
Catching Scyther

Ethan stood poised, ready for the next round. Samurai's Metapod settled onto the battlefield, its hard shell gleaming in the dappled sunlight filtering through the forest canopy.

"Metapod, let's show them what we've got," Kaito called out.

Ethan, confident in Eevee's abilities, gave a simple command. "Eevee, Quick Attack!"

Eevee darted forward with blinding speed, striking Metapod before it could react.

The impact caused the cocoon Pokémon to wobble slightly but it remained upright.

"Metapod, Harden!" Kaito ordered.

Metapod's shell glistened as its defenses increased.

Ethan saw an opportunity. "Eevee, use Swift!"

Eevee unleashed a flurry of star-shaped rays that hit Metapod directly.

Despite its increased defense, Metapod struggled under the barrage of attacks.

"Finish it with another Quick Attack!" Ethan commanded.

Eevee shot forward again, striking Metapod with precision.

The force of the attack knocked Metapod off balance, and it collapsed to the ground, unable to continue.

Kaito recalled his Metapod, a respectful expression on his face. "You win. Your Eevee's pretty impressive."

Ethan nodded. "Thanks."

Kaito looked thoughtful for a moment. "Where are you from, anyway?"

"Palet Town," Ethan replied, with a faint smile.

Kaito nodded. "Nice. So, are you looking for anything specific in the forest?"

"Actually, yeah. I'm hoping to find a Scyther. I heard they might be around here."

Kaito's eyes lit up. "Oh, for sure. There's a spot deeper in the forest where they hang out.

If you head northeast, you'll find a clearing with tall grass and big boulders. They like that area."

Ethan's excitement grew at the prospect of catching a Scyther. "Appreciate it, Samurai. That's exactly what I needed to know."

"Good luck out there," Kaito said.

With Eevee by his side and a new destination in mind, Ethan sets off deeper into Viridian Forest, eager to find and capture the elusive Scyther.

With Samurai directions fresh in his mind, Ethan and Eevee moved deeper into Viridian Forest.

The dense foliage and towering trees created a maze-like environment.

They arrived at the clearing Samurai had mentioned. As soon as they stepped into the open space, Ethan's eyes widened.

The area was overflowing with Scythers.

The tall grass rustled as the sharp blades of the Pokémon moved through it, and their wings buzzed faintly as they adjusted their positions.

Ethan pulled out his Pokédex, determined to find the right one. He scanned the first Scyther that came into view.


[ Scyther ] [ M ]

[ Type : Bug/Flying ]

[ Description: Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. Scyther is incredibly agile, using its scythe-like forearms to slice through objects with precision. Its movements are so quick, it's often hard to see, giving it an edge in battle. Its sharp blades are used not only for combat but also to hunt and cut down prey. Scyther's ability to blend into its surroundings and move silently makes it a master of stealth. ]


Ethan watched as Scyther demonstrated its speed, darting from one side of the clearing to the other.

Impressive, but not quite what he was looking for.

He moved on and scanned another.


[ Scyther ] [ F ]

[ Type : Bug/Flying ]

[ Description: Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. Scyther is incredibly agile, using its scythe-like forearms to slice through objects with precision. Its movements are so quick, it's often hard to see, giving it an edge in battle. Its sharp blades are used not only for combat but also to hunt and cut down prey. Scyther's ability to blend into its surroundings and move silently makes it a master of stealth. ]


This Scyther was slicing through tall grass, its movements a blur of green.

Ethan admired its agility but knew he needed something more unique.

He continued scanning various Scyther, noting their stats and attributes.


[ Scyther ] [ F ]

[ Type : Bug/Flying ]

[ Description: Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. Scyther is incredibly agile, using its scythe-like forearms to slice through objects with precision. Its movements are so quick, it's often hard to see, giving it an edge in battle. Its sharp blades are used not only for combat but also to hunt and cut down prey. Scyther's ability to blend into its surroundings and move silently makes it a master of stealth. ]


This Scyther moved with a fluid grace, each motion calculated and precise.

Again, while it was remarkable, it didn't have the special mutation Ethan sought.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan decided to explore the inner area of the clearing, hoping that his ideal Scyther might be hidden away.

As they moved further in, the noise of the other Scyther faded, replaced by the soft sounds of nature.

Suddenly, a smaller Scyther emerged from behind a large boulder.

Its size was noticeably different from the others, but there was something about it that caught Ethan's attention.

He quickly scanned it with his Pokédex.


[ Scyther ] [ M ]

[ Type : Bug/Flying ]

[ Description: Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. Scyther is incredibly agile, using its scythe-like forearms to slice through objects with precision. Its movements are so quick, it's often hard to see, giving it an edge in battle. Its sharp blades are used not only for combat but also to hunt and cut down prey. Scyther's ability to blend into its surroundings and move silently makes it a master of stealth. ]

[ Mutation detected:.... Swift Blade ]

[ This Scyther has a unique mutation known as Swift blade, granting it enhanced speed and precision in its attacks. Despite its smaller size, it possesses agility and sharpness superior to its peers. ]


Ethan's eyes lit up. "This is the one," he whispered.

The small Scyther regarded Ethan with wary eyes, its blades glinting in the filtered sunlight.

It was clear that this Pokémon was both cautious and ready for a challenge.

Ethan prepared himself. "Eevee, let's show him what we've got."

"Eevee~," Eevee responded, stepping forward confidently.

The battle began with Scyther darting forward, its movements almost too fast to track.

"Eevee, Quick Attack!" Ethan called out.

Eevee launched itself at Scyther, but the Swift blade mutation allowed Scyther to dodge effortlessly.

It countered with a Slash, and Eevee barely managed to evade the sharp blades.

Ethan quickly adjusted his strategy. "Sand Attack, Eevee!" he commanded.

Eevee kicked up a cloud of dirt and sand, aiming it directly at Scyther's eyes. The attack landed, causing Scyther to pause and blink furiously.

Ethan seized the opportunity.

"Now, use Swift!" he shouted.

Star-shaped rays shot from Eevee, hitting Scyther and momentarily slowing its rapid movements.

The smaller Scyther shook off the attack and readied itself for another charge, its wings buzzing louder.

"Eevee, keep your distance and use Swift again!" Ethan ordered.

Eevee followed the command, releasing another flurry of star-shaped rays.

This time, Scyther was ready and managed to dodge some of the attacks, but a few still hit their mark, causing Scyther to falter slightly.

Realizing the moment was right, Ethan pulled out a Poké Ball and threw it with precision.

The ball struck Scyther, enveloping it in a red light before falling to the ground. It rocked back and forth.

Finally, the ball clicked shut. Ethan approached and picked it up, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. "We did it, Eevee."

"Eevee~," Eevee cheered, nuzzling against Ethan's leg.

After catching Scyther, Ethan happily moved toward Pewter, as he had accomplished the task that brought him to Viridian Forest.