
Chapter 34 : The Morning After

Kit’s POV

The sunlight gleamed through the bedroom window, stirring me from a very satisfied sleep. Sera’s soft body was wedged between my arms, naked warm skin pressed and plastered against mine.

She felt perfect. Nuzzled into my chest, nose puffing hot breath across my neck. Red lovebites and teeth marks were already fading from my skin, but I wanted to wear them forever. The visual of Sera underneath me, squirming and panting about how I belonged to her swam through my head.

I wanted her to claim me, choose me, and as I kissed her tangled, golden hair, I knew she had. I felt so fucking happy. A smile forever plastered on my face.

My wolf wanted to come out and play last night, waiting for the opportunity for me to let my guard down so he could spring forward and claim her. But I wouldn’t let it happen. Even now, he paced under my skin, anxious and irritated, but he’d have to deal.