
Chapter 47 : Back Home

Seraphina’s POV

I felt closer to Kit than I ever had. Like a direct line between our minds had been connected. I couldn’t get enough of pulling on the bond. Every time I did, Kit beamed at me. I pulled on it when we got out of the shower.

When he dressed me.

Even when I saw the mark in the mirror.

I expected a scar. Something as jagged as William’s bite. But it didn’t look like that at all. The scar William left me with was gone. Altogether disappeared. Now, I was left with a light, silver indention of Kit’s teeth. Not bruised. Not at all painful.

It felt like a mark of love.

My fingers brushed it and a spear of heat shot right through me. I wasn’t expecting it. Kit pulled an ill-fitting shirt over his head and raised his split eyebrow at me. “Can you…feel that?”

“I can,” he answered, a little smile on his lips full of ardor.

Distant whispers flowed through one ear and out the other. Like the buzz of a radio. It would come and go. “Why do I keep hearing buzzing?”