
The return journey (1)

It was almost dawn when Erick returned to the camp. He had spent some time cleaning up the area and loitered around the forest before returning at a similar time as he usually did.

He entered his room and washed up before laying down on the bed. The ritual at night had failed to enhance his soul pet. The goddess even said that his green wolf soul pet had reached its maximum potential.

But the information he had received in exchange was more than enough to make up for the failure. There were still many suspicions and gaps but at least he had received some answers. And also the confirmation that he could contact higher energies if needed.

'Let the gods fight among themselves. For now I need to focus solely on my own powers and the war at hand. They need energy to level up. I wonder how I can gain some benefits from knowing that.'

Erick spent some time thinking about how to maximize his benefits but was frustrated to realize that he had no way to meddle in a conflict of that level. Not yet anyways.

'I barely am able to go against the grand demons. The castle lord and Tenor are surely beings at a far higher level.'

Even though he was unable to plan something feasible, he didn't let it worry him too much. It was not in his nature to feel demotivated in front of obstacles. If he lacked means now to do something big, he would just do something small, until he found a way.

Erick threw everything to the back of his mind and tried to sleep. Seeing the first rays at sunrise he just smiled and admired the beautiful sight. Gradually he dozed off.

It was just before noon that he awakened. Stretching and yawning he smiled. The disappointment and the lack of feasible plans were already forgotten.

Just as he reached the hall to have his lunch, he saw Vince and Lance sitting at a table nearby. Both seemed to have been waiting on him. Just as he appeared they signaled him to join them.

"How come everytime I see you, you seem to brim with even more power and vitality?" Vince asked as soon as he sat down. Although people lacked to judge the level of others accurately, there would still be some aspects visible to an experienced eye.

Vince had spent years training and guiding people. His low potential might have kept him at the beginner level of knighthood, but he was still able to tell some differences between beginner and intermediate level knights.

Erick laughed sheepishly. He neither confirmed nor denied Vince's probe. Lance looked a bit surprised but he seemed too occupied with something to give much importance to the matter.

Vince wanted to add something, but they were interrupted by Victor. Erick had nearly forgotten about this teammate after arriving at the camp. He had only met him once when the elders and Mave had come to the hall.

Erick was not sure what Victor had been upto since arriving but felt a tad shocked to notice Victor's level. He was sure that Victor had been at level 10 when they arrived at the camp. But now he was already at level 13!

'This guy surely has some kind of secret. I wonder who the real protagonist of this story is. Am I the evil guy who progresses early on, only to be overtaken by a weak mc?'

Erick couldn't help but lampoon. He chuckled in his mind but he didn't really spend too much time lingering on it. Soon Victor's secret would be his.

"Okay. Now that everyone has gathered here, let's start to plan how to proceed from this point."

Vince scraped his throat, attracting everyone's attention as he started the meeting. He looked tired.

"The most pressing issue is the lack of response from Lotte and Terry. We still have no clue where they are and if they are safe. On the other hand the produce is already packed and loaded onto the carts. Per our instructions, we need to leave for the castle at once."

Vince looked towards the group as he explained the dilemma he was facing currently. On one hand he needed to make sure that the resources reached the castle on time, on the other, as the captain of the team, he worried about the safety of his team mates.

"I am not leaving without Lotte!" Before Vince could continue, Lance shouted softly but with a firm tone. His expressions indicated no room for discussion on this point.

"I know!" Vince replied. "I know you won't leave without your wife. I won't ask you too. But as the captain, I can't leave members behind too. Especially if I am unsure about the state they might be in."

Erick was already feeling happy. His next exploration inside the temple would still take some time. The darkest night usually was around two weeks from the day of the full moon. He would rather return to the castle and try to gain more information inside it.

"Erick and Victor will return with the resources to the castle. Lance and I will try to search the area. I don't doubt your competence Erick, but maybe you missed something Lance and I might have caught." Vince said, looking at each remaining member of his team.

"Okay. I hope I really have missed something. I would rather have Miss Lotte and that grumpy Terry with us than have some false sense of being a good scout," Erick answered, sounding dejected and frustrated.

Victor seemed to struggle a bit with the idea, but finally agreed. He seemed to think that resisting too much would result in complications. No one, besides Erick of course, had noticed that however.

They decided to prepare at once. The carts were already loaded and ready to leave at a moment's notice. The team finished their meal and went to their room to pack everything.

Erick packed a small pouch just for the show. All the important stuff had already been stuffed inside the spatial wristband. After making sure he hadn't missed anything, Erick made way to the gate.

There was already a group of people waiting there. The elders of the camp had organized a small ritual to bless their return. Erick and Victor would be in charge of the convoy but not sole members of the team.

There were a dozen or so guards and acolytes who would accompany them. There were also some bowmen to scout and clear any obstacle in their path.

"How long will the return trip take?" Erick asked once he saw the heavily loaded carts. They had barely needed a few hours to reach the camp, but he was sure that it would take far longer with such a team.

"If everything goes well, you will reach the castle tomorrow at noon," Lance answered. Erick scowled.

'Don't raise flags with such words, old man.'

"I have already given all the instructions to Victor. The people here also know the places to camp at night. Just deliver the resources and if we don't return soon, rejoin us here," Vince instructed as Erick took his place on one of the carts.

Erick nodded and waved at the group at the gate. He was sitting at the front and Victor on the last cart. They would be the first and last to react to any situation.

As the gates closed behind them Erick shot it one last glance. The journey back to the castle had started.

'Finally time to put one part of the plan into motion.'

Hi all!

Already rewritten the first four chapters. Still six more chapters to rewrite. I will publish the entire book again next weekend. PLus some extra chapters as compensation!

This is chapter 5/7 for this week.

Enjoy and please let me know if you still are enjoying this novel. I see some previous commentors have stopped. Not sure if they dont want to comment or the novel wasn't to your liking anymore.

Let me know what you guys like/dislike so I can improve myself!

Love you all!

Delusional_Monkcreators' thoughts
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