
Chapter 8 : Late-Night Phone Call

Seraphina’s POV

Laying in my bed, wearing some loose PJs with wet hair from my shower. Annika was in the next room over, sleeping soundly by the sound of the baby monitor.

The ache between my legs hadn’t gone away. Not even with how much I twisted and turned, trying not to think about how Kit touched me in the kitchen.

And how good it felt.

But damn it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Kit swam through my head, the memory of his lips brushing mine. I wanted more. And if Rosie hadn’t walked in, I would’ve gotten up on my tippy toes and kissed him back.

I would’ve thrown my arms around his neck and I would have finally figured out if his arms were as hard as they looked. For a moment, I pondered the fantasy.

Pressing my body against his, tasting the inside of his mouth. Felt what it was like to be kissed by someone who cared. Would he have picked me up and sat me on the counter, wedging himself between my legs so I could feel if he wanted me as badly as I wanted him?

Did he burn as hotly as I did?

My thighs started to tingle, slickness gathering between my legs. I moved my hips up and down, sliding my hand down to where I ached, brushing the swollen nub at the apex of my thighs. I bit back a cry, pumping my hips against my hand.

My eyes rolled back as I imagined Kit doing it for me. His broad shoulders nudging my legs apart even farther. Those eyes eaten up by hungry pupils. Thick, blunt-tipped fingers travelling down to where I ached for him.

His sexy gravelly voice murmuring sweet nothings as he guided two of his fingers into me.

A whimper bubbled in my throat, my body tightened helplessly. “Kit,” I moaned under my breath, eyelids fluttering.

My body ached. Desire coursed through my veins. I shouldn’t want someone so badly. I tried to move my fingers and hit the spot that would send little white spots dancing behind my eyes. I murmured his name, trying to trick my body into thinking he was doing this to me, but my body wouldn’t be fooled.

Even digging my vibrator out of the bedside table didn’t ease the ache. The vibrations would usually be enough in the right spot. But not tonight.

Imaginary Kit wasn’t enough.

Every time I thought I was getting close to relief, it flittered away, leaving me more pent-up than before. I gave up, frustrated, but more than anything, I was annoyed with Kit.

I was annoyed I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

I was annoyed that he wore slutty shirts that kept distracting me.

And I was annoyed that my body wanted him, and wouldn’t settle for satisfaction with my hand.

But that couldn’t happen. What was I doing? Trying to kiss him? Trying to get off to the thought of him? Get involved with another man while I was still dealing with the aftermath of my marriage.

As badly as my body wanted Kit, I had Annika to think about. It wasn’t right to get involved with him, especially since there was such a high risk of it ending poorly. I was damaged goods and as soon as he realized just how damaged I was, he’d know I wasn’t worth it.

And…I didn’t know if I’d be able to give him what he wanted considering he would never be my first priority.

I had to clear this up. Now. While it was fresh in my mind. I couldn’t sleep on this.

Even though Rosie was in the next room over, I sent her a text. Maybe because it would give her a chance to ignore me.

Me: Hey, could you send me Kit’s number?

Maybe, she’s already asleep. Save me from my late-night mistakes.

Damn it, the little three dots appeared as Rosie sent me Kit’s contact folder from her phone. Looked like I was going through with this. I couldn't stop myself. Seeing his name on my phone made me want to talk to him even more.

Rosie: There. Now leave me alone. I’m trying to sleep. Bother him all you want. He won’t mind.

I sent her a quick thank you.

I stared at the message button under Kit’s name for a while. What was I going to say? Was I really going to do this over text?

Fuck it. Let’s start simple.

Me: Hey, it’s Sera.

After a few minutes of staring obsessively at my phone, I saw three dots appear.

Kit: Hey! How’s it going?

Me: I’m just having trouble sleeping. Rosie gave me your number. I hope that’s okay.

Kit: Of course, it’s okay.

I chewed my lower lip, thinking about the next message. Shit, I wasn’t a good texter at all. It’d be easier if I just called.

Me: I know it’s late, but can I call you?

Please say no.

Please say no.

Give me an excuse not to talk to you.

Kit: Sure.

Damn it.

I debated backpedaling. Saying never mind and forgetting I ever texted him. My belly coiled again as I sat up in my bed, rocking my hips to distract the budding heat inside that seemed to flare back again.

Against my better judgment, I hit the call button. It rang a few times before he answered.

“Sera?” Kit greeted, voice thick and groggy. And it instantly hit me with another wave of lust. His voice did something to me, flushing my face and sending blood to swell my sex.

Fuck, that turned me on. All he said was my name.

“O-oh. D-did I wake you up?” I asked. Damn this stutter. It got worse when I was nervous or riled up. And right now, I was both.

“It’s okay. I can’t sleep either,” he admitted, releasing a rumbly noise that sounded like a yawn.

“You sure? You’re over there yawning,” I mentioned, pressing my tongue into the side of my cheek in amusement. “We can talk later.”

“I would rather talk to you than sleep.”

Heat flushed my chest again, sending my heart stuttering.

“Are you okay? You’re breathing a little heavily. And your heart is hammering.”

“Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. You can hear my heart through the phone?” I asked.

“Super senses and all that jazz,” he replied, audibly stretching with a grunt deep in his throat.

I gulped, the noise sending tingles all over my arms again. Damn it, this was a bad idea. I just didn’t think his voice alone would work me up.

“So what did you want to talk about?”

“The kitchen,” I stated, voice warbling as I fought another stammer. “I-It’s just that…I…um…” I tried to explain myself, but the words kept dying on my tongue. I felt so frazzled. “The…kiss and how…um…”

“Sera,” Kit interrupted softly. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me, okay?”

“O-Okay…?” I said as more of a question than an answer.

He sighed into the receiver. “You want to stay friends.”

“Yes,” I murmured, almost shyly. I wasn’t a shy woman, but this all felt so new to me. “I’m sorry if I’m…leading you on.”

“You’re not,” he promised, his voice dropping to a rumbly murmur. “I understand. You have a daughter. You’ve just gotten out of a bad relationship. I don’t expect anything out of this.”

“If you don’t expect anything, why do you try?” I asked. “What’s in it for you?”

“Is it so unbelievable that I just like being around you?”

My heart stuttered again. I didn’t answer. Back on the Blood Moon packlands, I was spat at and walked all over. People never chose to be in the same room with the filthy sorceress. Part of me thought it was William’s influence infecting his people, making them heartless. Cruel just like he was. “You’re too…nice to me, Kit,” I murmured.

“I’m not saying this to be nice, Sera. I mean it,” he replied, softening his tone even more. “I don’t say things I don’t mean. So when I say I like you and I enjoy being around you, I mean it.”

I gulped hard, heat bubbling in my veins. His voice did nothing to quell the fire burning inside of me. Another flash of how he touched me in the kitchen came over my vision. How his lips felt brushing against mine.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” I whispered softly.

I heard him take a deep breath on the other line, a growly noise that made my knees quiver. I wasn’t sure if he was going to respond as a moment of silence passed, with only the noise of our breathing. My throat felt thick. Nerves buzzed in my stomach and for a moment, I regretted saying that at all.

So I backpedaled.

“I know I shouldn’t,” I continued, vulnerability rearing its head. “I’m not in a good place right now, but I…I-I can’t help it.”

“I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. All day and night…I think about you,” Kit admitted.

It shouldn’t have turned me on as much as it did. “What do you think about me?” I murmured, feeling my nipples bead up with excitement. Tingles erupted all over my arms, enjoying the sensation of being wanted.

“Are you asking me what I do at night to the thought of you, Sera?” he asked, voice somehow even lower, licking a heated path between my legs. I liked the way he sounded over the phone. I liked it way more than I should have.

I twisted a strand of my hair, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. “Yes,” I breathed.

“Well, tonight, for example, I’ve been thinking about your lips. About how your hips fit so perfectly into my hands. I thought about what I would have done if Rosie didn’t come into that kitchen.”

My core throbbed, excitement whorling down my neck like hot breath. “What would you have done, Kit?”

He was breathing deeply on the other line. Audibly just as excited as I was. “Hmm. Maybe, I would have pressed you against the countertop, held you so close to me you would’ve felt how hard I was for you.”

Wetness pooled between my legs. My face was hot, but I was so wound up, I didn’t care. “If you kissed me well enough, maybe I would’ve let you feel how wet I was for you.”

“Shit,” he murmured breathily, biting back a groan. “Tell me, are you wet right now?”

My core clenched as more arousal dampened my panties. “Yes.”

He groaned again. “You’re killing me, Sera. Are you going to do anything about it?”

“I tried, but nothing seemed to do the trick. I just feel so unsatisfied,” I answered, the sensitive bud between my legs pulsing, enjoying the stimulation of his words.

Kit hummed on the other line. “Do you want me to help you?”
