
The Rooh of Greed

Cultivation is a path of rebellion — rebellion against the world, rebellion against Heaven and Earth. Rebellion against oneself! The journey to the apex is fraught with bloodshed. It's a path of no return that only the bravest of men can tread. However, courage alone is not enough to reach the end of this arduous road. Only those who can embrace the loneliness of this journey, all while enduring the unimaginable pain and suffering constantly hurled at them along this infinitely long path of cultivation, stand a chance to reach the peak. Yet, even then, it remains a one-in-a-billion chance. Does this mean there have never been individuals at the top? No, there have been those who reached the pinnacle, but they are a mere handful compared to the countless beings who have aspired to ascend since the beginning of time. So, what sets these supreme beings apart from the multitude of people who have walked the path of cultivation? Is it luck? Perhaps. Wisdom? Well, one cannot afford to be a fool and still be a king right. Wealth? Certainly, but it is not everything. Perseverance? Well, that goes without saying. But something is still missing, something important... What about fate and destiny? It could very well be a factor! However, isn't cultivation all about defying one's fate and forging their destiny? Then what is that one quality which separates the masses from being a supreme individual?? *** Wei Wushang slowly closed the book he was reading, leaning back in his chair. Closing his eyes which were filled with fatigue, he muttered softly. "It's the willingness to sacrifice. To achieve something great one must be ruthless towards both the world and oneself, treating everything equally. Only then can one achieve true greatness. Something that can be gained easily is not worthy of greatness, and that which seems impossible to achieve is the truth of the soul." "And the truth of my soul is Eternal Freedom!" ••••••• This is a novel about a true villain, unapologetic and unrepentant. He was reborn as Wei Wushang in the cruel and marvelous world of Rooh. For his goals, he shall do whatever it takes. But what drives this unrepentant sinner? What is his ultimate goal? Wei Wushang seeks eternal freedom, he desires to break free from the constraints of fate and live life on his own terms for all of eternity. Follow Wei Wushang's journey as he wreaks havoc and terrorizes all those who stand in his way, leaving a legacy that will never be forgotten in the world of Rooh. ..... Author's note: •)I don't own the cover, if this cover belongs to you and you want it to be taken down, just say the word and it shall be done. •)Mc is a Villain •)No romance & harem. •)English isn't my first language, so be prepared to lose your brain cells. •)Chapter Release rate: Uh, the author is unreliable.

EvilGrandpa · Eastern
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24 Chs

Heart-to-heart talk between the brothers, Manipulation is the key to immortality. (Double chapter)

Three days later.

"Lowering your body to dodge is the standard method of restraining against a flying fist. When your enemy comes and attacks you, quickly squat down and at the same time do a counterattack, striking his crotch and abdomen."

"Do not be afraid of a swinging fist. Usually, those who come up and start swinging their fists at the first moment are people who have no brains, they are impulsive and rash."

"Learn to be patient, utilize everything in your arsenal and remember to be relentless in your attacks, showing mercy to the opponent is akin to discarding your weapon, simply put it's an unforgivable 'sin'. Above all, never adhere to the code of honor, and do whatever it takes to survive, no matter how shameless or dishonorable it is. Do it once, twice and it will naturally come to you the third time."

As Wei Wushang skillfully executed each movement of his top-tier fighting style, Wei Sang watched with rapt attention. Though he had initially been baffled by his younger brother's actions, but as the display continued, he found himself completely absorbed in the action, his attention fixed on every twist and turn.

Wei Wushang taught a variety of close combat strategies and this lesson was the one that taught the foundation of martial arts. He placed utmost importance on survival in his lessons, survival was far more important than besting an enemy in battle.

Wei Wushang wasn't doing this simply to waste time or show off his top-notch close combat skills, he had his thoughts for training Wei Sang. To be specific, they were two motives behind this training session.

One was to naturally make his brother battle ready before entering the sect, granting him the most fundamental safety mechanism possible.

But more importantly, it was a form of assurance for himself.

As for what kind of assurance it was, let's just say that Wei Wushang didn't have high hopes of awakening a dantian during the sect's entrance examination. He came from a mortal lineage, and both his parents were mortals, so it was probable that he too would be untalented like them.

Nonetheless, he had a plan to ensure his safety in case he failed the exam. And that plan revolved around Wei Sang.

But what was the use of training Wei Sang, wasn't it simply a waste of time?

No, it wasn't. As a matter of fact, it was a very wise move from Wei Wushang.

Frankly speaking, Wei Sang and Wei Wushang had an unbreakable sibling bond between them, but truth be told they weren't actually blood-related.

Many years ago, Wei Wushang's parents were overjoyed when they discovered they were expecting twins. But their happiness was short-lived when, on the day of delivery, one of their newborns couldn't make it. It was a girl, and they were devastated. They had dreamed of a future for their children, playing, learning, and growing up together. But now, their dreams were shattered.

Wei Wushang's parents couldn't get over the loss of their little girl. They were still grieving when, just a few weeks later, they found a purple-haired toddler lying unconscious in their backyard. They didn't know who the child belonged to or where he had come from, but they took him in and cared for him as if he were their own.

Years went by, and Wei Sang grew up alongside Wei Wushang as if they were true siblings. But the truth was that they weren't blood-related.

Wei Wushang knew the truth, but he had never once treated Wei Sang differently. To him, blood wasn't what made a family. It was the bond they shared that mattered most. And even though they weren't related by blood, their bond was unbreakable. They were brothers in every sense of the word, and nothing could ever change that.

This was more than enough reason for Wei Wushang to train his brother, not to mention Wei Sang also had divine innate strength, people in the village might not have known what this lavish term meant but Wei Wushang was fully aware that people born with innate divine strength possess great strength, and with great strength comes great speed. Naturally, they would have an advantage in battles.

However, not everyone can possess Innate Divine strength at their birth, only those children belonging to prestigious Cultivation families would normally enjoy this benefit.

This further goes to show that Wei Sang's lineage belonged to that of cultivators. Granting him certified chances of awakening his Dantian.

Wei Wushang was taking no chances, he wanted to do everything within his power to secure his future. If he cannot do it by himself, he planned on making his brother do it for himself.

Nonetheless, the greatest prospect would be Wei Wushang awakening his Dantian. Even if it was of the lowest grade, he would still be satisfied for now.

'In all likelihood, if I am unable to awaken. I can only count on my brother to get me the necessary materials. Then I can go through the Ghost blood infusion ritual to transplant a foreign Dantian and make it my own.'

Wei Wushang's training of Wei Sang wasn't limited to just honing his combat skills. He was also extremely dedicated to molding Wei Sang's naive personality into that of a cold-hearted cultivator.

Undoubtedly, altering someone's personality is a time-consuming and challenging process, and Wei Wushang knew this all too well. He understood that molding Wei Sang into a ruthless individual wasn't something that could be simply accomplished overnight.

It required a lot of patience, dedication, and a deep understanding of human psychology. But despite the difficulties, Wei Wushang remained committed to this task, knowing that it was crucial for his brother's and his own survival in this cut-throat world of cultivation.

However, even this subtle emotional manipulation had its limits for now; because if Wei Wushang were to overdo it, not only would it negatively affect Wei Sang's psyche, watering down his mental growth. It would also construct a wall between the brothers, and that would be the worst-case scenario for Wei Wushang. His only form of insurance would be crippled before it could even learn to walk, leaving Wei Wushang hanging like a severed kite.

Wei Wushang carefully observed Wei Sang's movements as they trained, his mind lost in thought. He couldn't help but nod his head at the progress Wei Sang had made in just three short days, thanks to his constant training.

But even with the progress made, Wei Wushang knew that it wasn't enough. He needed to push his brother further, to truly prepare him for the harsh realities of the cultivator's path.

A heavy sigh escaped Wei Wushang's lips as he contemplated what was needed to take Wei Sang to the next level.

'I need a catalyst that'll push him to his very extreme, breaking the boundaries of morality that he has placed on himself, only then can he be reborn.'

'Hmm, I should at least make him witness a bit of cruelty. No, it's much better if I can get him to take a life before joining the sect. Once he has blood on his hands, the whole scenario will change. Hehe, then how should I go about it?' Wei Wushang's mind was filled with devilish thoughts, his eyes occasionally flickered with a cold light.

After what seemed like an endless session of combat training, the two brothers finally stopped their practice.

Wei Wushang laughed and said, "No more, no more. I am tired, you are getting better each time!"

Wei Sang wiped the sweat off his forehead before clenching his fists, and his face turned solemn, "Once I have enough strength, I will definitely seek revenge viciously. Chen Dai will pay for his crimes, I'll make sure of it!"

He looked like a hot-blooded youngster who was filled with determination after a setback.

'Opportunity!' Wei Wushang's gaze shone, he spoke immediately, "That goes without saying, we will repay this grudge a thousandfold. Chen Dai, Oh Chen Dai please don't die. Cling to your lowly life and wait for us, both you and your family will face the wrath of us Wei brothers, not even ashes will be left of you when I get my hands on you. It will be a massacre, blood shall flow like water!" Wei Wushang's voice was filled with icy malice, but surprisingly in his heart there wasn't an ounce of animosity, he was just saying it to maintain his image.

From the looks of it, Wang Zheng seemed to lack the deep-seated animosity towards Chen Dai that the original Wei Wushang had, as well as the fierce devotion to his parents.

Wei Sang's heart shook as he took a quick step forward and grabbed Wei Wushang's arm, speaking anxiously. "Brother, what are you saying? We only have enmity against Chen Dai, he is the evil person here. Why involve his family? They are innocent!"

Wei Wushang heard this and laughed like it was the funniest joke in the world, he stared at Wei Sang dead in the eye and responded with a ruthless expression, "Innocent? Hmph, so what!? It's not like I give a damn, weren't our parents innocent?"

"Was our mother a wrongdoer? Or was father a criminal? No, they were both innocent. And yet, they're both dead now, aren't they?"

Wei Wushang's voice was low and cold, his eyes flashing with a dangerous light, "Do you think Chen Dai cared about the innocence of our parents when he had them killed? Of course not. Since that scum killed two innocent people, then only when everyone related to Chen Dai, whether they be guilty or innocent, is dead, can the souls of our parents rest in peace. Tell me, brother, am I wrong? Or does your heart lack the same burning hatred for the killer of our parents that drives me to seek revenge? Which one is it?"

Wei Sang's face turned ashen and his heart felt like it was being squeezed by an iron grip. His hand trembled as he unknowingly tightened his hold on Wei Wushang's arm, feeling a mix of disbelief, shock, and a deep sense of loss. He tried to muster a rebuttal, but his lips quivered and no words came out.

Wei Wushang's words were like a cold slap in the face, an unyielding truth that Wei Sang couldn't deny.

But what made it harder to swallow was the tone that Wei Wushang had spoken with, It was so cold that Wei Sang couldn't recognize the person standing in front of him. The Wei Wushang he knew was warm and caring, always quick to laugh and slow to anger. This new Wei Wushang was a complete stranger, an icy figure that sent shivers down his spine.

Tears welled up in Wei Sang's eyes as he struggled to make sense of it all. The world he knew had been shattered, and he didn't know if he could ever put the pieces back together again.

It took Wei Sang a few moments to find his voice, his trembling lips betraying his inner turmoil. "Brother... what has happened to you? You used to be so kind and full of joy, even when we faced discrimination in the village, you always urged me to be understanding and forgiving. But now... it's like I don't even recognize you anymore. You're so cold and distant. Sometimes, it feels like I'm talking to a complete stranger. And, it saddens me to say this, but it hurts so much. I miss the old you, the brother I grew up with, the one who would smile and laugh with me, the one who wouldn't wish death upon innocent people. Please, brother, tell me that person still exists somewhere within you."

Wei Wushang was slightly taken aback by his brother's words, and his expression softened slightly.

He realized that he had gone too far and that the situation was sensitive. He knew that he needed to handle it carefully, or his relationship with his brother might be irreparably damaged. For Wei Wushang, that was simply not an option.

Relationships were like glass - fragile and easily broken. It was hard to predict what small actions could cause them to shatter, and once they did, it was almost impossible to mend them. Right now, Wei Wushang needs to be careful with his words and actions if he desired to maintain his relationship with his older brother.

'Wei Sang knows me far too well to deceive him entirely... but this isn't a bad situation either. If I just play my cards right, the whole scenario could turn upside-down and this very well could be the catalyst of change for Wei Sang.' Thinking of this Wei Wushang didn't hesitate any longer and immediately continued with the act.

Though Wei Wushang understood the pain that Wei Sang was feeling, he knew that the bigger picture was more important. He remained confident that he could use this moment to further his plans, and that his relationship with Wei Sang would ultimately benefit from it.

The atmosphere in the carriage immediately shifted.

"Oh, is that how you feel?" Wei Wushang gazed at his brother without saying a word, the coldness in his eyes withered and looked dull. There was a self-deprecating smile on his face but it was quickly cast away.

Wei Wushang retracted his gaze from Wei Sang and lowered his head and looked at his toes, his voice low and almost inaudible, "Let go of my arm."

Wei Sang was taken aback momentarily but he soon realized he was gripping Wei Wushang's arm with such force that he could have almost fractured it, he immediately released his grip and hurriedly glanced at Wei Wushang with a flustered look etched on his face.

He noticed that Wei Wushang was still expressionless, indifferent to the pain. His eyes were dull and lifeless, reflecting his defeated state of mind.

"Brother..." Wei Sang had a complex expression as he opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter another word, Wei Wushang cut him off.

"It's fine," Wei Wushang said, lightly grabbing his right arm. His gaze moved upwards and landed on Wei Sang, but his expression remained blank and emotionless.

"Brother, you just said that I've changed. You're not wrong, but do you know why? Why is it that I have become so heartless, for what reason?" He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Death is really terrifying. Do you know how it feels to die? The world around you crumbles, and everything is swallowed by darkness. It becomes a place filled with darkness and darkness only. It's a cold and sinister place without a hint of warmth. No matter how much you try to run, it will be right there waiting for you with arms wide open, ready to engulf you in it's cold embrace at the every second."

"And in that endless void of nothingness, the only sound I could hear was the muffled throbbing of my heartbeat. It was beyond nerve-racking. Those two days I was unconscious, felt like decades to me. It was a never-ending nightmare, a living hell."

"Every goddamn second I spent there I kept praying and begging my heart to not stop beating, for I knew if it did then that would be the end of me. I felt so alone, so scared that I was going to die and never see you again. The fear was suffocating, crushing every inch of my being. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you, of never seeing the light of day again. It was too much for me, the loneliness, the fear, it was all too much for me to bear, too much!"

"Did I have to suffer like this?!" Wei Wushang's voice rose in anger and pain. "No, I shouldn't have suffered so much, yet I did! For what? Just because I woke up those assholes from their dreams?!" His fists clenched in frustration, his eyes burning with unshed tears.

"Fuck them!" he spat out the words, his whole body shaking with emotion. "I was hovering on the gates of death, and it's all their fault! They didn't care about me, about the pain I was going through. I was left alone to suffer, to cling to life with everything I had. It was so damn unfair!"

Wei Wushang's breaths came in ragged gasps as he tried to regain his composure. " And that's what I used to think," he continued, his voice now calmer but still filled with emotion. "But now things have changed. I have finally grasped the truth of this world." He paused, his eyes meeting Wei Sang's with an eerie intensity, and a spark of madness flickered in his gaze.

"For all my life I always blamed others for my misfortune, never once did I think the fault lay in me. I believed that if I always walked the path of righteousness I would surely be rewarded, maybe not today or tomorrow but one day for sure. But what did that belief ever get me? Merely Pain and suffering. What justice is there in a world that's so cruel and unforgiving? What reward is there for those who suffer and sacrifice for others?" Wei Wushang's voice was filled with bitterness and despair. "I've come to realize that the world doesn't care about justice or virtue. It's a cold and heartless place that only values strength and power. And I... I am not strong enough to survive in it."

"Those days I spent in the void, it was like the world stopped existing for me, and all that remained were the memories of our parents' deaths. The memory of it was like a razor blade cutting through my mind, the humiliation mother felt when her clothes were ripped off, and the despair and helplessness in the father's eyes as he watched our mother get humiliated before getting decapitated. It kept on playing in my mind, and I couldn't escape it."

"But then, as I watched it again and again, I realized the truth. The reason our parents died wasn't really because of Chen Dai nor was it because of the cruelty of this world. No! They perished because they were weak! So weak, hahaha!" Wei Wushang burst out laughing, suddenly, he fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face.

"Hahaha..." Wei Wushang laughed and cried profusely as he repeatedly pounded the ground with his fists, but his heart was unquestionably calm.

Wei Sang looked at his 'pitiful' brother, his expression turning white, and his heart shivering. His soul ached as he saw the tears streaming down Wei Wushang's face. He wanted to reach out, to comfort his brother, but he didn't know how. All he could do was stand there, frozen, as he watched the pain and madness consume his brother.

'This is all caused by me, how could I be so self-centered? I was too foolish, I was too naive! I did not manage to see the pain Wushang was holding in his heart all this time, Damn it!'

'Behind his mask of happiness, there was endless sorrow hidden. I was so wrapped up in my own world that I didn't see what was happening to my brother. Only if I had known it earlier, only if I wasn't so self-absorbed, I should have been there for him. I was too blind to see it. It's all my fault!'

Wei Sang's clenched his teeth as he witnessed his younger brother's 'emotional breakdown' on the ground. The sight of his suffering was like a heavy blow to his fragile state of mind.

His fists were tightly clenched, soundlessly expressing the grief, agony, regret, and self-blame that he was feeling deep in his heart!


Weak and trembling, Wei Sang fell to his knees and crawled towards Wei Wushang, he wrapped his arms around his brother in a tight embrace, tears streaming down his face

"Sorry, I am sorry…"

Wei Sang wept profusely, at once, his face was like an overflowing river.

Wei Wushang's tears continued to flow, but internally he was curling his lips and smiling coldly at his brother's guilt and self-blame.

'Hehe, It's going just as planned. And now for the final push.' Wei Wushang's eyes glinted with a cold light, he struggled and firmly pushed Wei Sang, sending him staggering backward.

He glared at his older brother and scolded furiously;

"Bastard, why do you think I want to kill all those innocent people? Do you think it makes me happy!? How heartless do you think I am..!?" Wei Wushang's voice was filled with anger as he spoke. "I am doing this only to keep you safe. What do you think will happen when we let them go? There will be people just like us who will seek revenge for Chen Dai, what will you do then? Will you try to reason with them how our parents were innocent and how they were killed unrighteously, do you think they will give a damn? Absolutely not. They will cut you down the second they see you! This is a matter of survival, and you're not seeing the bigger picture!"

Wei Wushang's voice was firm, "Brother, listen to me, you are more important to me than anyone else in this world. If anyone even thinks about laying a finger on you, I will show them no mercy. It doesn't matter if they are innocent or guilty, they will all die! Do you understand?"

The intensity in Wei Wushang's eyes matched the strength in his words, as he made his point crystal clear.

"We may not share the same blood, but you are the closest thing to family that I have. And I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it means I have to become a monster. I'll do it with a smile on my face, cause we are brothers and that's what brothers do."


Wei Wushang's words hit Wei Sang like a thunderbolt, sending him spiraling into a chasm of endless guilt. Wei Wushang's every word felt like an insult that was whipping directly at his soul. It was simply painful.

In truth, these few days Wei Sang was tormented by conflicting emotions regarding his younger brother. That conflicted feeling in his heart was slowly placing a barrier between the two, he constantly questioned his younger brother's harsh words in his heart, and it made him pretty uncomfortable. These feelings led Wei Sang to believe that his brother had changed for the worse.

But only now did he realize, how wrong he was. And to make matters worse, he understood everything Wei Wushang was doing was for himself.

Guilt, Wei Sang felt unbearable guilt. He was stuck in the pit of agony, sinking deeper and deeper the more he struggled.

Wei Sang was already in an extremely vulnerable position but at this juncture, Wei Wushang pushed him lightly, finally causing Wei Sang to explode, breaking from the deepest part of his heart.

Wei Sang's body shuddered, he was still like a statue, but the next moment, he raised his head and screamed with all of his energy.


His shrill and hoarse voice resounded in this carriage.

When his screaming ended, Wei Sang started laughing like a maniac.

His laughter contained the feeling of madness, but also anger and sadness, there was also a trace of mockery towards himself and toward the mortal world for making his brother suffer so much. He screamed his lungs out, with a face full of tears, he was questioning himself.


'It's done, the guilt and shame in your heart have exceeded their limits, and you have finally suffered an emotional breakdown. Denying yourself, feeling intense pain and grief, you, a person who is facing a trial of your conscience, hehe. Let's see how you handle it, go ahead and make your decision, I hope you will not let me down.' Wei Wushang's gaze was shining as he watched the now crazy Wei Sang.

Wei Wushang's rich life experience allowed him to grasp the psychology of people to a very precise degree. He was raised a demon, in his previous life he was the Young master of a large sized clan, hence his father had nurtured him to grow into a brilliant clan head. And partnered with his exceptional intellect, Wei Wushang had a high understanding of the human heart.

'Forgive me, my foolish brother. But this a necessary step for both of us, for we are brothers, it is my duty to let you know that this world is not all rainbows and sunshine, it is a very dark place. No matter how tough you think you are it will beat you down until you accept defeat, so if you want to succeed in life you must be prepared.' Wei Wushang spoke internally, he frowned as a strange pain took over his heart.

'Success or failure, I will not give up. No matter how long it takes, your brother will always be there for you. And even if there are times when I must hurt you, believe me, brother it's for your own good. You can hate me or even despise me for it, but I will love you always.' Wei Wushang's gaze was eerie and dark as he covertly watched his brother's performance.

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