

Hey ! I don't know if I can do it , by the way I'm James . As I'm an a Asian, things have been little tight for me through out my life , sounds commen as it happens with every Asian who lives with there parents but my life is different because it has got combination of love ,war ,tear and romance.

I was just 11 years old when my mom had passed away , from that time I started living a very misrable and devasted life which no body else would even think of, if that was not bad enough something worst happened , It all started up when my father who always treated me like a prince of his heart ,re-married with a women who was no less than the witch that lives in banyan tree, sounds rude but it is truth.

I am an South Asian but am not brown man , I've shining , unruly hairs ,brown eyes ,fair skin and attractive facecut , not braging but it was the only reason for all the miss happening that took place in my life.

Now I'm 19 , it all started last year , I was in 12th standard , I had always been a funny person , people in binging hesitated from talking to me especially in my school coze in my school the one with good looks had always been at the top of there attitude ,I even was stopped by a boy saying the other don't fit among us so you should stay away from them who knows if you also turn out that filthy as them , at that point I wished he would had said these things to me outside the school campus, I would had punched to the ground but I just gave him a rough glare and walked by , felt angry to hear those words for my friends and mates but was bound by the campus rules.

One day it went dark while returning from school ,it was 9:00 p.m. till then . I was so late because I had to stop there in the library to complete the project ,I didn't wanted to keep any work for next day so I held myself overtime there.After finishing my work I walked towards my house . It was yet 2 k.m. from my house when I heard a loud crash sound on the roadside , I ran towards the crash side and to my surprise it was a bad accident I saw a person but he wasn't any person from my country , he was drolling out of his car with lots of pain in his face, his car was crash on a sidewall , I ran to help him , that was an a very empty road so there was no person to help. He looked to be an forener whom I had helped . I knew a city hospital nearby so I took him there carrying him atleast 1.5 k.m. on my back . Don't know why by his condition made me cry in worries ,I was even not sure that would I be able to save him .

Though to be real he was very handsome and attractive ,he had a perfect jawline , dark gray eyes , tall personality but he very much looked like a mafiya in that black outfit , even though he saw me but was not in condition to say anything , it made me think what important errand would he had that he risked his own life , and then I ended up sleeping on one of the hospital bench like a panda who just had its lunch and slept . In morning time , the doctor woke me up , he asked certain questions about the accident . He asked me to pay off the Bills for shifting him in a private ward and for better treatments , because they had no family info of the person and he was still unconscious . I had my savings , it was not much , I gave 500$ to the doctor and told him that I was apologetic that I couldn't help much . The doctor asked me to give my address and basic info. so that the could tell the person who had helped him . I gave the doctor a smile and said I wasn't any formalitie it was an favor from my little heart , and rather than giving him my info. you can give him my wishes to get well soon and and tell him to drive safely next time .

Way back to home I knew I was in a big trouble because we were not allowed to take phones in school and there was no any other way by which I would had informed my homies that I would be this late. And my god , my father was at the doorstep , he looked so mad that if any one would had asked me to jump in hell or confront my dad so I would had chosen jumping into the hell . To my no surprise my stepmom had a good whole night to fill my dad's mind with all the rubbish against me . He once had didn't talked to me for 2 years just because of my stepmother . She always wanted free space and dad's wealth which was also one of the reason why she married my dad when they had a age difference of 10 years. As I got in ,my dad shouted at the top of his lungs , but the thing which was not okay for me that he even abused me , said I was a despicable child , a dirt on this family and deserved to be killed at that very moment when my mother had died .

My stepmother filled in his mind that whole night I was in any hotel with some girl and she also said to my dad that she heard about it from her ears while I was planning all these stufs with that girl , when my father said all these horrible things to me , I lost it , my eyes were full of tears , I glared at my stepmother and said ," it's you right ,at the back of all these accusations, how could you be so down of character " . She started her drama and started crying and cursing me for saying so . My father went more pissed he said you basterd and slap me , I feld and got hit by the window sill. My forehead stared bleadind , I saw my stepmother smiling , my father stood there like a statue watching me bleadind , by my blood my father's anger was sheared down and so my love towards my life.

I ran to my room locked it from inside. I was sitting down , my head was on the bed in front of my mother's picture . It was first time my father ever slapped me and I was more devastated because he slapped be just coze of my stepmother , I even had tried to explain him at first place but he never listened. I cried whole day and night inside with my room locked, my half of white bedsheet had turned red from my relentless flowing blood .

Next day without eating any thing , I just wiped my blood and went to school. I didn't was even to make it till my second period , I fainted at the mid of my first period , my parents were called but they never showed up , it was wast of time for them and they replied to the school authoritie that," he would be fine just if the situations are too bad so send him home" .My school principal was shocked to there that careless reply , my three best friends were already worried for me , they also knew all my conditions and when they heard the reply of my parents from the principal ,they couldn't resist to stop themselves hugging me and there eyes were full of tears ,my school teacher were worried too for my health.

I insured them I'll be fine and that reply was no surprise for me . I smiled and asked my friends and teachers to leave because I didn't wanted them to wast there time on me. I felt asleep, that day I left nearly 6 p.m. , when I got to my home I found my parents weren't at home , I heard from the neighborhood that they went for watching a movie which was recently released back then . It was sad to see there affection towards me but it was okay , I had a peaceful night after a long time.

Few days passed by , the school silver jubilee concerts practice were on the run , I was getting late daily those days while getting back home , I started noticing something creepy . I always felt unsafe and felt that someone was stalking me mainly on that empty room , my friends home were on the opposite side of my house so I didn't wanted to trouble them and it was useless to talk about it in my house so I let it go as it was going but it was my mistake for not talking about it from anyone .

One day it went dark , as regularly I was returning from school on that empty road someone grabbed me from back , I tried to resist but I felt one more person tring to cover my mouth with the handkerchief on which they sprayed something by smelling which I started getting unconscious, I feld on the ground , a person was all leaned on my body , he held me so tightly and I felt so helpfulness that my tears were drolling down from my eyes I tried to look at there face but everything was getting hazy . They both were holding me badly one had covered my mouth to let me not to shout and othere person had kept his knees on my chest which we making the conditions more traumatizing for me , and it all went black then.

Next thing I remember opening my eyes in a room oddly decorated, it was a BROTHEL, so discusting for me , I was gross out because there was nothing I could remember about the last night. I was terebly petrified, I moved out of bed and banged the room door , shouting and begging for letting me out of there. As the time was passing I was getting more and more terrified. After 3 hours a man opened the door I was sitting on the ground holding my legs , the man asked to come out and meet his master who had called me. I wiped off the tears from my face hoped that he would show some mercy on me if I would talk to him, but I was wrong . That person was the organizater ,who once saw me while going to school and ordered his people to enclaves me.

I got furious and said that I am useless for you and you would not get even a single penny on my name from my parents. He laughed and said , " no no no , I don't want your wealth , I just want you , you know not what your prize is but I will let it know you" , his word , his face , his smile, everything make me burn from inside ,I shouted " shut up you filthy whore" , he came close to me and held my neck from back , pulled be towards him and took a heavy breath , he looked well and quit good from outside but was totally jerk from inside. At that moment his body was totally over mine and he said you totally deserve it and he ..... HE KISSED.... I was frozen, my mind was trying to process what just happened ,he left me speachless , he asked his men to prepare me for tonight, PREPARE..?? For what??? I had a lot of questions in my mind but I wasn't in that mental capacity to raise any question.

I was pushed again in that room , now that room looked 10 times more discusting. Two mans entered the room with some clothes , they asked me get shower and get changed , I replied , "NO , I WILL NOT , NEVER ,EVER DO AS YOU ORDER , now get yours assess out of here ". My eyes were turning red , the other man started moving towards me but the first person stoped him, he said "you leave , I'll handle it , you know from how many days our boss was at back of him " the other man said you better make him understand or else it wouldn't turn out good.

The man came to me and consolidated me . He made me sit on the bed and told me you're in no different situation than I was , theres no way of getting out of here , I even have been held here from last 4 years , and every thing will get on right track you just need to compensate and compromise because there is nothing in your hands.

Now I understood everything, but was not really ready to give up , I went for shower think how to escape , to my small luck I found a blade in bathroom, thought it wasn't enough but yet I kept it . Later that night I was taken to that devil's room , he was already there his face was towards the wall he said softly, " my waiting end here , you know not that from the first time I saw you I had a lust of gaining you " . Now I had enough of him , I was a boy , he took my first kiss , he was braging about himself and then he was going to control my body later at that night , I took the blade and as he turned I was about to make a cut on his neck , but as always again I was provided stupid , he held my hand in between and push me in the bed said , " I think now I'm gonna be too hard on you tonight" I was in big trouble he started moving towards me and.....BHANGGGG..... The room door slams opens and there was a shot on the that organizater's head , my heart beat just stop , I stood back and held my ears tightly , the other man who shooted him came towards me and hugged me and said , " it had been long since we met, would you give me a chance to take care of you , my life is your , will you accept it " I looked at him with my scared eyes , it was the same person whom I saved the other day .

I held him tightly and cried , I cried a lot at that moment , my body felt like it has no life inside , that feeling was something which was beyond word , I want to say many things but weren't able to uttar a single of them , he grabbed me by my waist , I never felt so safe ever .

He took me out of that place , everyone was in the corridor but no one dared you look up , all were on there knees, it was very suspicious and absurd for me but I was in his soft arms , it was comfortable so I didn't want to think much , outside that Brothel there was a huge line of cars I looked at him , he smiled , his face was trustworthy so I didn't questioned anything and went with him .

He was talking me to Thailand , which was his motherland, on way he told me whole story , before everything he told me he was a real mafia and the day when I saved him he was been attacked by some other groups gangsters and his all other mens were dead in that fight so he was alone , before getting unconscious he saw me , he said it was the first time he saw such beautiful person who actually without any personal greed worried for him , he was overwhelmed when he heard my words from the doctor and heard that I gave my all savings for some total stranger.

He continued, " I went to you school and I got there with help of doctor who saw your school uniform and knew your name . When I inquired about you from your friends I got to know about you family background and your abundance , I was already in deep love with you till then and couldn't resist myself from finding you, from then to till now I just wanted to say , ...I LOVE YOU, WILL YOU BE WITH ME IN ALL PARTS OF MY LIFE..."

His words felt me so true that I had butterflies in my stomach , I hugged him and cried but it was the last time I cried from then ," I replied I LOVE YOU TOO, I relly don't want to be alone any more , I want to be loved , I want to be cared , I held him like a baby panda , his name was 'Soul' who turned to be my soulmate .

It was night by then when first time I came in his house or better call it a mansion, he lifted me and took to his bedroom , he ask me to have some rest , I looked at him and said I don't want to rest right now , he looked at me and gently pushed me on bed , he kept his one hand beside my neck and other on my waist , he softly pulled me and..... His lips were all over my lips and then on my neck , I could resist those my feelings and I even didn't wanted to . Hole night was too hard for me but that hardness made those memories unforgettable for me to the life time . Though to reduce pain next day I was presented lots of chocolate , he was really very sweet and shy that day he was apologising for been hard on me last night , I laughed and hugged him to make him quite because he was making me shy.

It was my life story in short, now I'm living in Thailand with my hubby , we married after we came here, where as my father and stepmother got devorced due to personal issues, my friends are preparing for there medical line and engineering. I'm also finding a college for myself and now I'm gonna start my life from a new phase I yet remember my real mom and dad but my hubby tries me to never get sad , I was worried that would I'll be able to make you Reade till hear so that's why in beginning I wrote "I don't know if I can do it" but I thik now I did it , Thank you so much for reading my story , love you and meet you in any other story of me and my love till then take care.