
The Road to War God

When the nerd crossed the other world, the mysterious system suddenly descended! From then onwards, the loser had transformed beautifully and started to create numerous shocking miracles! A top-tier cultivation technique? A peerless weapon? The peak of martial arts? In the face of the War God's system, everything was meaningless! Let's see how Ye Xingchen, who possessed the Martial God System, could reach the peak of martial arts in turbulent times!

Daoist4Fpl5o · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 22 Fire Underworld Stone

"Father, I will definitely not let you down." Stephan looked at his father's aged face and spoke loudly.

The Yeager Family used to be the number one family in the empire a hundred years ago, but they suffered a catastrophe because of ignorance. In the end, only Grandpa escaped and established the Yeager Family in Heaven River Town.

In recent years, the Yeager Family had gradually become one of the three major forces in Milky Way Town. However, after all, it was an external force and was often suppressed by the Bai and Li families.

It had not been easy for the Yeager Family all these years. Looking at her father's pale face, Stephan swore to himself that he must become stronger so that he could help the Yeager Family.

Stephan continued to chat with his father, Tyler. In the end, Tyler gave Stephan three pills.

Spirit Dans could increase a martial artist's spiritual energy, doubling their cultivation speed, and could be considered Martial Spirit Empire's hard currency. Most of the time, it was through money transactions, and some larger scale transactions were conducted using spirit Dans.

The Yeager Family originally had a lot of spirit pills, but after experiencing the great calamity, the number of spirit pills became fewer and fewer. In the past few years, they relied on their businesses in Milky River Town to barely meet the needs of the younger generation of the Yeager Family.

According to the rules of the family, any martial artist that has reached the 6th level of the Refinement Realm will be able to obtain a spirit pill a month for training.

On the other hand, martial practitioners at the seventh level of the Refinement Realm were able to obtain three spirit pills to cultivate with. There was a small amount of spirit energy contained within the spirit pills. Although it was only a small amount, it was still extremely beneficial to cultivators.

Stephan put away the three pills and went back to his room to study them after bidding farewell to his father, Tyler.

Stephan sat cross legged in the room, holding a spirit pill in his right hand. He circulated his mental energy to guide the spirit energy within the pill into his dantian.

At this moment, the Yin Yang Fish Dantian begins to rotate violently. In just the blink of an eye, the holy pill in Stephan's hand has turned into powder.

"Mm? Isn't it said that cultivators can't completely absorb the spirit power within the pill? Why can I completely absorb it?" Stephan looked at the powder in his hand with confusion and murmured softly to himself.

Stephan knew that the spirit core would shatter only when he could fully absorb the spirit power.

After a little thought, Stephan realized that it must be because of his Yin Yang Fish Dantian.

The Yin Yang Fish Dantian, which had been spinning frantically, had stopped spinning at that moment.

Stephan took out the second pill and continued cultivating. As expected, the second pill was instantly reduced to dust.

At the same time, Stephan's cultivation had also increased by quite a bit. The spiritual energy in his dantian was extremely dense and he was already on the verge of stepping into the late seventh level of the Refinement Realm.

Just this short period of cultivation was the equivalent of three days of Stephan's hard work. This made Stephan extremely happy and worried at the same time.

Giving him 3 holy pills a month is still not enough for his cultivation.

"I need to think of a way to earn more spirit pills." Stephan thought to himself.

While Stephan was thinking, Wu told him that the little lion within the Martial God Domain was evolving and needed to be sent to Ghost Valley.

Stephan entered the Martial God Domain and took a look at the evolving lion cub, who was also looking pitifully at Stephan.

"Come, let's go to Ghost Valley." After speaking, Stephan led the little lion out of the Martial God Area.

Two hours later, Stephan entered the Ghost Valley with practiced ease. He then placed the little lion inside.

"Lil' Lion, you still have some time to break through. Stay in Ghost Valley for a few days, and I'll pick you up after the Inter-clan Competition." Stephan also knew that the little lion was a demonic beast and had the blood of battle in its bones. Otherwise, it would not have stayed in Ghost Valley by itself.

After placing the little lion in Ghost Valley, Stephan returned to Milky Way Town.

Stephan was not the least bit worried about the little lion's safety. The little lion had already been able to hunt Level 8 Demonic Beasts when it was Level 6. After this advancement, perhaps even Level 9 Demonic Beasts would not be a match for it. Moreover, there were not many Level 9 Demonic Beasts in the entire inner circle, so they could not pose a threat to the little lion at all. This way, it could train the little lion.

It was already noon by the time Stephan returned to Milky Way Town. After lunch, he sneaked into the back hill.

Yeager Family's back hill was a mine of Yeager Family. It was also one of the main industries of the Yeager Family. Usually, outsiders were not allowed to enter.

Stephan had heard his father talk about this mine, but he didn't have enough pills. That was why he wanted to sneak into the mine and exchange some ores for some pills.

After entering the depths of the back mountain, they could see the mining area with their naked eyes. At the gate of the mining area, there were two disciples guarding it.

Stephan swaggered to the entrance of the mine and glanced at the two gatekeepers.

"Young master, this is the Yeager Clan's forbidden grounds. No one is allowed entry without the Clan Head's permission." One of the guards noticed Stephan and stepped forward.

"The patriarch asked me to check on the production of the mine. I'll be off after I take a look," said Stephan with a smile.


Before the gatekeeper could finish, Stephan snapped, "Do you dare to question the patriarch's decision?"

The two gatekeepers thought for a while, and Stephan didn't mind taking a look. Anyway, he was also a core disciple of the Yeager Family, so they let him into the mining area.

When Stephan entered the mining site, he saw many mining workers. They were all mining.

Stephan went around the workers in the mine and found an empty place to begin his exploration.

This was a Mystic Iron mine. It produced Mystic Iron ores and was also a major industry that had supported the Yeager Family for so many years.

The Bai and Li families wanted to occupy the Yeager Family's black iron mine area, so they joined forces to suppress the Yeager Family.

Stephan examined the ores in the mine carefully. There was a dark path ahead of him, so dark that he couldn't even see his own fingers.

Stephan walked down the path carefully.

Suddenly, Stephan saw a faint light.

Stephan followed the light. When he got closer to the light, he saw a stone emitting a faint light in the crack of the stone.

Stephan circulated his spirit energy and used Shattering Rock Fist. His spirit energy enveloped his surroundings, preventing him from making a sound.

Next, Stephan retrieved the glowing stone and held it in his hand.

"This is? Could it be a Luminous Rock?" A smile appeared on Stephan's face. Although the Luminous Rock was not as precious as the Mystic Iron Rock, it could still be exchanged for a few spiritual pills. He then stored the Luminous Rock into the Martial God's Realm.

Stephan continued probing. Even though this place is a Mystical Iron ores mine, it is not easy to find Mystical Iron ores. Otherwise, the Yeager Clan would have already become rich long ago.

Stephan felt as if he had gone underground. It was very deep, and the place was pitch-black. However, with Stephan's eyesight, these were not a problem.

Stephan carefully sensed the aura of the mining site. Suddenly, he felt a hot aura coming from under his feet.

Stephan hurriedly checked his feet, removed the rock from his feet, and then began to clean up the rocks around him.

Because Stephan had taken a detour down an unmanned path, under normal circumstances, no one would come here at all.

Not long after, Stephan cleared out a huge pit and found a fiery red stone. He carefully examined it and didn't know what kind of stone it was. He stored it in the Martial God's Realm and continued to explore.

Not long after, another rock was found. This time, the pit was even deeper than the one that Stephan had dug.

Immediately following that, Stephan found several more fiery-red stones. The further down he went, the hotter he felt, as if there was a sea of fire beneath him.

In just a short while, Stephan had collected 15 fiery red stones. As he descended, he could clearly feel the heat radiating from them, and his forehead was covered in beads of sweat.

Finally, when Stephan was about to collect the thirtieth fiery red stone, he saw a trace of lava under his feet. Yes, it was lava.

"How is this possible? There's lava below the black iron ore vein?" Stephan was a bit shocked and hastily climbed out of the hole. With his current strength, only death awaited him if he sank into the lava.

Stephan stowed the fiery red stone away in the magma, then walked out of the mining site and returned home.

"Should I tell father about this?" Stephan struggled with his thoughts. In the end, he decided to tell father, Grandpa, and the others after the competition was over.

The most important matter at hand was to sell off the fire-red stones and exchange them for some spiritual pills for his cultivation efforts.

Stephan thought of the underground market.

Stephan wore a bamboo hat, obscuring his features. When he arrived at the underground market, he was greeted by a coquettish woman, exactly the same as the last time.

"Selling ores," Stephan said in a low voice. After that, the charming woman brought him into a very hidden room.

There was only a stool, a table, and a white-haired old man sitting there quietly.

"Uncle Liu, this customer wants to sell some ores," the charming woman said delicately.

"Mm? What ores do you want to sell?" Uncle Liu asked lazily.

"This one." Stephan took out the Luminous Stone and placed it on the table.

"Nightlight Stone. Mm, not bad. One spirit pill."

"Okay, deal."

The white-haired old man gave Stephan a holy pill while Stephan gave the old man a luminous stone.

"Anything else?" The white-haired elder smiled at Stephan, trying to identify him.

Stephan lowered his head and covered his face with his bamboo hat. Then, he suddenly took out a fiery-red stone and placed it on the table.

"Ah? Infernal Stone? It's actually Infernal Stone!" After the white-haired old man saw the fiery-red stone, he couldn't help turning pale from fright. Even the alluring woman's eyes lit up.

Actually, Stephan was just trying. He wanted to see if the white-haired old man recognized the fiery red rock. He didn't expect him to actually recognize it.

Even though Stephan knew little about Netherfire Stones, he could tell from the old man's expression that they were very precious.

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