
The Road to War God

When the nerd crossed the other world, the mysterious system suddenly descended! From then onwards, the loser had transformed beautifully and started to create numerous shocking miracles! A top-tier cultivation technique? A peerless weapon? The peak of martial arts? In the face of the War God's system, everything was meaningless! Let's see how Ye Xingchen, who possessed the Martial God System, could reach the peak of martial arts in turbulent times!

Daoist4Fpl5o · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 25 Dark Horse

Stephan guffawed. This was his most powerful killing move. When the five shafts of light merged into one, its power was comparable to that of a second-rate cultivation method. Moreover, Stephan enhanced it with his spiritual force. He believed that even a late-stage cultivator at the eighth level of the Refinement Realm wouldn't necessarily be able to take it on.

Zoila didn't pause for a moment. She continued to draw her sword in a simple manner, but the area around her sword was filled with lightning. Her attacks were filled with thunderous booms and were full of power.

Stephan didn't seem to see it. He put his palms together and put his forefingers together. Then, he waved them downward abruptly. Zoila's arms parted and all the spiritual power in her body turned into an invisible force, condensing all the thunder and lightning around her. They turned into sword radiance, sweeping toward the giant energy finger. From a distance, the lightning sword radiance looked like moths darting into the fire, but it hit the giant energy finger hard in the process of being worn down.

Finally, the golden glow of the sword faded away.

As the dust settled, Zoila and Stephan stood quietly on the platform, but there was a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

"Brother Stephan is indeed formidable. I've lost." Zoila's crisp voice resounded throughout the public square.

At this moment, the higher-ups on the rostrum were also a little shocked. Although Stephan was shocked after breaking through to the seventh level of the Refinement Realm, he was even more shocked after seeing Stephan take on an all-out attack from the eighth level of the Refinement Realm with only the seventh level of the Refinement Realm. Moreover, he even defeated Zoila, who was at the eighth level of the Refinement Realm.

"How is this possible? Zoila lost? Stephan defeated her?"

"How is this possible? Zoila actually lost. This is cheating. She must be cheating. I don't believe it. I don't believe she will be defeated."

"Zoila won't lose. Even if she loses, she'll lose to Bonnie. How can Stephan defeat Zoila? This is an illusion, an illusion."

Everyone looked at the stage in disbelief. They didn't believe that Zoila would lose.

However, the high-level members of the elders knew that Zoila had lost.

Although they were shocked, they had no choice but to accept this fact. At this moment, the most disappointed person should be Bonnie. He thought that Stephan would lose and mock Tyler, but he didn't expect it to be a slap in his face.

"This child isn't simple..." finally, after the elder group gave this evaluation, they all left the plaza.

The uproar in the square finally calmed down when Ye Qingshan announced Stephan's victory. Although they were not convinced, they had to accept this fact.

As Stephan and Zoila left, the square gradually became deserted.

In the study of the west garden of Yeager Family.


"That's impossible. How could Stephan defeat my sister, Zoila?" BonnieStephang smashed the teacup in his hand and shouted.

Even he was in disbelief when he heard that Stephan had defeated Zoila as a seventh level Refinement Realm cultivator.

At this moment, he actually felt threatened by Stephan. It was a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Stephan, just you wait. I will definitely let you know how big the gap between us is."


After the first day's finals, Stephan became the focus of the entire clan, and he also attracted the attention of the upper echelons of the clan.

Maxwell and the others specially met with Stephan and talked a lot with him.

The first day passed just like that. The matches on the second day were also quite exciting.

Although Zoila was also at the eighth level of Refinement, there was still a gap between her and Bonnie.

After a tough battle, Bonnie had defeated Zoila. Zoila had lost the right to participate and stopped third place in the competition.

In the next competition, Bonnie and Stephan's battle would determine who would win first place in the Yeager Family Competition.

"Stephan, see you in the competition." After defeating Zoila, Bonnie announced that he would defeat Stephan in the competition.

Everyone was looking forward to the arrival of the third and the last match.

Finally, under everyone's watchful eyes, the third match finally arrived.

Today, the Yeager Clan's plaza was completely packed. Even some of the clan members who usually did business outside had returned to the clan. They wanted to witness the birth of the champion of the clan competition.

This day could be said to be the most lively day of the clan in an entire year.

Was it Stephan who'd played black all the way down, or was it Bonnie who'd crushed him and taken first place?

This was a constant topic of debate. Through the competition the day before yesterday, Stephan had gradually gained fans in the Yeager Family.

Those who supported Stephan and those who supported Bonnie kept arguing, while Bonnie and Stephan, who were directly involved, slowly walked onto the stage.

In the middle of the platform, Ye Qingshan with white hair stood in the middle and looked at the crowd in the square with a smile.

"Hello, everyone. I am Ye Qingshan. Today is the annual final competition of the Yeager Family, and the champion of the competition will be born under everyone's witness."

"Stephan, a dark horse in this year's Family Competition. He has yet to lose to anyone up until now and has maintained a complete record."

"Bonnie, you took first place in last year's Family Competition, but you haven't been defeated so far. You have to keep a complete victory record. The two of them are in a tit for tat. Is it Stephan's fault or Bonnie's success? Let's wait and see."

After saying that, Ye Qingshan stepped back to the elders.

"Stephan, I admit that I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be hiding your strength. But in the face of absolute strength, everything is meaningless." Bonnie looked at Stephan with disdain. He always thought that Stephan was no match for him.

"Bonnie, who doesn't know how to boast? Back then, I said that I would defeat you in the Family Competition and snatch away your so-called number one spot in the Family Competition." Stephan also retorted. At this moment, he was filled with confidence.

"I will let you know the difference between 7th level and 8th level. When the time comes, you will only feel despair." Bonnie said.

"Really? Bonnie, don't talk big. Wait until the result comes out." Stephan disdained to talk big with Bonnie. He believed that the result would make many people shut up.

On the rostrum, Leon ridiculed Tyler as usual.

"Tyler, as you can see, Bai is at the peak of the eighth level of Refinement, which is incomparable to Zoila's. Your son will definitely be trampled under Bai's feet this time," Leon said sarcastically, as if he could see Tyler's humiliated face.

"Everyone knows how to brag. Let's wait and see the result," Tyler said disdainfully.

"Humph, if Stephan wins this time, I can agree to any of your conditions, including obeying you. I will still be my big brother. But if Stephan loses, you have to give up your family's business management rights," Leon said with scarlet eyes.

Tyler was silent for a long time, and then slowly said, "Leon, in fact... I have always regarded you as my younger brother. I have never competed with you. But you have forced me again and again. I really don't want us brothers to be like enemies." Tyler's words were very sad. The rostrum was silent.

Leon didn't speak for a while, but just stared at Tyler.

Leon and Tyler's fight was no longer a secret matter. The Elders, including Maxwell, all knew this, but they didn't have any good solution.

"I will make the decision on this matter. Let's do it this way." Maxwell spoke. He also hoped for the two brothers to reconcile and this was a very good opportunity.

Bonnie did not speak. He only quietly looked at Bonnie on stage.

Once upon a time, Tyler and Bonnie were very good brothers. However, as they grew up, they gradually became more sensible.

Bonnie began to fight for it. As the younger brother, he wanted to get more, even the whole Yeager Family. Tyler did not want to fight for it. All these years, Bonnie had been secretly doing things, but he did not say anything.

He wanted to make up with Bonnie. Compared to wealth, he would rather have his own younger brother.

On the other hand, Bonnie was stubborn and always wanted to be the head of the Yeager Family. This was also the reason why Maxwell had never decided who to pass the position to. He did not want to see the two brothers fight.

If this time, because of the Family Competition, it would be pretty good if the two brothers could reconcile with each other.

On the arena, Stephan and Bonnie were oblivious to the fact that their battle had been used as a bet.

Some of the audience supported Bonnie, while others supported Stephan.

"This time, Bonnie will definitely win first place in the Family Competition. After all, he is at the peak of Tempered Body 8th Layer."

"Yeah, Stephan is no match for Bonnie. He's just a clown."

"Bonnie is invincible. He is the undisputed first in the younger generation."

"Tch, Stephen has such high talent that she has reached the seventh level of Refinement in such a short time. Her future achievements will definitely be high by Bonnie. I support Stephan to win first place in the competition."

"Yes, Stephan is very strong. Even if Bonnie is at the eighth level of Refinement, he may not be able to defeat Stephan."

"Stephan, do your best! We support you!"

Their supporters kept quarreling with each other, but they restrained themselves. After all, the high-level members of the family were still watching.

At this moment, all eyes were focused on these two people on the martial ring.

Stephan was wearing blue clothes. He was about 1.8 meters tall. Bonnie was also about 1.8 meters tall. The two were confronting each other.

"Stephan, the first place is mine. You can't touch it at all," Bonnie said disdainfully.

Their auras enveloped the entire platform and the atmosphere was extremely oppressive.

In the distance, Zoila was watching the match as well.

"Zoila, who do you think will win this competition?" a girl next to Zoila asked with a smile. After all, Zoila had fought both of them before, so she should know better.

"It's hard to say. Brother Bai's strength is unfathomable, and he's about to step into the ninth level of the Refinement Realm. Stephan seems to have hidden his strength, and the cultivation method he practices is very strong. It can directly make up for his lack of realm. In this battle, both of them may win first place." Zoila slowly analyzed the two people.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Stephan versus Bonnie.

As a dark horse and the champion of the last competition, who would have the last laugh?

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