
The Romantic Dinner

A short romance, fancy rooftop dinner story.

Ruby_White758 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter Ten

I felt frozen in surprise. My eyes were wide with astonishment, and my mind struggled to acknowledge if this was truly happening.

As I stared at the ring open-mouthed, it spied me from its red interior, winking in the soft light. I didn't know what to say. I just stood rooted to the spot, my brain refusing to function.

"Jewel?" Skye queried, as he looked at me with uncertainty, still holding out the ring. "Will you marry me?"

Having heard it for the second time, knowing now for sure it truly was happening, I nodded my head vigorously.

"Yes!" I said admist tears. "Yes, I will."

Skye rushed and hugged me, kissing me. We clinged to each other for joy, wiping away tears. Finally, he released me and slipped the shining ring on my finger. I looked at it with so much happiness, jiggling my fingers lightly.

I looked at Skye again and kissed him with sweet abandon, pouring all my love and passion into the kiss. Looking into his eyes shining with love, I whispered,

"Now and forever."

"Now and forever." he echoed.