud of sand to obscure Geodude's vision.

The move bought them some time, but Ethan knew he needed to find a way to deal more significant damage.

"Eevee, use Bite!" Ethan commanded.

Eevee lunged at Geodude, her sharp teeth sinking into its rocky surface. Geodude winced, but its tough exterior still held strong. Ethan needed to think fast.

"Eevee, let's try Swift!" he called.

Eevee jumped back, summoning a barrage of glowing stars that shot towards Geodude.

The stars hit their target, causing Geodude to stumble slightly. It was clear that Eevee's special attack was more effective against the Rock-type Pokémon.

"Geodude, hang in there! Use Defense Curl!" Brock shouted.

Geodude tucked its limbs in, its body becoming even more resistant to physical attacks. Ethan saw his opportunity.

"Eevee, use Charm!" he instructed.

Eevee's eyes sparkled as she let out an adorable cry, causing Geodude to relax its aggressive stance.

With Geodude's attack power lowered, Ethan knew it was time to go for the win.

"Now, Eevee, use Swift again!"

Eevee launched another barrage of stars, each one hitting Geodude with precision. This time, the cumulative damage was too much for Geodude to withstand. It wobbled, then finally collapsed to the ground, unable to continue the fight.

Brock recalled Geodude, a smile spreading across his face. "You've got quite the talented Eevee there," he said, walking over to Ethan. "But this battle isn't over yet."

Brock reached for his second Poké Ball and released his next Pokémon. "Onix, let's show them our strength!"

A massive Onix emerged onto the battlefield, its rocky body towering over Eevee. The sight was intimidating, but Ethan and Eevee stood their ground, ready for the next challenge.

The referee raised his flags once more, signaling the continuation of the battle. "Round two, begin!"