
Chapter 45 : Selene

Seraphina’s POV

I don’t know how long I sat on that stage, my white dress stained with blood, holding Kit’s body. My head throbbed from how hard I had been sobbing. I couldn’t hear anything outside of the pounding of my heart. My breathing was loud in my ears.

I didn’t feel it when Xander stepped up onto the stage behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. No flinching. No reaction at all.

My throat was choked with grief. Insurmountable pain I didn’t know if I’d survive. I could feel my heart crack in my chest down the middle.

William had cheated. It was obvious to me and obvious to the elders who were panicked and whispering to one another. It seemed like without an Alpha, the mind link had also shattered. There was no Alpha to anchor it.

I hunched over his body, my tears running out. I prayed to the moon, to the earth, to the devils and the angels to bring Kit back. Whoever would listen. To take this pain away. To feel like a part of me wasn’t splintered.