
Chapter 25 : No More Secrets

Seraphina’s POV

It felt so good to talk to him. Kit’s kind eyes gave me a sense of weightlessness while still grounding me in the here and now. He made my day feel easy. Made me feel normal. Like I wasn’t this broken little thing he had to be careful around.

His eyes flared when I told him about William, about my ring. The wolf made itself known, wanting badly to protect me, getting angry for my sake.

It was all very endearing.

My heart fluttered when I realized I wanted to feel protected. And I knew he would protect Annika in the same way. Deep inside of me, I could feel how genuine every word was. How much he cared.

The greens of his eyes would sparkle like I was the only person he saw.

He made me feel so special.

I took another bite of my spicy peanut chicken, enjoying how it made my lips tingle and burn the inside of my mouth.