
The Roleplayer

Riley Petesgeralt is your everyday suburban high-schooler by day, and an avid gamer by night, easily cracking the top 50 player charts in the world’s top played MMORPG, World of Legends. However, after a spiritual encounter, his life is turned upside down. Both worlds collide, and now, his life is a roleplaying game? Follow Riley as he embarks on an adventure in adapting his new abilities to his everyday life, where he discovers "life" may not be as normal as it seems.

RileyPetesGeralt · Games
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"So, what will you do from now on?"

Riley looked up from his food.

"What do you mean?"

"You were only out to get the People's Brotherhood, right? Well, you've succeeded. Lombardi and Rodriguez are dead, and the previous Boss has stepped down. The other Underbosses are also too weak to make a difference."

"I don't know… the main reason why I decided to strike out against the mafia was to prevent another assault on my home."

"Oh, don't you worry about that. I'll make sure those guys stay in jail for a very long time."

"Thanks. Eh, I'm not sure what I'll do. I figured I would get a job over the summer. Lots of games I want to buy coming out this year."

Mr. X smiled.

"How about you come work for me?"

Riley raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"What? You mean, become a gangster?"

"No no, nothing like that. I could never make you a low level thug after all you've done for me. No, I mean, how would you like to become my consigliere?"

"Consi- what? The hell is that?"

"Consigliere. My right hand man."

"Oh. Why couldn't you just say that?"

"My bad. These mafia-types get really stuck-up over stuff like this. So, what do you think?"

"What would I be doing as your consi- your right hand man?"

"Well, you would be my most trusted advisor, obviously. You would also have two other roles: to represent me at meetings if I'm unavailable, and to dispute my ideas; basically playing devil's advocate."

"No no. No meetings. I refuse to get involved with the mafia anymore than I have to."

"This is to do with your dad, isn't it?"

Riley's eyes widened for half a second before reverting back.

"Yeah. You researched that much, huh?"

"It wasn't hard to find. 'Heroic cop sacrifices self to save citizen'."

"Then I'm sure you know why I don't want to get involved."

"Riley, I assure you that neither I nor the People's Brotherhood had anything to do with your father's death. I give you my word."

"I believe you. But that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to join your gang. Plus, I know nothing about running an organization."

"That's fine. How about just a consultative role? You can be my external advisor. If I ever need a brain that hasn't been jaded by the harshness of life in the mafia, I'll call you. No need to get involved. Plus it gives me a reason to keep you on payroll, which is the most important part here."

"Payroll? Why?"

"Riley. I know your financial situation. Your mom has to be busting her back out there just so you two can afford to survive. Let me help you — It's the least I can do for you. It's not my money anyway; perks of being the Boss."

Mr. X winked at Riley.

"So? What do you say?"

"Fine. Just advice."

Riley stuck out his right hand, which Mr. X promptly shook.

"Deal! We can work out the logistics of payment at a later date. Now, do you have a suit?"

"A suit? Nope. Never needed one, and we can't afford one anyway."

"Well that's no good. No advisor of mine should go without a nice suit. After dinner we'll go get you a nice bespoke suit. It's on me, of course. Think of it as a sign on bonus."

"Bespoke suit?"

"Bespoke tailoring refers to clothing that's been custom-made to your specifications, as opposed to ready-to-wear or made to measure. It originated from London, I believe."

"Ah. You learn something new every day."


Mr. X parked his car along a quiet street. As they were walking along the pavement, Riley broke the silence.

"Hey Mr. X. You sure we're at the right place? This is the sketchy part of town. Wouldn't a fancy tailor be set-up somewhere posh?

"When you got a reputation like Alfred's, things like big, flashy, mainstream clothing stores are just trivial overcompensation. Word of mouth is the best marketing when you're the best of the best. Also, while we're here, call me Alex. Here we are."

Riley stopped and stared at the shop that they had stopped in front of. There were windows, but they were heavily curtained, preventing him from seeing the inside of the shop.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Mr. X walked up the steps and rapped on the door.

"Hey Alfred, it's Alex!"

After a few seconds of waiting, the door opened, and they were greeted by an old man dressed like a butler; black tuxedo, with rounded, frameless glasses, and a bowtie. Though he looked old, the old man stood upright with confidence, and there was a youthful twinkle to his eye. As he spoke, Riley realized that he was English.

"Good evening Alex. What brings you here? Didn't you just get a new suit?"

"It's not for me, it's for this youngin here."

Mr. X leaned to the side as he gestured back at Riley.

"Oh, is that the boy that you've been telling me about? I pictured someone much older, with the way that you've been describing him. Then again, you were just as reliable and accomplished when you were his age, weren't you?"

Alfred gestured for the both of them to enter. As they walked into the shop, Riley could feel a sudden change in atmosphere. The dirty asphalt outside starkly juxtaposed with the polished marble floor. The shop sported several marble statues, with wooden wardrobes spread across the walls, each hosting a suit spotlighted, and protected from by a layer of thick glass. In the middle of the store were three majestic looking chairs — the outline and frame of the chairs were gold-plated, and the cushions were made of velvet.

Up to this point Riley had been completely mesmerized with his surroundings, but Mr. X soon snapped him back to reality.

"Anyways, Riley, meet Alfred. Alfred's been my personal tailor ever since I became a Capo, and he's served some of the richest families in the country, and sometimes even Middle Eastern Princes. Alfred's family have been tailors since the 18th century, and they've always been the best of the best.

"Oh, you praise me too much. I'm just an old man who takes measurements and uses them to cut cloth. The usual to drink, Alex? And you look too young for alcohol. Coffee, perhaps?

"Ah, yes, thanks!"

"Alright, I'll be right back; make yourself at home!"

As Alfred made his way into the backroom, Riley followed Mr. X as they walked around the shop.

"You see that suit over there? It was worn by Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of the richest Americans who ever lived. It was made by Alfred's great-great-great-great-grandfather and I must say, the skills get better after every generation.

"Wait, then why have I never heard of them? If they're so good at suit making surely they'd be famous?"

"Let's put it this way. You've heard of Rolex, right?"

"Of course, isn't that one of the most luxurious watch brands?"

"They're luxurious, for sure, but they aren't even close to being the most. You see, Rolexes are what the general public would consider "high-end". But once you reach a certain level of wealth, you'll start to see a whole new world of watches. Rolexes are merely the tip of the iceberg. For example, you see this watch on my wrist? Guess how much it is."

"Hmm, I really don't know anything about watches… five, maybe ten, thousand?"

"Ouch, that hurts. This is an Audemars Piguet, Royal Oak. It's 50 thousand dollars."

"What?! 50 thousand?! That's more than double of what my mom makes in a year!"

"Haha, but here's the catch — this isn't even close to the peak. So, just like the Audemars Piguet, which is relatively unknown to the public, Alfred's craftsmanship is unknown to the mass market, but highly respected by suits enthusiasts such as myself. The suits that he makes for me are stylish, yet are still able to hold during my… altercations. I can easily fight and dodge while wearing them, and they even have a certain degree of defense against… sharp objects. His suits are truly equal parts artistic and scientific."

As Mr. X was singing Alfred's praises, the man himself walked in. Seeing Alfred come back, Mr. X sat on one of the three chairs, with Riley following suit. Carrying a tray, Alfred placed a coaster in front of Mr. X, before placing down his cocktail: a lowball glass with whiskey and a lemon rind, on the rocks. He then did the same for Riley, except this time it was in a teacup, and it was coffee.

"Do give it a try, and let me know what you think."

Riley thanked Alfred before giving the coffee a sip.

"Wow, it's really good!"

"I'm glad you like it. I just received these special Kopi Luwak cherries last week from a Javanese client."

As he took a seat in the last remaining chair, Alfred continued.

"So, how can I help you?"

"I'd like a suit for Riley over here."

"What sort of suit are you looking for?"

"As usual, I'll leave it up to you, Alfred. You know best."

"Alright. So, Riley, I assume that you're going to be a consigliere?"

"Wait, how did you know? I wasn't even told until today!"

"Haha, it was a simple guess. After all, you're the first person that Alex has brought here. He ordered a new suit in anticipation of becoming Boss, and if he's bringing someone in, I sure hope that person would be nothing short of his very own right hand man."


"So, you'll need a suit for a consigliere. Understood."

Pulling out a notebook, Alfred started jotting down some notes. Despite his seniority, he wrote with a surprising amount of speed and dexterity, his hand weaving about as if he was sewing a button onto a jacket.

"Uhm, I've never done this before. Am I supposed to tell you my favorite color and stuff?"

Both Alfred and Mr. X burst out in laughter.

"Oh no, I wouldn't put such pressure on my clients. Leave the burden of choice to me. So, how do you fight?"

"Oh, uhm. I mostly use a bat, but also a gun someti-"

"Wait, a bat? Like a baseball bat, bat?"


"Understood. Can you stand up for me real quick?"

Alfred stood up together with Riley, and he started pacing around, inspecting every nook and cranny of the shape of Riley's body.

"Alright, and finally, do you prefer a holiday in the wilderness, or by the beach?"

"Hmm, honestly, I'd prefer a holiday at home playing games."

Smiling, Alfred pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen and passed them to Riley.

"Fill this up. It's a personality questionnaire for me to better understand you as a person."

Riley nodded, taking the paper and pen from Alfred. As he was filling out the questionnaire, Mr. X and Alfred started reminiscing about the old days.

"Remember that time when you saved me from a junkie trying to rob me right outside your store?"

"Yeah. I heard the commotion and peaked out of the blinders and saw you being held up. Nothing a little measuring tape couldn't handle."

"Honestly, I had it covered. I was just amused and I wanted to see what would happen next."

"I'll take your word for it. But, it would have been a shame to have to dirty those nice suits that you wear."

Both of them burst out in laughter.


Riley handed the paper and pen back to Alfred.

"Alright, thanks Alfred; we'll be taking our leave."

"Wait, we're done? Isn't he going to take my measurements, or let me try on some suits?"

"We'll be doing that the next time we come here. That's when Alfred will make the final changes before getting back to you on your suit. Plus, he's able to tell your measurements just from looking at you. That's his power."

"Not only that, I've been told that I know my clients' bodies better than their wives do. Alex, you've put on some weight since I last saw you. I'm guessing you're about 81.4 kg now? Must be all that mexican food."

"Hah, even I don't know my weight."


Mr. X's car came to a halt outside Riley's house.

"Here we are."

"Thanks for everything today Al- er, Mr. X. You paid for dinner, brought me to get measurements for a suit, and even cheered me up when I was feeling down. I'm feeling much better now."

"No worries kid. I'll see you around."

Mr. X held up his hand for a fist bump, which Riley reciprocated, smiling as he did so.

"Well, I'd better get going. Wouldn't want anyone spotting us and telling my mom."

Before Riley could close the car door, Mr. X piped up.

"One more thing before you go."

"What's up?"

"I think we're past such silly nicknames. From now on, call me Alex."

Riley smiled and nodded.

"See you around, Alex."


Patch 35.0

- Regular biweekly update

- Fixed Riley's age showing 17 instead of 16

Name: Riley Petesgeralt

Age: 16

Job: The Roleplayer

Class: Vigilante

Level: 19

HP: 250

MP: 220

EXP: 535/538

Strength: 43

Dexterity: 46

Vitality: 25

Intelligence: 32

Wisdom: 22

Charisma: 26

Luck: 31


Roleplayer's Mind

Virtual Body

Analyze (Level 5)

Blunt Weapon Proficiency (Level 4)

Physical Endurance (Level 3)

The Cinderella Effect (Level 1)

Dodge Step (Level 2)

Counter Flip (Level 1)

Leg Sweep (Level 2)

Power Punch (Level 2)

Extreme Agility (Level 2)

Sense Danger (Level 2)

Trash Talk (Level 1)

Power Swing (Level 4)

Quick Draw (Level 1)

Minimap (Level 2)

Incognito (Level 4)

Bullet Party (Level 1)

Bullet Time (Level 1)

Bind (Level 1)

Virtuoso (Level 1)


Vigilante's Mask (Level 3/5)

Vigilante's Cloak (Level 1/5)

Vigilante's Pants (Level 2/5)

Vigilante's Gloves (Level 1/5)

Vigilante's Shoes (Level 1/5)

Vigilante's Gun (Level 3/5)

Full set bonus unlocked: Shadow World