
Chapter 18: Two years, new me!

The Roamer

Chapter 18: Two years, new me!

After two years of training with valor and virtue under the orders of the old geezer of a monster, Aeolus was now amazingly well with the string. He was even better than the old geezer himself, which was quite the surprise when it came to experience. Of course, the old geezer only spent about a few months training with each weapon that he had, or thats whats he said, so it was only expected that he surpassed him with the string.

"Stop, you damned brat. Today's training is over, and we demons have prepared the gate for you to leave." the same old mentor Aeolus always had muttered, while breathing heavily from the beating Aeolus was giving him. Aeolus had far surpassed the old geezer even when he used a weapon, though he had limited himself to the fifth layer to be on equal grounds with Aeolus.

This meant that if Aeolus were to be on the same layer as him, no matter which it was, he would be able to beat him thanks to the skills and control he had gotten.

"Heh, you're almost nothing now, you damned geezer! When I first came here, you'd always catch me off guard and send me flying miles away, but now it's the exact opposite! You're not in the same league as me anymore, not when you're at the same layer as me!" roared Aeolus, while laughing really hard, as he truly was waiting for the days when he could beat this old man down.

"For now, we'll go towards the center of this layer of hell, and see if the gate is prepared for you. If it is, you can roam the world with no issues, and experience it for yourself once you're out of here." the old man said, with a little bit of hesitation in his voice. This was one of the few times he had actually seen a human in person, and the only time he had actually interacted with one.

Just like that, the duo began to walk towards the center of hell. One was experiencing great excitement, while the other was reluctant to let him go. The feelings were all over the place, but both knew that a solution would be found at the center of hell.

Throughout their journey to the center, they had experienced many battles, but it ended with a single flick of a finger most of the times when the old demon used his full power. Along with battle, Aeolus really wanted to explore hell, so they got delayed a little because of his curious nature.

Finally, after a month of enjoying themselves, while also refining themselves throughout battle, they had finally reached the edge of the center of hell. Aeolus used his wind affinity to start running, as he truly couldn't wait to get back to earth, while the old man followed along.

After another week of running and other issues that popped up, they finally reached the core of hell. When they reached a core, they saw a humongous, black circle floating in the air. The old man sighed and looked down, while Aeolus immediately realized that the circle would be his gate.

A bunch of other demons began to approach Aeolus and the old geezer, and when the old geezer realized one of them, he immediately got down on one knee. Aeolus, realizing someone important was standing in front of him, immediately followed suit.

"My liege, the human is here and ready to go back home." the old geezer said, while Aeolus stayed quiet and listened to the conversation.

"Good, and he seems to be decently powerful. It seems you have not lost your touch when it comes to refining creatures into mass murderers." the king said, while a satisfied look was all over his face. He fired the army instructor years and years ago, because he thought that he couldn't handle training later generations. However, things seemed to be different now.

"My liege, may I go back to earth now?" Aeolus said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, just to show his respect. He really feared the figure in front of him, as he couldn't even sense his cultivation. If that was the case, he either had no cultivation, or he was so strong that he couldn't even sense it. Since he was a king, it was probably the latter.

"Ah, yes, there is the case of you going home. However, may you do something for me before going back?" the king asked, while also putting a little respect in his voice. He really wanted to see something from this human.

"Whatever it is that you need, I will try to fulfill it." Aeolus said, knowing that he could not refuse the king a request.

"I want to see the old instructors new soldier, and compare him to my current soldiers. I want to see if the old instructor can compete with the new one. Just so we don't bother you, we'll do it here so you can leave right after." the king said, while trying to make it as nice for Aeolus as possible.

When Aeolus heard this offer, he didn't get mad that going home was being delayed, but was instead getting excited. He was finally going to fight a soldier of an army, and it would be a soldier of a demonic army! He began to prepare for the upcoming fight, with vigor and spirit flowing throughout his whole body.

After a minute or two, he saw something with red wings soaring through the sky. It began to descend towards them, and he finally saw that it was a monster. It created a huge impact right in front of Aeolus, and stood up and looked him in the eye. Its skin was a dark red, and it had piercing, black eyes.

"My liege, is this the human you wish for me to fight?" the demon asked, while getting on one knee to show his respect to the king.

"Yes, my soldier, I command you to fight this human, as a test of strength!" the king bellowed, his orders clear. He wanted to see just how far humans could go in strength, especially the children, even though he knew that they couldn't go far at such a young age.

Yet, this child in front of him had surpassed most of the children that had come here before him, and he surpassed them all greatly. Though he only had a single layer within him, the king could sense that the layer was equivalent of five layers somehow. If this child wielded a weapon, his potential within a battle would likely be even better!

"Let's start this battle already!" Aeolus roared, while preparing himself and his weapon. He had sensed that this demon had developed five layers, and was extremely powerful. Still, even though Aeolus himself only had a single layer, he knew he could compete with this demon.

He pulled out the string from his spiritual arm, which was where he had been storing it, and set up an arena for the battle.

On the other hand, the demon was greatly shocked by such a scene. The young human had set up an arena with just string, and it was around fourty by fifty feet! There were even bleachers, which was where the king and the rest were staying while also watching the battle with shocked expressions.

The only one who wasn't shocked was the old instructor, though that was to be expected.

The demon rushed at Aeolus, not fearing the arena at all. Besides, it was just an arena, what could it do? However, him underestimating this arena would turn out to be the issue within the battle. Every step he took, he either got injured by string, or tripped and got attacked by Aeolus.

Though the injuries weren't that bad thanks to his physical body strength, each and every string trap he stepped into had cut him in vital spots.

'This human… is he predicting where I'm stepping, and setting up the string appropriately?!' the demon suddenly realized, and stopped moving. If that was the case, then he was likely to die if he kept moving forward, and wouldn't even land a hit.

Just like that, he took to the sky to try and avoid the attack. However, another unexpected thing happened. The string shot out towards him, and pierced him in many locations on the body, including the joints. He lost all the feelings within his limbs, and he dropped to the ground, and laid motionless. He tried to say that this was his loss, but it seemed that his neck had been pierced terribly as well, and he couldn't even speak.

"I was expecting something better, way better. How could you disappoint me like this? Summon someone stronger, my liege!" Aeolus roared, with an unsatisfied feeling rumbling throughout his whole body. He didn't want it to end here, and wanted to find a decent opponent.

"You're amazingly good for a human, and even better for a child! Unfortunately, this gate will close in a few minutes if you don't hurry up and go, so I can't spare you anymore playmates." the king replied calmly, as if he was expecting all this. In reality, as soon as Aeolus set up the string arena, the king saw all the traps, and knew that his soldier was going to lose terribly. The only thing that caught him off-guard was when the string followed after his demonic soldier when he soared into the sky.

'If I was in his position, I would've been pierced as well. The only good thing is that the string is so weak that it wouldn't even penetrate my skin.' the king thought to himself, while realizing just how well off this human child was.

"Then, I'll be going now." Aeolus said, and soared towards the huge black ring floating within the sky. After a minute of flying, he was basically breathing into it. When looking at the gate, he could see the high mountains he used to sit and cultivate on, and everything else that came from earth.

"Old geezer, thank you for everything!" Aeolus roared down towards the geezer, with a smile on his face. The old geezer began to cry, as this was the soldier he had dedicated the most time too, but it was a human that had to go. He had the most potential out of any soldier that he had met before, so this child was going to become something when he grew up.

"If fate thinks it well, then I'll break back into hell later, and we can have a drink!" Aeolus roared, and then proceeded to wave. After all of that, he soared through the gate, and appeared back at the mountains. He looked behind him, and he saw the portal slowly closing, until it fully disappeared.

He turned around, and took a deep breath, and exhaled. After all this time, he was finally back at earth. He couldn't believe how much he had gone through during this time, so he was happy for all the memories.

"I'm back to conquer earth once again!" he roared into the sky, and began to fly towards a certain town.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

Here's the discord for this novel.


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