
The Rooh of Greed

Cultivation is a path of rebellion — rebellion against the world, rebellion against Heaven and Earth. Rebellion against oneself! The journey to the apex is fraught with bloodshed. It's a path of no return that only the bravest of men can tread. However, courage alone is not enough to reach the end of this arduous road. Only those who can embrace the loneliness of this journey, all while enduring the unimaginable pain and suffering constantly hurled at them along this infinitely long path of cultivation, stand a chance to reach the peak. Yet, even then, it remains a one-in-a-billion chance. Does this mean there have never been individuals at the top? No, there have been those who reached the pinnacle, but they are a mere handful compared to the countless beings who have aspired to ascend since the beginning of time. So, what sets these supreme beings apart from the multitude of people who have walked the path of cultivation? Is it luck? Perhaps. Wisdom? Well, one cannot afford to be a fool and still be a king right. Wealth? Certainly, but it is not everything. Perseverance? Well, that goes without saying. But something is still missing, something important... What about fate and destiny? It could very well be a factor! However, isn't cultivation all about defying one's fate and forging their destiny? Then what is that one quality which separates the masses from being a supreme individual?? *** Wei Wushang slowly closed the book he was reading, leaning back in his chair. Closing his eyes which were filled with fatigue, he muttered softly. "It's the willingness to sacrifice. To achieve something great one must be ruthless towards both the world and oneself, treating everything equally. Only then can one achieve true greatness. Something that can be gained easily is not worthy of greatness, and that which seems impossible to achieve is the truth of the soul." "And the truth of my soul is Eternal Freedom!" ••••••• This is a novel about a true villain, unapologetic and unrepentant. He was reborn as Wei Wushang in the cruel and marvelous world of Rooh. For his goals, he shall do whatever it takes. But what drives this unrepentant sinner? What is his ultimate goal? Wei Wushang seeks eternal freedom, he desires to break free from the constraints of fate and live life on his own terms for all of eternity. Follow Wei Wushang's journey as he wreaks havoc and terrorizes all those who stand in his way, leaving a legacy that will never be forgotten in the world of Rooh. ..... Author's note: •)I don't own the cover, if this cover belongs to you and you want it to be taken down, just say the word and it shall be done. •)Mc is a Villain •)No romance & harem. •)English isn't my first language, so be prepared to lose your brain cells. •)Chapter Release rate: Uh, the author is unreliable.

EvilGrandpa · Eastern
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24 Chs


Nine spirit stones!

'Haa, this was certainly worth it. With these, I'll have a total of ten spirit stones. I can easily save up twenty days' worth of cultivation. This endeavor was truly worthwhile.' Wei Wushang couldn't help but smile while thinking of his gains. This Feng Tian had not only met his expectations but even managed to slightly exceed them.

But if his former self were to look at Wei Wushang now, seeing how he was getting all happy over acquiring a mere 9 spirit stones, the previous him would certainly scoff at the current him for being a low-level chump.

But alas, different times and different circumstances determine an individual's priority. That's just how life was; an unpredictable rollercoaster.

Wei Wushang unhurriedly stood up, his entire body shrouded in a thin layer of silver glow. In his right hand, he held a saber that gleamed with a cold sheen, while his left hand dragged an unconscious boy by his hair.

Advancing, Wei Wushang coldly stared down, his countenance devoid of emotion. "Are you absolutely certain that's everything?"

"Lord, I swear it's everything I have. I'd never risk my son's life for a mere spirit stone. Please, believe me. You've already taken my wife. I beg you not to take my son as well." Feng Tian implored, kneeling on the ground with his forehead pressed against the earth as a sign of utmost respect.

Right now, Feng Tian's heart was heavy with the pain of losing his wife, while also harboring immense hatred for Wei Wushang.

Despite his raging emotions, he prioritized ensuring his son's safety from the evil clutches of Wei Wushang above all else. And as for these spirit stones which were normally precious beyond compare, now held no more value than an ordinary rock in his eyes.

"Lord Immortal, this is a matter of my and my son's life. Even in a thousand years, I would never dare lie to you!" Feng Tian cried out loud as he continued to kowtow.

"Hmm, I suppose I can trust you," Wei Wushang muttered softly, narrowing his eyes as he once again surveyed the house. Yet, his tone abruptly shifted, "Then, there's no point in keeping you alive."

Startled, Feng Tian's head snapped up, only to see a menacing saber blade enlarging within the reflection of his iris.


"Ahhh!" Feng Tian crouched on the floor, screaming in severe pain. In the last moment, as the blade descended, he had instinctively dodged it, narrowly keeping his life safe. His decades of training weren't simply for show.

Unfortunately, the sharp saber blade had struck his right forearm. Instantly, his bones and flesh had been separated, and the entire forearm was severed, dropping to the ground and staining the ceramic floor blood red.

"Unappreciative bastard!" Feng Tian immediately flew into rage, his eyes blowing fire as he started daggers at Wei Wushang. He had already done everything this despicable Wei Wushang wanted him to do. Yet now, this lunatic intended to kill him!

Just what kind of bullshit was that?

'Why in the world should I die for? What the fuck was he even thinking about??'

'Noo, he's not thinking at all. He's a madman, totally a madman!'

A strange realization dawned upon him as he shouted;

"Murderous bastard, I want you to die!!" Feng Tian ground his teeth as he maliciously glared at Wei Wushang, sinister killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"Ahh, yes. Fuck that," Wei Wushang scoffed with disdain, and in one swift motion, he flung the little boy into the air like a load of garbage.

"Wei Wushang, you dare!!!" Feng Tian's eyes were bloodshot as he screamed maniacally, charging forward to catch his son without hesitation.

The little boy's body was spinning like a loose cartwheel. If his small frame were to collide with the hard floor with such violent force, well, the outcome would certainly be distasteful.

"Don't worry, son, I've got you." Feng Tian's voice was firm as he hastily positioned himself for the catch. It wasn't long before his son came hurtling down like a fallen phoenix. Feng Tian frantically made last-minute adjustments to his position.

In this moment, his mind, body, and soul were wholly focused on catching the boy. He was so focused on his son that he momentarily forgot about Wei Wushang's existence. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he even forgot that one of his arms had been severed!

So, when his son finally entered his reach, something terrible happened. His 'right hand' completely missed, and his left hand could only slow down the boy's plummet.

In a heart-wrenching climax, the boy's small frame met the floor, his round head bearing the brunt of the impact.


Though the fall hadn't been from a great height, the angle of impact had brought forth a horrifying reality. The little boy's body lay motionless on the cold floor. His small and delicate form was now contorted in an unnatural pose, with his head at an unsettling tilt. His tousled hair, once vibrant, was matted with a thick, crimson substance that pooled around his head. While his closed eyes hid the pain and confusion that undoubtedly lay within.

A hushed stillness seemed to engulf the room as if time itself held its breath.

Sweat glistened on Feng Tian's forehead as he knelt beside his son, the memory of the resounding crack still echoed in his ears.

The seconds stretched into an eternity as Feng Tian's trembling hands reached out, his fingers brushing the boy's soft skin. His heart pounded with a deep sense of fear, but most importantly, with longing. He was hoping to feel a response, a twitch, a flutter that would signal his son's survival against all odds.

Yet, that hope was quickly cut short, as a blade had already found its way into Feng Tian's temple, piercing his brain and ending his life in an instant.

"It's over," Wei Wushang was expressionless as he slowly retracted the blade.

Though Feng Tian experienced hell in his final moments, deep within his heart, there was only one regret.

No, it wasn't about not being able to protect his wife and child, nor was it about exacting vengeance on Wei Wushang.

It all came down to one thing...


He regretted being weak!

That was Feng Tian's one and only regret, but that single regret was so painful.

Hmm, I feel like this is dragging on. Will pick up the pace.

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