
The Road to our Destiny

After the events of Pokemon XY&Z, Serena decides to go to Kanto with Ash to compete in Pokemon contests. While they're in Pallet Town, however, they meet a 28-year-old trainer named Timothy who forms a rivalry with Ash and challenges him to compete in the Indigo League again. Thus, with Serena's permission, Ash joins Serena on her journey through the Kanto region. Along the way they come across Ash's traveling companions as Serena competes in Pokemon contests and Ash rechallenged the gym where he didn't earn his badge properly. But unknown to Ash and his friends, Timothy, his Raichu, Electchu, and his best friend, Coovers from the International Police, are on a mission to go through the Battle Frontier in order to find Brandon who may have found the Gieldanstone: a white jewel that makes Arceus itself obey the will of anyone who holds it. The two men and the Raichu are attempting to retrieve the Gieldanstone before Team Rocket gets it and uses it for their ultimate plan to finally control all Pokemon and rule the world.

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Chapter 47

Three days passed until Ash, Pikachu, Ritchie. Sparky, Serena, Brock, and Holly finally make their way in Viridian City. Ash, Ritchie, and Brock have been telling stories about the adventures they had with Misty is greater detail, much to the pleasure of Holly and Serena. By the time they reach the Pokemon Center to have Oshawott, Gigalith, Gabite, Cruise, Rose, and Wraps looked at, the two female trainers feel like they know the guys they like a little more just by watching them reconnect with their old friend. Once Ash and Ritchie's Pokemon are fully healed, they all start walking to the Viridian City gym.

"So, who is going to battle Agatha first?" Ritchie asks.

Ash and Holly look at each other, and the auburn-haired woman is quick to wave her hands and say, "You can go first, Ash. I honestly want to get an idea of what I'm up against by watching you battle her just like when Max battled Blaine before me."

"Sounds good to me," Ash says. "As long as I beat Agatha and win so that I feel like I've properly earned my Earth Badge."

"Pikachu," Pikachu says in agreement.

"It's pretty amazing that a member of the Elite Four is temporarily taking over a gym," Ritchie says. "I remember when it was this guy in a suit."

"A guy in a suit?" Serena asks.

"Yeah, he wouldn't even be on the battlefield with me when I challenged him," Ritchie explains. "He would just sit in a fancy chair up on a balcony above his side of the field with this Persian that was sitting next to him. He didn't seem completely invested in the battle. He just ordered his Pokemon while we battled with his voice sounding so detached from the moment. He didn't even show any emotion when I defeated his Pokemon. He just had someone hand me my badge and told me to be on my way."

"That is strange," Brock says.

"Maybe you should tell Agatha that, Ritchie," Serena suggests. "She has been wondering who the last gym leader was and what happened to him."

"Really?" Ritchie asks.

"Yeah, all she has to go on is my gym battle against Team Rocket," Ash says.

"Well, then I guess after you guys have your battles, I'll do that before I head home," Ritchie says.

"You're going to leave after our battles?" Ash asks, surprised.

"Yeah, my family is still waiting for me," Ritchie says. "I can only stay long enough to see you both win...or lose."

"Hey," Ash says while Ritchie gives him a teasing smirk. "I'm going to win no matter what Agatha throws at me."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu says.

"Me too!" Holly claims determinedly.

"That's the spirit, you too," Serena chortles with her eyes closed.

"What Serena said," Brock agrees.

Thus, the five of them and Pikachu and Sparky keep walking until they make their way to the Viridian City gym. Ash knocks on one of the two big doors, and they both open. The group walks inside the dark entryway, wondering if anyone apart from them is inside until the lights suddenly turn on to reveal the battlefield and Agatha standing on the other side with a confident smirk on her face.

"Ash, Serena, how good of you both to come," she greets. "I assume this means you have finished rechallenging the other gyms, young man?"

"I sure have," Ash says proudly. "I have successfully defeated Sabrina, Erika, Misty, and Brock in a fair battle, and now I'm ready to have another battle with you, Agatha."

Agatha's smirk grows, and she says, "Delighted to hear that. And who is the boy and young lady standing next to Brock?"

"My name is Ritchie," Ritchie answers.

"And my name is Holly, and I'm from the Sinnoh region," Holly states. "I'm also here to battle you for my eighth and final badge so that I can compete in the Indigo League."

"Oh, is that so?" Agatha says, chuckling in amusement. "Sounds like I'm in for an amusing day today. Very well, I accept both challenges. Just understand that given the strength of my Pokemon as a member of the Elite Four, I don't expect either of you to win. But if you prove to be formidable enough in battle, Holly, you will earn your badge even if you lose."

"Sounds fair, but I don't plan on losing," Holly says.

"Me neither," Ash says.

"Alright then, who shall go first?" Agatha asks.

"I will," Ash says, stepping in.

"Very well then, Ash," Agatha says plainly. "This will be a one-on-one battle, just like last time. The battle will end when the Pokemon from either side is unable to continue. Sound good?"

"Works for me," Ash says with a grin.

"Good luck, Ash!" Serena says.

"Thanks, Serena," Ash says, giving the honey blonde girl a toothy grin.

Agatha takes out a Pokeball and says, "Let's not waste any more time, Ash. Gengar, go!"

She throws the ball at the field, and her Gengar comes out with a mischievous grin.

"Alright, Pikachu, let's go!" Ash shouts.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaims as it hops off Ash's shoulder and heads into the field.

"Ah, so it's your strong Pikachu against my Gengar again, huh?" Agatha says. "I wonder how different this will be compared to last time."

"Then you're in for a surprise," Ash claims. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu releases a Thunderbolt at Gengar, but the shadow Pokemon just flattens its body and phases through the ground under Pikachu and reappears right behind the mouse Pokemon.

"Gengar, use Shadow Ball," Agatha calls out calmly.

Gengar puts its hands close together and creates a black and purple ball before throwing it at Pikachu.

"Dodge, then use Iron Tail!" Ash shouts.

Pikachu jumps out of range of the Shadow Ball and charges toward Gengar with its tail turning into iron. When it gets close enough, Pikachu jumps and spins before smacking Gengar with its tail. Gengar shuts its eyes and takes a couple of steps back, but it quickly shakes its head and grins at Pikachu, not looking hurt at all.

"Pikachu, use Electro Ball!" Ash shouts.

"Gengar, use Double Team," Agatha says calmly.

Gengar makes multiple copies of itself right as Pikachu throws an Electro Ball. The ball only hits a copy, and Pikachu looks around, trying to find the real Gengar as multiple copies of it surround the mouse Pokemon.

"Now use Shadow Ball again," Agatha says.

"Quick, Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on all of them!" Ash calls out.

All of the Gengar create Shadow Balls, preparing to throw them all at Pikachu. Pikachu squeezes its cheeks and fires Thunderbolt in all directions, and the attack hits all of the Gengar, including the real one. The copies disappear, and the real one grunts in pain, only for it to shake its head and grin at Pikachu, still looking barely hurt.

"Use Shadow Ball again," Agatha says.

"Dodge and use Iron Tail followed up with Electro Ball!" Ash commands.

Gengar throws another Shadow Ball, but just as it's about to hit its opponent, Pikachu jumps over it and charges at Gengar again. With another jump and spin, Pikachu whacks Gengar in the face, and as the shadow Pokemon takes a few steps back upon impact, Pikachu throws another Electro Ball with its tail, and it hits Gengar directly. Gengar has taken a little more damage with Pikachu's combo, but it is not showing much pain.

"Alright, Pikachu, let's hit harder with a bigger Thunderbolt!" Ash shouts.

But Agatha's smirk grows, and she firmly says, "Gengar, use Hypnosis!"

Gengar's body becomes outlined in blue, and illusions of its eyes come out and hit Pikachu. Pikachu is confused about what just happened until it suddenly falls asleep standing up. Ash looks at his partner in shock has Pikachu sways back and forth in its sleep.

"Now use Dream Eater," Agatha says.

Gengar releases a shadow-like version of itself, and the shadow goes through Pikachu, sucking the energy out of it. Pikachu cries out in agony before it falls down with swirly eyes.

"Pikachu!" Ash cried out as he runs over to his friend's side and picks it up. "Are you okay?"

"Pi...ka…" Pikachu replies, weakly.

Agatha walks over to Ash and Pikachu with her cane and gives the raven-haired boy a sincere smile.

"Good effort, Ash," she says. "Once again, you've shown some creativity in your battle style. If you didn't already have an Earth badge, I'd say you've earned one right now."

"Thanks, Agatha," Ash says. "Though I wish I could have done better."

"Oh, don't fret about it, young man. Just keep training, and maybe one day you'll be strong enough to defeat someone like me," Agatha says comfortingly.

Ash nods and stands up before walking over to the others. He stands next to Serena, who puts her hand on his shoulder for comfort, much to his appreciation while Holly steps forward.

"Alright, now it's my turn," she states eagerly.

"My, my, aren't we excited?" Agatha says, amused. "Let's see what you can do, young lady."

"Gengar," Gengar says, agreeing with its partner.

"Go, Holly!" Brock cheers proudly. "You got this!"

"You know it, Brock!" Holly calls out back before she takes out a Pokeball and throws it. "Go, Probopass!"

Probopass comes out of its ball and stares blankly at Gengar. The shadow Pokemon just grins again at its opponent, amused to have a bigger target this time.

"Probopass, eh? Interesting," Agatha says with another smirk on her face. "Gengar, use Shadow Ball."

"Probopass, counter it with Zap Cannon!" Holly orders.

The two Pokemon fire their respective attacks, and the Shadow Ball and Zap Cannon collide, causing an explosion.

"Now, use Rock Slide!" Holly commands.

Probopass' body becomes outlined in blue, taking out a large chunk of the field. The large rock is outlined in blue, and it flies up above Gengar before breaking into thousands of pieces and starts to fall toward the shadow Pokemon. But both Agatha and Gengar smirk as the latter flattens its body and slithers through the ground again, dodging the attack.

"Oh no, you don't," Holly says. "Probopass, use Earth Power!"

Probopass' body glows gold, and the ground begins to shake. Gold cracks start to appear and head towards Gengar.

"Gengar, float up in the air," Agatha says calmly.

Gengar unflattens itself and floats into the air before the gold cracks can hit it.

"What?" Holly says, shocked. "How can Gengar do that?"

"Because Gengar has an ability called Levitate," Agatha answers. "Thus, it can float into the air, making ground attacks useless."

Holly frowns irritated that her plan didn't work.

"Alright, then. Probopass, use Zap Cannon again!" She shouts.

"Gengar, use Double Team," Agatha says plainly.

Before Probopass can use Zap Cannon, Gengar makes multiple copies of itself again, and the compass Pokemon looks around to find the real one.

"Calm down, Probopass!" Holly calls out. "Find the real one with Magnet Bomb!"

Probobass stops looking, and its three smaller noses glow orange, separate from its body, and fly around the area. Eventually, the noses all point to one Gengar floating in the air and fly toward it. The noses explode, and Gengar is sent flying into a wall while the other Gengar disappears.

"Alright, now use Zap Cannon!" Holly commands excitedly.

"Gengar, use Hypnosis," Agatha says calmly.

Gengar's body again becomes outlined in blue, and illusions of its eyes appear. They hit Probopass before it could fire Zap Cannon. Probopass becomes confused and starts swaying back and forth into the air.

"Now use Dream Eater," Agatha says.

Gengar releases another shadow-like version of itself, and it rams into Probopass, sucking its energy. Probopass groans in discomfort, but it stays conscious. The Compass Pokemon shakes its body and glares back at Gengar.

"Huh? Why didn't that attack knock out Probopass, too?" Ritchie asks.

"Because Probopass is a steel type, so Dream Eater can only do half the damage," Brock says.

"That's right. After Gengar used it on Pikachu, I knew I had to go with Probopass so that it could last longer against Agatha's attacks," Holly explains proudly. "It pays to listen closely to what my future boyfriend knows about Pokemon types.

Brock giggles childishly at the title while Agatha keeps on smirking.

"Clever, but that won't help you for long," she states. "Gengar, use Shadow Ball."

"Counter it with Zap Cannon!" Holly orders.

Once again, the Pokemon fire their respective attacks, and the Shadow Ball and Zap Cannon collide, causing an explosion that covers the area in black smoke.

"Now use Hypnosis again, followed by Dream Eater," Agatha says immediately.

Holly only has a moment to realize she has been played before illusions of Gengar's eyes emerge from the smoke and hit Probopass pass again. The compass Pokemon sways back and forth for a couple of seconds before Gengar uses Dream Eater again, and Probopass groans loudly before it falls to the ground limp.

"Probopass!" Holly calls out, running to her Pokemon's side.

Agatha takes a deep breath and silently returns Gengar to its Pokeball before she walks over to Holly.

"Well done, young lady," she compliments. "I must admit you exceeded my expectations."

"Really?" Holly asks, hopefully.

'Yes. Were it not for Levitate, Earth Power would have been a clever way to force Gengar out of the floor while also doing heavy damage," Agatha says. "It was also intriguing of you to use Magnet Bomb to find Gengar. How did you know Probopass would find the real one?"

"Honestly, I didn't," Holly confesses. "I just took a risk and trusted Probopass."

Agatha nods and says, "That's a good honest answer. You may have lost, Holly, but you've shown good strategy and strength with your Pokemon. If you keep that up, I'm sure you will go far in the Indigo League."

Holly's eyes widen, and Agatha reaches into her pocket and takes out a badge.

"Here," she says. "You've shown you are worthy of the Earth Badge."

Holly's face lights up, and she happily takes the badge from Agatha's hand.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She says energetically.

Agatha chuckles as Holly turns to her friends and runs toward Brock. The auburn-haired woman jumps into his arms, and he hugs her back, spinning her as they laugh joyously.

"I got it! I got my last badge!" She shouts.

"Yes, you did," Brock chortles as he puts her down. "Now you just have to compete and then -"

But before he can finish his sentence, Holly abruptly kisses him on the cheek. Brock stands in shock while Holly pulls back from the kiss and gives him a loving look.

"And then we'll officially be together," she finishes.

Brock smiles and pulls Holly into a tighter hug. Serena sighs blissfully, happy to see the two of them so happy, and even Ritchie smirks at the lovebirds. Ash, however, looks down, frowning away from everyone else. Serena turns to him, and her smile fades, noticing that he's upset underneath his hat that is hiding most of his face.

"Ash, what's wrong?" She asks.

But instead of answering, Ash raises his head and looks determinedly at Agatha, who is about to exit the building from her side.

"Agatha!" He calls out. "I wanna have another battle tomorrow!"

Serena looks at him, surprised, and Ritchie, Brock, and Holly turn to him, confused. Agatha stops walking and turns to the raven-haired boy with a frown and a raised eyebrow.

"Are you sure, Ash?" She asks. "You already have proven your worth in this gym. I thought you were satisfied with how you did."

"I was, but not anymore," Ash replies. "I went on this journey to show how much stronger I am, and I realized that I've only accomplished most of my goal by making it this far. I want to win a battle fair and square from every single gym in Kanto, and I can't be satisfied with just good enough in a battle against you."

"Are you sure this is what you want, Ash?" Agatha questions seriously. "I admire your devotion, but I don't see what another battle will accomplish."

"Please, Agatha!" Ash begs. "Please, just one more battle! I know I'm going to win this time!"

The room stays silent for a couple of minutes. No one knows what Agatha is going to say while she and Ash stare at each other. Finally, Agatha closes her eyes and sighs.

"Very well," she says. "If that is what you truly want, I won't refuse you."

"Thanks, Agatha," Ash says with a smile.

With that, he turns around and exits the building. It takes a moment before the rest of the trainers quietly do the same, still taken aback by Ash's sudden request. Agatha sighs again and turns around to leave when she suddenly hears rapid footsteps coming her way. She turns around to find Ritchie and Sparky running to her.

"What is it, Ritchie?" She asks.

Ritchie stops a couple feet away from Agatha and puts his hands on his knees and pants before looking up at the old woman.

"I just remembered something," he says. "Serena said you're trying to find out who the previous owner of this gym was, right?"

Agatha looks at him intently and says, "Yes, I am. Do you know who he is?"

"Not by name," Ritchie answers. "But I can tell you what I remember about him."




Ritchie and Sparky walk to the Viridian City Pokemon Center after telling Agatha what he remembers about the city's last official gym leader. He walks with a look of confusion after seeing the old woman have a grim look on her face as he told her everything. By the time the two of them make it inside, the Pokemon Center, Ash, Serena, Brock, and Holly are at the front desk, and Nurse Joy is handing Pikachu to Ash.

"Ash, your Pikachu is in perfect health," Nurse Joy says kindly.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," Ash says as Pikachu happily hops onto his shoulder again.

Ritchie smiles at his friend as he and his partner walk over to the group, and they turn around to the boy and his Pikachu.

"Hey, Ritchie, where have you been?" Ash asks.

"Oh, I stayed behind to tell Agatha what I know about the last gym leader here," Ritchie answers plainly.

"What did she say?" Brock asks.

"She just thanked me and left," Ritchie answers.

"Huh, that's strange," Serena says. "Well, at least now she has more information regarding this person."

"I guess," Ritchie says before he changes the subject. "So, Ash, do you have ideas on what to do on your rematch?"

"I sure do," Ash answers. "And we're gonna train hard until we're good and ready. Right, Pikachu?"

"Pika!" Pikachu replies happily.

"That's good to hear," Ritchie says with a smile. "Anyway, I better get going. Home awaits."

"Alright, Ritchie. We'll see you at the Indigo League," Serena says.

"Yeah, train hard," Holly says.

"You bet I will," Ritchie says as he and Sparks leave. "See you at the Indigo League, you guys!"

"Bye, Ritchie! Bye, Sparky!" Everyone calls out as Ritchie and Sparky exit the building.

Once the auburn-blonde-haired boy and his Pikachu are out of sight, Brock and Holly turn to each other with giddy looks.

"Now that you have all eight badges, what say we find an ice cream parlor around here to celebrate?" Brock suggests.

"You read my mind," Holly says before turning to Serena. "What are you going to do, Serena?"

Serena hesitates before she answers, "I think I'm going to practice for the Grand Festival."

"Sounds good to me," Ash says. "You enjoy yourselves, Brock and Holly."

"You got it, Ash," Brock says. "Work hard for your rematch."

"You can count on me," Ash replies.

Thus, the pair heads out while Ash and Serena find separate spots near the Pokemon Center to train and practice, respectively. As Serena takes out her Pokemon and starts discussing plans with them, however, she starts to wonder if there's more to why Ash wants a rematch with Agatha than he lets on.