
Chapter 27: Battle of Destruction

The Roamer

Chapter 27: Battle of destruction

Aeolus had already set up the string while rushing in towards him, so he was fully set on running towards the master. He reached out with his spirit arm, and thrusted it towards the master.

However, he easily evaded, and seemed to karate chop towards his neck. Thankfully, Aeolus had already prepared the flowing water technique, and avoided it. Still, there was blood leaking from his neck, showing just how skilled his opponent is. Aeolus sent in his strongest soldier, which had the power of an eighth layer, along with his second soldier.

He was stalling for time, because he knew there was more to this neck injury than meets the eye. If he left it like this, his throat would eventually clog up, and he'd choke on his own blood. If he didn't solve the issue now, who knows what would happen later on during this battle.

After a minute or two of stalling, Aeolus had finally healed fully. He stood up, and rushed into the scene, which didn't look that good. His first undead comrade was missing an arm, while the second one seemed to have half of his head ripped off. Aeolus pulled them out of the situation, and threw himself in.

"That won't be able to hit me!" the master roared, and swung his fist towards Aeolus. However, Aeolus jumped away, and got away with his plan. String surrounded the master, and locked him in. However, it didn't work for long, and he broke out. Still, Aeolus' poison had set in, putting his plan in motion.

"This little poison won't be able to affect me for a long, long time.!" the master roared, while sending out a spirit attack. The situation was really desperate for him, as most of the people within the manor were dead, and he realized where the poison was going. The poison had been inserted near his genital area, and he had no way of fortifying it from an inside attack.

Essentially, if he didn't hurry up, he would be in excruciating pain, and very soon too. He flew into the air, and as expected, all the string chased after him. The master smirked, expecting such a thing. He finally showed one of his affinities to Aeolus, light. His limbs separated from his body in what seemed to be an orderly fashion, and went so fast that even he couldn't see them. They easily ripped up the string, and continued to fly towards Aeolus.

"As if such a lowly attack will end me!" Aeolus roared, and rushed towards it. He held one of his soldiers on his back, the weak one. He threw it in the direction of the incoming attack, and took the hit for him. The soldier immediately retracted into the soul of Aeolus, as expected, but Aeolus kept on going.

The master, not expecting him to use the undead as cannon fodder, put his guard down for a bit, but immediately fortified it in the front. Though, this was where the master messed up most during the battle. Aeolus utilized his own attack he had formed long ago, and sent string flying at the back of the master while his guard was down in the wrong places.

The string immediately pierced him, and came out on the other side. Aeolus missed his intended destination, the heart, but it still pierced some sort of organ. The master coughed up blood, but he didn't seem to be in such a bad situation. However, Aeolus clung onto the string that came out of the master, and yanked on it harder, while string was coming in from the side towards the master.

The master vaporized all the string coming in towards him, and soared towards the sky. This time, no string shot towards him, as Aeolus remembered what happened last time. However, he realized something was off, but it was too late at this point. He looked behind him, and the master was there, or at least his shadow.

"God damn it!" Aeolus shrieked, while looking down at his leg. Right there was a sword tip piercing through his knee, which probably wasn't a good thing. He immediately tried to jump away, but that failed, as the master grabbed him from the neck. He pulled the sword out of Aeolus' leg, and held it above his head.

"Any last words, warrior?" the master said, while grinning at Aeolus. Aeolus recognized that he called him warrior this time, which was probably his way of being respectful to strong beings.

"I wish that you weren't an enemy, and fought alongside us. A youngin such as you being as powerful as me is extremely rare, and would've become something strong in the future." the master said, and the sword began to descend. However, Aeolus pulled a move that nobody expected.

"We can be on the same side, but you can join me!" Aeolus roared, and took out the head of his soldier which had been pierced by limbs covered in light recently. The sword cut into its head, and was wedged inside. The masters face turned pale, but it was too late at this point.

Aeolus already had a fist in the air that was flying straight towards his stomach, and the master knew he was screwed. He began to lament most things, but surprisingly, he wasn't that upset. After all, he could brag in the after-life that a brat that was going to de-throne all the current emperors and kings was someone he fought with.

Aeolus' first pierced through him, and was holding something. In fact, it was his intestines, which looked really edible right now. The master made one final attempt, and used an attack he had stashed away for a long time.

"God of light, radiate the way of the future!" the master said, and his whole body suddenly had a golden aura. Aeolus jumped back, realizing that this was an ultimate attack coming from this man. He immediately put the string arena down, and ran as far away from the town as he could.

However, it wasn't good enough, as the incoming explosion was so big that even if he ran thousands of miles away, he'd still fail at escaping this. The master of the manor had, in fact, taken out everything within his center layer, and infused it into an attack connected to the affinity of light. The result was an explosion of light decimating everything within the surroundings.

Though it didn't seem that big, it was extremely huge. It even reached into the desert area, and destroyed so many towns and cities that Aeolus had visited previously. The town that had the slave prison Aeolus originated from was also completely gone, and basically everything in this green, lush land was gone. Most of the towns and cities within the desert area were gone too, so it was definitely something huge.

--- sequence 2 ---

Aeolus woke up and found himself lying below a tree. Actually, to be more accurate, the tree had fallen on him, and was smashing him to the ground. He pushed it off, and floated into the sky. However, the next scene terrified him. When he looked down, there seemed to be an endless black hole, as if the infinite darkness of the abyss had been unleashed on earth.

He looked left and right, and even flew in random directions, but still couldn't see anything besides a huge, black abyss below him. He tried to sense a lot of the string he had left in towns and cities, but he barely sensed any. However, when he tried hard enough, he sensed something really, really low.

Aeolus stared into the black abyss, realizing that the string had fallen down there and survived. However, he was really scared of this huge black hole, and immediately began to soar above the clouds, so he couldn't see it anymore. He then began to vomit, because he definitely had not escaped the explosion. There was multiple holes on his body, and he was losing blood, a lot of it.

"Not only did I fail at saving the town, I didn't even extract his body…" Aeolus said, and began tearing up. In his mind, this was a bigger failure then everything he had ever experienced. So many lives had been lost, all because he was so weak. If he had not ran, but just pierced through the masters head, he could've stopped this explosion.

"Now, not only did the people of the ghost town lose their life, many, many more towns and cities lost everything." Aeolus said to himself, and the tears were now beginning to roll down his face.

Thus, the biggest failure of Aeolus' life, which would eventually become a huge stepping stone for the future legend, was set in history.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D