
Magic Carp

After winning the Cascade Badge, Ethan decided to spend a week in Cerulean City.

He needed time to train his Pokémon and prepare for the journey ahead.

The Pokémon Center became his base of operations as he set a light training schedule, especially focusing on his young Spearow.

Early one morning, Ethan woke up, ready to start the day.

He headed to the Pokémon Center's training grounds with Spearow, Scyther, and Sylveon by his side.

Today, he would focus on introducing Spearow to some basic training routines.

"Alright, Spearow, let's start with the basics," Ethan said, releasing the feisty bird Pokémon. Spearow chirped, flapping its wings energetically.

"Spearow, let's work on your agility and basic moves. Try flying around the field and getting used to your surroundings," Ethan instructed.

Spearow took to the air, fluttering around the training ground, getting a feel for the space. It swooped and glided, enjoying the freedom of flight.

"Great job, Spearow. Now, let's try a simple Peck on those stationary targets," Ethan said, pointing to a few targets set up on the ground.

Spearow flew down, pecking at the targets with determination. Its strikes were a bit clumsy, but Ethan smiled, knowing that practice would make perfect.

"That's it, Spearow! Keep practicing those moves. You'll get better with time," Ethan encouraged, offering Spearow some Pokémon food as a reward.

After a short training session, Ethan decided not to push Spearow too hard. "You're still young, Spearow. We'll take it one step at a time."

Ethan then turned his attention to Scyther and Sylveon, giving each of them their own training time.

With Scyther, they worked on honing its speed and precision.

Ethan set up a series of quick-dodging exercises and target slashing to ensure Scyther's attacks were sharp and accurate.

"Scyther, use Quick Attack to dodge those incoming objects and follow up with Slash!" Ethan directed.

Scyther moved swiftly, dodging the objects and delivering precise slashes to the targets.

Ethan could see the improvement in Scyther's agility and accuracy.

"Excellent, Scyther! You're getting faster and more accurate," Ethan praised.

Next, Ethan focused on Sylveon, working on her Fairy-type moves and defensive strategies.

"Sylveon, let's practice Moonblast. Focus your energy and release it at the target."

"Sylveon~!" Sylveon responded, concentrating its energy and launching a powerful Moonblast at the target, hitting its dead center.

"Great job, Sylveon! Now, let's practice Protect to enhance your defenses," Ethan said.

Sylveon created a shimmering barrier around itself, practicing its defensive moves with precision.

The days passed quickly, each filled with light but productive training sessions and moments of bonding with his Pokémon.

Ethan could see the improvement in each of them, and he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

One evening, after a day of training, Ethan sat by the lake with his Pokémon. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the water.

"You guys have worked so hard this week," Ethan said, looking at his team. "I couldn't ask for better partners."

Spearow chirped happily, Scyther buzzed in agreement, and Sylveon nuzzled against Ethan's side.

Ethan looked out at the horizon, feeling a sense of excitement for the journey ahead.

"Tomorrow, we head towards Vermillion City. But for now, let's just enjoy this moment."

The next morning, Ethan woke up and began his journey towards Vermilion City.

The walk was long and tiring, and after about two hours, he felt exhaustion creeping in.

Deciding to set up camp by a serene lake, he thought about the journey ahead.

"Man, this would be so much easier if I had a Pokémon to ride," Ethan mused as he set up his tent.

"Walking everywhere is getting old fast."

Once the camp was set up, he decided to let his Pokémon out for a little picnic.

Scyther, Spearow, and Cleffa immediately began eating, while Sylveon, true to her new habit, sipped on her favorite orange juice.

Ethan watched them, smiling. "You guys have it good. Just relax and enjoy the scenery."

Ethan thought it was a good opportunity to try catching a water-type Pokémon.

With a deep breath, he cast his fishing rod into the lake, hoping for something impressive.

Hours passed, and not a single bite.

"Not even a Magikarp," he muttered, frustration building. "I can't believe this."

Fed up, Ethan yanked the rod back and threw it into the water. Instantly regretting his outburst, he rushed to retrieve the rod, only to find it broken.

As he knelt by the water, lamenting his luck, he noticed a tug on the line.

His eyes widened in surprise when he saw a golden Magikarp.

"A golden Magikarp! Of all the times to get lucky..." Ethan's excitement was palpable, yet he couldn't help but laugh at the irony.

The Magikarp, sensing danger, began thrashing wildly. "Oh no, you don't," Ethan said, determination in his voice.

"Sylveon, I need your help!"

"Sylveon~," Sylveon responded, leaping to her trainer's side. With a swift, gentle tackle, she subdued the panicked Magikarp.

"Thanks, Sylveon. Let's catch this guy." Ethan quickly threw a Poké Ball, watching intently as it wobbled a few times before clicking shut. He had done it.

Holding the Poké Ball, Ethan sighed with relief and satisfaction. "We did it, Sylveon."

"Sylveon~," Sylveon nuzzled him affectionately.

Ethan decided to spend some more time by the lake where he had caught the golden Magikarp.

It was an ideal spot to camp and train his Pokémon. More importantly, he could sense that the Dragonite egg was about to hatch any day now.

As the sun rose, Ethan set up his camp near the tranquil lake. He released his Pokémon to stretch and enjoy the fresh air.

Spearow flapped its wings energetically, Sylveon sipped on some orange juice, and Scyther buzzed around, eager for training.

The golden Magikarp splashed happily in a makeshift pond Ethan had created.

"Alright, team, let's get started with today's training," Ethan announced.

"Spearow, we'll continue with your basic moves. Scyther, we'll work on your speed and precision.

Sylveon, we'll focus on defensive tactics. And Magikarp, let's get you some exercise too."

The training sessions were light but consistent.

Spearow practiced flying and pecking at targets, improving its accuracy and agility.

Scyther worked on dodging and slashing, becoming more swift and precise with each passing day.

Sylveon focused on creating stronger protective barriers and honing her Fairy-type moves.

Meanwhile, Magikarp splashed energetically in the water, building its strength.

As days passed, the bond between Ethan and his Pokémon grew stronger.

They were becoming a well-coordinated team, and Ethan felt proud of their progress.

But amidst the training, he kept a close eye on the Dragonite egg, which was showing signs of imminent hatching.

One evening, after a productive day of training, Ethan noticed the egg starting to glow.

He quickly gathered his Pokémon around, their eyes wide with anticipation.

"It's happening, guys! The Dragonite egg is hatching!" Ethan exclaimed, excitement in his voice.

The egg glowed brighter and brighter, cracks appearing on its surface.

Finally, with a burst of light, the egg shattered, revealing a tiny, shimmering Dratini.

To Ethan's surprise, the Dratini's body was white, with a golden belly and striking, mystic blue eyes.

Ethan gently picked up the Dratini, cradling it in his arms. "Welcome to the team, little one," he said softly.

"Dratini~," the baby Pokémon cooed, nuzzling against Ethan.

Then, with surprising agility, the Dratini coiled around Ethan's right arm and gave him a light kiss on the cheek, recognizing him as its Trainer.

The rest of Ethan's Pokémon gathered around, greeting their new teammate with warmth and excitement.

Spearow chirped happily, Scyther buzzed in approval, Sylveon nuzzled the baby Dratini gently, and Magikarp splashed in celebration.

For the next few days, Ethan focused on bonding with Dratini, allowing it to acclimate to its new environment and team members.

He decided not to rush into training, knowing the young Pokémon needed time to adjust.

Instead, Ethan dedicated these days to reinforcing the basics with Spearow, ensuring it understood foundational moves and commands.

Spearow practiced flying and pecking at targets, improving its accuracy and agility.

Ethan often found himself talking to his Pokémon, sharing his thoughts and plans.

"You know, Spearow," he said one afternoon, "it's important to start with the basics. Once you're comfortable with these, we can move on to more advanced techniques."

Spearow chirped in agreement, flapping its wings with determination.

Sylveon continued to enjoy her orange juice, a habit she'd picked up during their stay in Cerulean City.

Scyther, ever eager, focused on its speed and precision drills, becoming more agile and sharp with each session.

Evenings were spent by the campfire, with Ethan's Pokémon relaxing after a day of light training and bonding.

Dratini often coiled around Ethan's arm or neck, enjoying the warmth and comfort of its new trainer.

The golden Magikarp, though limited in its current capabilities, splashed around happily.