
Chapter 38 : Plans

TW: Mentions of domestic abuse and traumatic childbirth

Seraphina’s POV

I didn’t remember the drive to Kit’s apartment. He was silent, breath puffing through his nose. Visibly angry, but trying to keep it under control for me. My gaze never left the kitty stuffy, eyeing the stains, thinking about all the ways to scrub out the blood and make it perfect again for Annie.


Damn it.

Tears streamed down my cheeks. Pain shot through my chest. Oh God, so much pain. I’d never imagined it. The only time I’d ever felt like this was when Annika was snatched from my arms moments after she was born.

After I’d been in labor, alone in the dark for hours. I screamed, trying to claw out of my skin to get away from the torment, but I couldn’t. I was trapped in my flesh, scared I’d die alone. But when I had fought my battle, seen through the war of childbirth, I had my daughter.

And she was perfect.