
Chapter 11: Roam The World

The Roamer

Chapter 11: Roam The World

Aeolus stood up, and tried to walk away. After a few seconds, he dropped to the ground and couldn't stand up for a bit. He looked up and tried to stand up, but as soon as he saw the person standing on front of him, he knew all hope was lost.

For as soon as he looked up, he saw the person who sent him flying grinning at him, as if what he just did was comparable to an older brother sending a little brother flying with a punch. He lifted up Aeolus from the arms, and flung him into the arena.

'Ah, I'm back here again' Aeolus thought to himself, with the blood coming out of his mouth increasing even more. He realized that he truly might not make it out of this situation, and began to regret everything.

'If only I hadn't been so cocky and I chose to break out later, I might've been strong enough to actually do it…' he thought to himself, clearly disappointed at how weak someone like him could be.

'If I survive this, I swear to never relent on my training or enemies ever again…' he thought to himself, giving a pledge to himself to never slack off again. He closed his eyes one last time after seeing the person walking toward him, prepared for death.

He kept them closed for about a minute or two, and he realized that he didn't quite die. He opened them up into a peak, as if he was a shy little boy. However, the scene in front of him was not something that a shy little boy could see.

He see a clutter of bodies in front of him that were not here when he battled the announcer, and saw man standing among them. The man was radiating an aura so intense, that if Aeolus was standing any closer, he would begin to throw up even more, and probably bleed out faster too.

The man noticed him looking at him, and smiled toward him. He then walked towards him, and crouched down to him.

"Child, you tried to escape from my masters manor, and you're finally back." He said to Aeolus, and was clearly pleased, as you could tell from his face. He picked up Aeolus, and began to lift him out of the arena.

After a couple of minutes of running, they arrived in front of a manor. Though it seemed that it was quite close, it actually wasn't, and was a few miles off. It's just that the old man was so strong that he could reach here in a few minutes, which was amazing.

He dropped Aeolus on the ground, and yelled in a very loud voice:

"Butchers, come out here and fetch Aeolus!"

Aeolus and his whole body paled to a shade never before seen, and he could easily see the end of his life coming. At this time, there was nobody on his side, and literally everyone wanted him dead.

As expected, many people who seemed to be 'butchers' came out and picked him up. They had machetes and huge knives in their hands, and some sort of white hat on top of their heads.

They marched him into the manor, and took some stairs down. 'This… how are we going underground?' Aeolus thought to himself, as he was clearly never introduced to a basement before.

They finally reached a room full of blood and reeking of the smell of meat, and when Aeolus opened his eyes, he saw many bodies of cows and pigs hanging, along with humans here and there!

The butchers laid him on top of a table, and began to prepare to cut him open. Aeolus closed his eyes, and dreamed of all the things he could have done if he was still alive somehow.

Suddenly, a huge rumbling sound came from seemingly nowhere, and the whole manor shook. All the butchers fell to the ground, and some even killed themselves when they stabbed each other.

"It's an attack from the vapor nation, they launched an attack on us!" roared someone within the manor. A bit after that, a shrill scream came out, and his voice did not appear any longer.

"We need to get out of here, we're going to die and become meat like this brat if we don't book it!" roared a butcher, who dropped everything and ran up the stairs. Many of the others did the same as him, and booked it up the stairs.

Meanwhile, Aeolus had lost so much blood that he could barely open his eyes, his condition was terrible. He then heard a bunch of screams upstairs, who he assumed was the butchers scream. He then saw someone descending the stairs, and walk towards him.

"You miserable creature, let me help you out a bit." the strange person said, and then began to transmit his soul towards the soul of Aeolus. After a few seconds, his body began to heal at an extraordinary rate, and was finished in a few minutes.

'Just who is this person?' Aeolus said quietly in his mind, not daring to offend this person. If they had so much power that they could save him from a situation as perilous as that, then they were likely great figures within the world.

"I am Sao, of the Vapor nation." he introduced himself to Aeolus, and a spark ignited within the mind of Aeolus.

'I see, the vapor nation must be an enemy to whatever nation I'm in!' Aeolus suddenly realized, and he found a hope.

"I am Aeolus, a slave who tried to escape from this lord and failed terribly." He said in a cowardly tone, as he knew he failed because he was too weak. If he could, he wish he could go back in time and plan it out more, and succeed in the end.

"I see, a damned slave. Today is your lucky day, as you're not a part of my enemy." Sao said to Aeolus, then proceeded to turn around and walk up the stairs.

"This… am I really free?!" Aeolus said to himself, clearly surprised by the turn of events. He never thought that the world could flip this easily. Sure, the world did flip easily when that person sent him flying back to town, but it flipped positively once again!

Aeolus ran up the stairs, and burst out of the gates. He looked up towards the sky expecting to see a beautiful view, but he didn't see anything like that at all. Instead, there were humans soaring through the skies, and releasing attacks at the manor he just came out of.

In fact, a fireball was coming at Aeolus right now, and at a speed that he could not dodge. He initiated the flowing water technique, and avoided the fireball using it. He then pumped more spirit into his body, as he knew that he'd need the soul infusion technique to get out of this without grave injuries.

He ran as fast as he can, and he saw the buildings burning. He looked left and right, and civilians were being killed off like cattle. A person also tried to approach Aeolus and behead him, which would've worked if it wasn't for the flowing water technique saving him.

"Come back here you damn midget!" screamed the person who failed to behead him, while probably assuming that Aeolus was an adult that was extremely short. In reality of course, Aeolus was just a child.

Aeolus took to the sky, which turned out to be a good choice since it didn't look like his opponent had as good an affinity with the wind as he did. He then soared above the clouds expecting to get away, but he did the exact opposite of what he wanted.

He saw a dragon soaring through the clouds, heading in the direction of the town. He and the person riding the dragon locked eyes, and Aeolus felt his ribcage caving in on the inside.

'This person is strong, even stronger than the servant of the manor!' Aeolus thought to himself, with a shocked expression on his face. The prison truly was too small, so small that he thought he was actually powerful. In reality, he was but a flea in this world that would be ignored in most places he went.

He flew below the clouds, and immediately felt a stinging feeling behind his back. He assumed that it was the dragon trying to attack him with fire, so he immediately stopped flying completely, and fell to the ground to avoid it.

However, doing so rendered flying useless, as he had completely used up all his time in the air. He tried to aim towards the thing closest to him, but no matter where he looked, landing would, at the very least, break at least a bone or two. Fortunately, he was strong enough that he wouldn't die the second he hit the ground, unlike humans who didn't cultivate.

He decided that he had no way out of this instead of just breaking some bones, so he immediately went to the highest location so that he would lessen the time he could gain speed. He locked his eyes on a mountain top, and pushed himself in that location.

He landed on the mountain top, and immediately felt a stinging pain in his back. He already knew where the bone had broken, and it was in the worst location it could break in.

He stood up, but began to slump since his back was really experiencing issues. Thankfully, the soul infusion technique was at work, and it would take a bit more than an hour to fix this up. He headed down the mountain, and walked on a path leading into the woods.

He looked to his left, and saw in the far distance, a town burning. He pitied it a bit since it was his home for a while, but immediately stopped since it was forced to be his home, and he wasn't willing. He continued walking down the path, and eventually reached the ocean once again.

He stood on the edge of the cliff, and looked toward the horizon. He could see bountiful islands and lands ahead, with no end to them in his sight. 'This world is truly huge' he thought to himself, while smiling like a sly racoon. He then jumped into the ocean, and swam to the shore.

"From here on out, nothing will stop me!" he roared to the whole world, and decided to roam the world.

'The village is long gone, and all the villagers are either slaves or dead.' he thought to himself, not daring to hope that they all escaped just like him. 'I'll roam the world and try to find the villagers, all the while getting stronger!' he roared within his mind, and motivation that he had almost never felt before began to bubble up.

From this day on, he would roam the world in search of strength and allies.

'I guess you could call me… A Roamer' he thought to himself, and set out on his journey to conquer the world.