
Chapter 39: Overtaking Pangaea

The Roamer

Chapter 39: Overtaking Pangaea

"Send more soldiers ou- FUUUU"

"Sir, are you fi-..."

"He's bleeding out, someone help him!"

No matter which group of undead Aeolus listened into, pure chaos entered his ear. Surprisingly, he still felt as if he had no regrets. Instead, he drilled a hole into the ground, and dropped into the underground cavern. He was going to jump in from the hole located at the plaza at first, but it might've been a bit suspicious if that happened.

Instead, he took the safer approach, and made a new hole which nobody underground noticed. He hit the ground, and stood up. Right in front of him, there were many buildings, and soldiers running outside of them in what seemed to be laps.

All it took was Aeolus concealing his aura and not making any sound, and he could just walk into the buildings.

'As expected, at my level, only commanders are issues. However, if it isn't Toronto, even without my undead, I might stand a chance.' Aeolus thought to himself, while jogging through the building, as if he was simply exercising.

Of course, it wasn't exercising at all.

Aeolus found a door that looked much more majestic then the others, and knocked. He was greeted by someone asking him who it was.

"I'm an new person who wants to enlist into the army." Aeolus said, not trying to say too much. From past experiences, doing too much was something that could give away his identity, which was what somehow happened with Lexor at the tournament of honor.

"Ah, would you like to let him enter commander Carnel?" the man on the other side of the door asked, and Aeolus began smiling. Now that he knew Carnel was in there, he would begin his carnage as soon as the door opened.

However, the door didn't open.

'Don't open it, it's an enemy.' Carnel was radiating his thoughts to the butler standing at the door. In reality, he thought that it was just some person who was trying to enlist into the army at first, but after sensing their aura out, that was definitely not the case.

'Enlist into the army? Whoever it is has already surpassed my level.' Carnel thought to himself, and chuckled. If whoever was out there were to enlist into the army, he would be demoted from the position of commander. However, it was just an enemy.

They didn't say anything for two minutes, and Carnel thought the person was finally gone. He sighed in relief, thanking the gods that he didn't have to deal with powerhouses. From his experiences with Toronto and the other commanders, they were always snotty and hard to become friends with.


However, things didn't turn out as easy as Carnel expected it. He looked out the window behind him, and there was a whole building collapsing. His eyes widened, and his mouth dropped. Just who was confident enough in themselves to do such a thing? Out of nowhere, Carnel realized who it might be.

"The person who was just at the door…" Carnel turned back towards the door, and immediately opened it. There was nobody out in the hallway, and he jumped out the window of his office, breaking it into many pieces. He didn't have time to take the normal way, as he had to deal with the situation in the case of it being the enemy.

"Checkner, bring in the pride of this army!" Carnel yelled up towards his office, in which his butler Checkner was still in. Checkner nodded his head, and ran out of the office, trying to get Lester, one of the powerhouses of this army. Meanwhile, Carnel was running towards the building that had suddenly collapsed.

'If there were any people who survived that attack, then I've gotta help.' was on repeat through Carnel's head, though things weren't that easy as well. No matter how much he searched, all he saw was a lot of blood, and every now and then, bodies and organs. He was paling the more he walked through the ruins of the building, and in the end, concluded that nobody survived.


The sound came from the main building of the army, the one that Carnel had just came out of. He turned around, and was thankful at first since it didn't look like the building had collapsed randomly. However, the next sight caused an upwelling of anger within his mind.

There was a broken wall, and laying right outside of it was Checkner. Carnel was going to run up to him to try and help, but realized he was already dead.

"Shit!" Carnel said with anger in his voice, completely pissed at the sequence of events. They had no idea what was going on, and they couldn't control. If this wasn't a crisis, then Carnel didn't know what was.

"Reporting to duty, sir!" Lester said after running to Carnel, and standing in front of him. However, Carnel simply didn't have the time for him. He was beginning to inspect the hole that Checkner came out of, and realized just what was going on.

"No explosive would make a hole like this. Someone punched this or something, and it was likely to be a male." Carnel confirmed calmly, not thinking too hard. From the day that he was born, he had always been told that his calm headedness and strategies were where his talents shined. Indeed they were, as they were the things that earned him the position of commander, along with his power of course.


"Someone, help me!"

"The man is dying on the ground, send suppo-!"

Both Carnel and Lester listened, and then immediately booked it to the front of the main building, where all the screams were coming from. However, as soon as they arrived, Lester vomited.

The sight in front of them was something no child, women, or man should ever see. There seemed to be many adults, ravaging the soldiers. In the middle of them all, was some brat covered in blood, whether it be his torso or his hands. Of course, the others were bloody as well.

On the ground, so many bodies were lying down there that Carnel simply slapped himself, trying to wake up from this nightmare. However, to nobody's surprise, he didn't wake up from anything. Realizing that this was all real, he roared and charged into the battle, Lester hesitating for a moment before following as well.

"You shit, who do you think you are?!" Carnel screamed, vigor rising throughout his whole body. If he didn't murder the brat that caused this whole mess, along with this entourage, he swore that dying was a valid choice for himself. Still, he realized something while rushing at the brat.

"You… impossible, impossible, impossible…" Carnel suddenly began slowing down, until he stood still with dead eyes looking at the ground. The brat who was massacring his army was the exact same one that he welcomed with open arms at the bar, and even showed the army's location to.

"You.. why would you do this?" Carnel asked, confused by the turn of events. Why did the kid who seemed so innocent and naive turn out to be like this, a machine that murdered everything? He couldn't understand how things turned out this way.

"Simple, I won't lose anymore. Pangaea's people are suffering because of the system in place, and I intend to bring it down from its core." Aeolus replied, with hate in his eyes. Just how were the people of Pangaea suffering so long, without even trying that much rebellions?

'Someone needs to stand up for the people, anyone. Since nobody else seems to have any ideals of stepping up like me, I'll put myself on stage.' Aeolus thought to himself, and continued staring at Carnel, who also had eyes of hatred. Carnel was the first one to begin rushing at the other, while Aeolus did something confusing.

Aeolus threw up some sort of towel or blanket, and his whole entourage and himself were hidden by it. Carnel was scared that he might disappear, but as soon as it dropped down, he could see that Aeolus was still there. With the source of all his hatred right in front of him, Carnel rushed with vitality.

Him and Aeolus collided head on, with Carnel having the lead in power. Aeolus was slowly being pushed back, until he took a knee to the stomach, and hands smashing him into the ground from above. Carnel tried to stomp on Aeolus, but Aeolus rolled out of the way. He began setting up even more string then before, trying to put a stop to Carnel.

However, Carnel maneuvered through all the string, not being touched by even a single one. Aeolus, realizing that he was running out of options, took to the sky.

'I have to stall even more… master…!' Aeolus thought to himself, and inserted courage into himself. He began setting up more complicated string designs and layers, while Carnel kept rushing towards him. Finally, right after Carnel maneuvered through another string, another one shot in from behind him and pierced his shoulder.

"This is nothing, I can still keep going!" Carnel roared, and took the string out of his shoulder surprisingly easily. Aeolus was beginning to turn white, while Carnel reached Aeolus once again. He gave Aeolus a punch that sent him flying out of the underground, and into the sky.

Aeolus closed his eyes, and began falling down. After falling for a few minutes, he finally hit the ground. He opened his eyes up lightly, and he saw that he was right in the middle of the city. Aeolus simply chuckled, and disintegrated into nothing.

"Wha-!?" Carnel, who witnessed all of it, was confused. However, everything was going according to Aeolus' plan.

'Dasline, you pulled off a wonderful job of replicating me in the battle against Carnel, you did good'. Aeolus sent his emotions out to Dasline, who had to fill in for him. The second Aeolus threw up the towel back in the underground, he booked it, while Dasline made a fake illusion in which it seemed like Aeolus, and camouflage the real Aeolus into the background, so he could make his escape.

"I've made it, the finale of Pangaea is coming up now." Aeolus said, while walking through the winding paths of the capital of Pangaea. He was currently walking towards the castle on a tall mountain in the middle, the one that housed the royalty of Pangaea.

"It's about time the people of Pangaea taste freedom." Aeolus said, while ascending to the castle of Pangaea.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

mmm >.>

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts