
Chapter 49 : Catching Up

Seraphina’s POV

When I saw Kit’s truck pull into Rosie’s driveway, I almost didn’t believe it was him. We had spent so much time apart, that it felt surreal to see him again in the flesh. We spent weeks pulling on the bond whenever we thought about each other…which was all the time.

He’d call me every night to say goodnight to Annika. She’d share with him her growing vocabulary and he told her he loved her.

After I put her to bed, we’d talk until the early morning hours. About how Abe slept on Rosie’s couch at night and spent the day reconnecting with his wife after years of being apart. How I helped Rosie care for the homestead and I somehow didn’t kill any of her plants yet. I would also tell him about how much Annika loved feeding the chickens and would go so far as asking to feed the goats at Reiner Ranch.