
The Road to our Destiny

After the events of Pokemon XY&Z, Serena decides to go to Kanto with Ash to compete in Pokemon contests. While they're in Pallet Town, however, they meet a 28-year-old trainer named Timothy who forms a rivalry with Ash and challenges him to compete in the Indigo League again. Thus, with Serena's permission, Ash joins Serena on her journey through the Kanto region. Along the way they come across Ash's traveling companions as Serena competes in Pokemon contests and Ash rechallenged the gym where he didn't earn his badge properly. But unknown to Ash and his friends, Timothy, his Raichu, Electchu, and his best friend, Coovers from the International Police, are on a mission to go through the Battle Frontier in order to find Brandon who may have found the Gieldanstone: a white jewel that makes Arceus itself obey the will of anyone who holds it. The two men and the Raichu are attempting to retrieve the Gieldanstone before Team Rocket gets it and uses it for their ultimate plan to finally control all Pokemon and rule the world.

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Chapter 29

By the time Ash, Pikachu, Serena, Brock, Timothy, Electchu, and Coovers finish riding through Cycling Road and return their rented bikes to the bike store on the other side, it started to get dark, so they decide to camp in the woods for the night. The next day, they go back to traveling until they make their way to Fuchsia City. The five trainers and Pikachu and Electchu head to the city's Pokemon Center, and Ash, Serena, and Brock order a room while Timothy and Ash have Nurse Joy check their Pokemon.

"So how far is the Battle Pike from here?" Timothy asks.

"Not far. It's about an hour's walk from the city," Coovers says. "We could rent a room here for after your battle there."

"Nah, I would like to get a head start going to the next place after I defeat this Lucy," Timothy says. "After all, there's only two more Frontier Brains to challenge after this, so no sense in wasting any time."

"Two Frontier Brains?" Ash asks, overhearing the two men as he waits for Nurse Joy to come back with his Pokemon. "Don't you mean three?"

"Yeah, after Lucy, you should have Spencer, Anabel, and then Brandon left," Brock says.

Timothy realizes what he said out loud and chuckles nervously. In his mind, he only counted the two Frontier Brains that come before Brandon since he is the target for Coovers' mission.

"Uh, yes, I meant two Brains left to challenge left after Lucy before facing Brandon," he lies. "Sorry for the confusion there, Ash."

"Oh, no problem," Ash says with a toothy grin before he and Brock go back to waiting.

Timothy quietly sighs in relief before Coovers leans into his ear.

"Nice job, almost blowing our cover, you nincompoop," he mutters.

"I hardly call sounding like I was off by one Frontier Brain by accident, almost blowing our cover," Timothy whispers back. "Besides, we're not going to come across any Team Rocket members here in a Pokemon Center."

"Don't be too sure, Timothy," Coovers whispers seriously. "Remember, we don't know how many people Giovanni has under his command from here to Kanto."

Timothy frowns and nods, seeing his friend's point. Meanwhile, Serena comes back inside the Pokemon Center with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Hey, Serena. Did you sign up for the Pokemon contest?" Brock asks.

"Sure did," Serena says proudly. "I'm all set to participate the day after tomorrow. And I bumped into someone along the way."

Ash, Brock, Timothy, and Coovers look at her curiously until a familiar face enters the building with a smirk.

"Hello, everyone," Scott greets.

Ash, Brock, and Coovers smile and simultaneously say, "Hey, Scott."

"I was wondering when we were going to bump into you," Timothy says with a smirk.

"I'm sure you were," Scott says. "As a matter of fact, I was waiting to meet you here. I must have missed you because I didn't know you were in the city until I bumped into Serena."

"Yeah, Scott was just walking down the street when I was heading back from registration," Serena explains.

"Well, how about that," Ash says.

"So, you were waiting to escort us to the Battle Pike?" Coovers asks.

"Yes, I was," Scott answers before turning to Ash and his friends. "Would you like to join us? I know Lucy would love to see you guys again."

"Lucy would love to see me again? This must be fate declaring that we're meant to be!" Brock squeals.

"Brock, calm down. He didn't mean it like that," Serena rebukes before giving Scott a sad smile. "But anyway, I'm afraid you'll have to count me out, Scott."

'Huh? Why's that, Serena? Don't you want to see Timothy battle Lucy?" Ash asks.

"Sure I do," Serena answers. "But I still have a lot of practicing to do with Absol and I would rather I use the time I have between now and before the contest to work on our routine until it's perfect with or without Double Team. I hope that doesn't bother you, Timothy."

"Not at all," Timothy says politely. "If you need to practice, then, by all means, don't stop yourself on my account. You only have two days, after all, right?"

"Right. Thank you, Timothy," Serena says with a nod.

"Don't mention it," Timothy says. "Although, if you're going to try to teach Absol Double Team, I'd recommend having it run as fast as it can at one of the parks here in the city."

"Okay, then I'll do that," Serena says with a smile.

"Well, then if that's settled, I'm all for driving the rest of you to the Battle Pike," Scott says.

"Awesome," Ash says with a smile. "Then let's go as soon as my and Timothy's Pokemon are checked up."


Before long, Nurse Joy came back with Pikachu, Electchu, and the rest of Ash and Timothy's Pokemon, and so the two of them and Pikachu, Electchu, Brock and Coovers get in Scott's car, and the fat man began driving to the Battle Pike. The ride is mostly silent apart from Brock giggling excitedly with a goofy grin, making Timothy uneasy.

"Uh...Brock, are you okay?" He asks awkwardly.

"Of course, I'm okay," Brock says in a daze. "I'm going to see Lucy again. She's one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen in my life!"

"Is she really that beautiful?" Coovers asks curiously.

"Coovers, don't start getting gaga on me again," Timothy warns.

But Brock turns to Coovers, ignoring Timothy and says, "Beautiful? My good man, there are no words for how beautiful she is. In a perfect world, she would be the one for me, no doubt, and we would face the adventure called life together."

Coovers listens intently, growing excited at the way Brock advertises the Frontier Brain.

"She sounds wonderful," he says in a daze. "I'd give anything to find the perfect woman."

Brock looks at Coovers, shocked, and says, "Me too!"

The two men stare at each other before they suddenly burst into tears and hug each.

"YOU UNDERSTAND!!!" They bawl out hysterically.

"Oh great," Timothy grumbles before turning to Ash, who is sitting in the front seat of the car with Pikachu. "How in the world can you stand this?"

"I guess I've gotten used to Brock acting like this with just about every woman he meets," Ash chuckles.

"Pika, Pika," Pikachu sighs.

"Oh, to be young and to wish for that kind of special companionship," Scott snickers.

"How do you mean special kind?" Ash asks, confused. "I've heard my mom try to explain something like that once before, but I don't know what she meant."

Brock sighs while Coovers, Timothy, and Scott look at the raven-haired boy dumbfounded.

"Wait a minute, you mean you don't know what it means to be interested in a girl romantically or to date and get married or even kiss?" Timothy asks.

Ash hesitates and says, "Well, I was kissed on the cheek by two girls a long time ago, but even then, I don't understand the significance of that."

"You're joking, right?" Timothy asks, dumbfounded. "Come on, Ash, you should know things like that long before you enter your teens. Heck, I knew about romance and stuff before I was old enough to become a Pokemon trainer."

"Raichu," Electchu comments.

"You'd think that, but things like romance pass through Ash's head like the wind," Brock says.

"Aw, poor guy," Coovers says, giving Ash a look of pity.

"Is that really a problem?" Ash asks, confused before turning to Timothy. "Have you ever wanted something like that?"

Timothy hesitates and says, "Not really. I guess I've been so focused on my own goals as a Pokemon trainer that I just don't consider looking for something like that."

Ash contemplates what Timothy said and says, "I guess I'm the same way. I don't really have a reason to want something like that even if I understood it since I'm so focused on my goal to be a Pokemon Master."

"Oh, hey now, that only shows what you know, Ash," Coovers says. "Becoming a Pokemon Master would be a great accomplishment, but nothing makes anyone happier than being with the one person they want to spend the rest of their life with. Heck, I imagine that if someone kissed you on the lips instead of a cheek, you'd understand better."

"Is it really that special when people kiss on the lips?" Ash asks.

"Oh, you have no idea how beautiful it is to experience something so special," Coovers says.

"And neither do you," Timothy says with a teasing smirk.

Coovers gives Timothy a hard glare while Electchu snickers. Scott chuckles before turning to Ash while he's still driving.

"Look, Ash, it's okay if you don't understand something like romance," he says. "If you never understand it, you'll never understand it. But I think Coovers is right about one thing, if you do find something so special as romantic companionship, it may well be one of the best things that will happen and your life. Maybe even more valuable than catching every single Pokemon that's ever existed and winning every single Pokemon League in the world. And if you do, I hope you'll pursue it to the end."

"Really? It could be that important?" Ash asks.

Scott simply nods before going back to facing the road. Ash looks down at the floor, confused yet intrigued with his friend's words.

"I wonder if that's what Mom is hoping I do with Serena," he says to himself out loud.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu asks, looking at its trainer.

Coovers, Timothy, and Electchu both look at each other, confused before looking at Brock, who sighs.

"Serena has it bad for him," he explains quietly so that Ash, Pikachu, and Scott can't hear. "She's liked him ever since they were little."

The two older men and the Raichu make oval shapes in their mouths a way of silently saying, "Oh."

The rest of the drive remained silent until Scott parks in front of a large gymnasium in the middle of the forest. Everyone gets out of the car just in time for the front doors of the building that looks like a Seviper to reveal three women greeting them with serious faces.

"Which one of you is Timothy Durbin from Pallet Town?" The woman with blonde hair demands.

Timothy opens his mouth to answer, but before he can, Coovers steps in front of him and grabs both of the woman's hands with a goofy grin on his face.

"Forget about Timothy, focus on me," he says with a flirtatious look, "I'm Coovers from Unova, and in all my travels, I have never - UMPH!"

The woman kicks him in the stomach, and Coovers gets down on his knees, holding his gut while the woman and her companions give him a deathly glare.

"How dare you try to be fresh with a sister of Queen Lucy!" She rebukes. "I oughta slug you all the way to the Hoenn region for your arrogance."

Suddenly, a rose projectile in the pattern of a Serviper's skin lands on the ground between the women and Coovers. Everyone turns around to see another woman exiting the building with a serious look on her face.

"Barbara, how many times must I tell you not to treat my guests this way?" She rebukes.

"Queen Lucy!" The woman named Barbara says, taken aback.

"Ah! Lucy!" Brock exclaims as he runs over to Lucy, gets down on one knee and takes her hands. "It has been far too long since I've laid eyes on you. I think we should take some time to catch up and - AUGH!"

Brock is suddenly interrupted by Barbara, who grabs him by the ear and drags him away from Lucy.

"How dare you approach our queen in such a presumptuous manner!" she ridicules.

But unknown to anyone else, Lucy's cheeks are turning red. She lowers her head and smiles softly while clasping her hands together as if Brock's hands are still there. The moment is short-lived, however, as she shakes her head and turns to Timothy with a serious look.

"I take it you are my challenger?" She asks.

Timothy nods, yes.

"I see. Then welcome to the Battle Pike," she says as she walks over to him. "I must apologize for my sister. She tends to get carried away."

"No apologies are necessary," Timothy says politely. "But I must apologize for the demeanor of my friends. Had I known they would act this way, I wouldn't have brought them here with me."

Coovers and Brock childishly glare at Timothy's remark.

"I'm glad you did," Lucy says with a small smile.

Timothy looks at Lucy in confusion while she turns to Ash.

"Ash, how are you?" She greets. "I know this is late, but congratulations on making the Battle Frontier Hall of Fame."

"Thanks," Ash says. "I hope we didn't come just for the Battle Pike to be closed like last time."

Lucy chuckles lightly with her mouth closed.

"I'm happy to say that the Bate Pike is open today," she says. "And even so, if you are friends with Timothy and his comrade, then I see no reason to make another exception. Any good friend of yours and Brock's is a good friend of mine."

"Uh, thanks," Timothy says, taken aback at Lucy's declaration.

"Oh, Lucy, your gentle soul is as sweet and kind as ever!" Brock praises while standing between Lucy and Timothy.

Lucy starts at Brock with her cheeks heating up again before Barbara grabs the man by the ear again.

"Keep your hands off Queen Lucy. Of course, she is sweet and kind," Barbara rebukes as she drags him away.

Timothy mentally rolls his eyes at Brock's approach while Lucy secretly wishes Barbara didn't yank him away. Her cheeks heat up again before she shakes her head, and her face turns serious again.

"Come, let us begin," she says as she turns around to enter the Battle Pike. "I am most intrigued to see what a trainer that has defeated a regional champion can do against me."

"You heard about Timothy doing that?" Ash asks as he, Coovers, Timothy, Brock, Barbara, and Lucy's other two sisters follow the Pike Queen.

"Yes, I have," Lucy answers plainly. "Scott told me in an attempt to excite me about our match."

"Ah, so you told Lucy about that, didn't you, Scott?" Coovers asks.

"Why, of course," Scott says without hesitating. "Given how there has hardly been a worthy challenger since Ash faced the Battle Frontier, it only made sense to excite Lucy on such a rare opportunity as facing someone who has defeated a regional champion."

"That makes sense," Timothy admits.

After a couple of minutes, the group makes their way to the battlefield where Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Coovers, sit on one side of the bleachers, and Barbara and the rest of Lucy's sisters sit on the other side. Lucy walks over to the platform on the far side of the battlefield while Timothy and Electchu stand on the other side. Once everyone is in place, one of Lucy's sisters with blue hair stands on a platform on the sidelines of the field and raises both of her hands.

"Now the Frontier battle between Timothy of Pallet Town and Pike Queen Lucy is about to begin!" she announces. "Each participant may use two Pokemon! The battle will be over when both Pokemon from either side aren't able to continue! Furthermore, no substitutions are allowed!"

"Two Pokemon, eh?" Timothy says with a smirk before turning to Electchu. "Sounds like a perfect opportunity for you and Poliwrath to take part in the Battle Frontier as promised, buddy."

"Rai!" Electchu shouts excitedly as sparks come out of his yellow cheeks to show it's ready to finally battle.

"Now, choose your Pokemon!" the blue-haired woman calls out.

Lucy turns serious as she takes out a Pokeball and throws it shouting, "Seviper, I choose you!"

The ball opens to reveal a Seviper looking ready to crush whatever opponent comes its way.

"All the way, Lucy! You got this!" Barabara and the other woman cheer out.

"A Seviper, eh?" Timothy says before turning to Electchu. "That probably means that her second Pokemon is likely a water type, so let's have Poliwrath go first. Sound good?"

"Raichu," Electchu says, nodding.

"Very well, then," Timothy says, taking out a Pokeball. "Poliwrath, I choose you!"

The ball opens, and Poliwrath comes out, banging its fists together, showing that it's pumped.

"Begin the battle!" the light-blue haired woman shouts.

"Alright, Poliwrath, let's test our opponent with Dynamic Punch!" Timothy commands.

Lucy closes her eyes, looking unamused, and says, "Use Poison Tail."

Poliwrath's fists turn light blue while Seviper's tail turns light purple. They charge at each other and attack only for Poliwrath's fist and Seviper's tail to hit each other, causing the two moves to be locked together until Poliwrath uses its other fist to knock Seviper's tail away and punch Seviper in the face with the other.

"Oh, no!" Barbara and the other women shout simultaneously.

Timothy grins and shouts, "Now use Bubble Beam!"

"Dodge and use Poison Tail again," Lucy calls out.

Poliwrath fires countless bubbles at Seviper, but the large snake Pokemon slithers away from them at a quick speed and successfully hits its opponent with its poisonous tail. The tadpole Pokemon steps back several spaces and gets down on one knee with several dark purple bubbles appearing around it.

"Oh no! Poliwrath is poisoned," Ash says worriedly.

"Yeah! Way to go, Lucy!" Brock shouts.

"Hey, whose side are you on?!" Timothy shouts.

Brock hesitates and struggles to answer before he shouts, "I'm rooting for both sides!"

Lucy turns to Brock, taken aback, and hides a small blush.

"You can't just root for both sides. You're either siding for Timothy or Lucy," Coovers rebukes.

"It's alright, Coovers. He was like this when I was facing Lucy, too," Ash says with a sigh.

"Pika, Pika," Pikachu says with its ears hanging low.

Meanwhile, Timothy and Electchu frown seriously at Poliwrath's condition.

"We have to finish this quick before Poliwrath faints," Timothy says. "Poliwrath, use Hydro Pump!"

"Seviper, counter with Flamethrower," Lucy says.

A large stream of water comes out of the swirl in Poliwrath's belly while Seviper shoots out fire from its mouth. The two attacks collide, causing steam to fill the battle area.

"Now use Bite," Lucy orders.

Timothy raises an eyebrow and says, "Wait patiently before using Dynamic Punch again."

Poliwrath closes its eyes and waits for Seviper to charge at it. The tadpole Pokemon stands still until it hears slithering and a vicious hiss coming right at it, and it snaps its eyes open before throwing a powerful punch. The punch once again successfully hits its target, and Seviper is sent flying into the air and crashing right underneath Lucy's platform.

"Now, use Hydro Pump straight ahead!" Timothy shouts.

Without a moment of hesitation, Poliwrath fires another powerful Hydro Pump, and it directly hits Seviper. The fang snake Pokemon cries out in pain until it slowly loses consciousness. When the steam finally clears, everyone sees Seviper lying on the ground with swirly eyes in front of Lucy. The light-blue haired woman stares at it for a moment before she reluctantly raises her left hand.

"Seviper is unable to battle! Poliwrath wins!" she announces.

Barbara and Lucy's other sisters look at the fallen Pokemon sadly while Ash, Coovers, and Pikachu cheer, and Brock struggles on whether or not to cheer or be sad. Lucy, on the other hand, just sighs in a mild-mannered way before putting Seviper back in its Pokeball."

"You battled well, dear," she says softly to the Pokemon inside the ball before turning to Timothy. "How did you figure out where Seviper was?"

"I'm afraid you're not the only person who has used something like creating steam with a combination of fire and water moves in an attempt to get the better of Poliwrath and me," Timothy says plainly. "It's taken some rather difficult training, but by now, we know how to use the cover of or stram or smoke to our advantage."

"Wow, that's amazing," Ash comments.

Brock nods in agreement and says, "I hate to admit it for Lucy's sake, but that is smart of Timothy to give his Pokemon that kind of training. But I'm not sure how long Poliwrath is going to last after getting poisoned."

Timothy frowns, knowing Brock is right. He and Electchu can see from their platform that the tadpole Pokemon is struggling to stay standing as the poison slowly drains its energy. Electchu looks at its friend worriedly while their trainer sighs in acceptance.

"Poliwrath," he calls out, catching his Pokemon's attention. "Understand that if I were able to substitute or use any of my antidote, I would do it. But since I can't, I need you to be strong for me and face the next Pokemon with everything you got. We need to learn what tricks Lucy has up her sleeve as best as possible before I use Electchu. So please be strong and trust that if you faint, Electchu and I will finish the battle. Okay?"

Poliwrath listens to its trainer seriously and takes a deep breath before it strengthens its stance, showing that it's ready to keep fighting. Timothy and Electchu give it a thankful smile while Lucy takes out another Pokeball.

"Alright, then. Milotic, I choose you," she says.

She throws the ball, and a Milotic comes out and lands on the water.

"A Milotic, huh? That's a rare Pokemon," Timothy observes. "Let's see what its made of. Poliwrath, use Hydro Pump!"

"Use Hydro Pump as well," Lucy says.

Both Poliwrath and Milotic use Hydro Pump, and the two streams of water collide. The two Pokemon continue to use the attacks to best the other, but they are evenly matched.

"Alright, then use Surf followed by Dynamic Punch," Timothy orders.

Poliwrath summons a giant wave of water with it standing on top of it, and it charges at is opponent Lucy and Milotic don't move a muscle which confuses Timothy until she finally makes a move.

"Use Twister then Iron Tail," she commands bluntly.

An orb of wind appears at the end of Milotic's tail, creating a tornado. The tornado hits straight through Poliwrath's Surf causing it to fall off the giant wave and land into the water. Milotic quickly swims over to where Poliwrath fell with its tail turned into solid metal and swings at the spot only for Poliwrath to emerge from the water and punch at Milotic's tail with a glowing fist, stopping the tail. Poliwrath gets ready to punch at the tender Pokemon with its other fist, but halfway through the second punch, the tadpole Pokemon suddenly feels its body growing weaker from the poison and misses its target, giving Milotic the opening to hit Poliwrath in the stomach with Iron Tail.

"Now use Facade," Lucy orders.

Milotic becomes surrounded in an orange aura that makes its body shine. Then it tackles Poliwrath, which sends it flying out of the water and crashing into a large rock.

"Oh, no!" Timothy exclaims. "Poliwrath, are you alright?"

Poliwrath slowly gets up and turns to its trainer to give it a thumbs up. But suddenly, the purple bubbles appear one last time, and the tadpole Pokemon wobbles back and forth until it falls limp.

"Poliwrath can no longer continue! Milotic wins!" The light-blue hair woman announces.

"Yay, Queen Lucy!" Barbara and the other girls cheer.

"Well done, my Queen Lucy," Brock also cheers, making Lucy blush again.

Timothy frowns sadly and returns Poliwrath back into its Pokeball.

"Well done, Poliwrath. You did everything you could," he says to the Pokemon inside the ball before turning to his Raichu. "Alright, Electchu, it's all down to you. Let's win this for Poliwrath."

"Raichu!" Electchu says excitedly as it hops off the platform and lands on the battlefield with sparks emerging from its cheeks again.

"Timothy's already down one Pokemon. I wonder how much longer that fight would have lasted if Poliwrath wasn't poisoned," Ash says.

"Pikachu," Pikachu says.

"So do I," Scott says with a smile. "But Timothy and Electchu potentially have the upper hand since Electchu is an electric type, and thanks to Poliwrath, they know all of Milotic's moves. Though as you remember, Ash, Lucy, and Milotic won't go down easily, so let's see who will triumph."

Ash nods in agreement as Timothy gets ready to continue the battle.

"Electchu, use Electro Ball!" Timothy calls out.

Electchu jumps in the air and flings a ball of electricity with its tail. The tender Pokemon allows the attack to hit it, and it whimpers in pain while Lucy stands still with her eyes closed. Timothy looks at the Pokemon and trainer in confusion until Lucy's eyes snap open.

"Use Hydro Pump!" she commands.

Miltoic stops whimpering and shakes of Electchu's attack before firing another Hydro Pump. The attack hits the Raichu and sends it flying into a rock.

Timothy frowns, determined to fight back, and shouts, "Use Iron Tail on the double!"

"Milotic, Iron Tail as well!" Lucy commands.

Electchu and Milotic charge at each other with their tails turned into iron. The two of them swing their tails, and the two attacks are locked on to each other for a moment before Milotic pushes back, sending Electchu flying into a wall.

"I hate to say it, but that's a creative way to use Iron Tail," Coovers comments. "Using it as both a defensive and offensive is rather cunning."

"That's Lucy for you," Scott says. "She never teaches her Pokemon defensive moves."

"And it's still so brilliant!" Brock declares gleefully. "Just as I remember her, attacking is one of her principles in attacking and in love. We are really meant to be!"

"Shut up, you!" Barbara shouts from her side of the bleachers. "Don't make me come over there and pummel you into a pulp for making claims like that in Queen Lucy's presence."

But as Barbara rebukes Brock, Lucy blushes again with a soft smile on her face as if she feels at peace from hearing the young man's declaration. Her moment is short-lived, however, when she hears Timothy chuckle in amusement.

"So you're the kind of trainer who prefers to teach her Pokemon nothing but offense moves, eh? So am I," he states. "Truth be told, I think defensive moves have their place, but they're not much compared to having nothing but attacks. Electchu, use Iron Tail again!"

Electchu gets up with a few scratches on its body and charges at Milotic again. Lucy frowns at the display both for disturbing her private moment and because she sees little value in her challenger's move.

"Use Twister," she says bluntly.

Milotic fires another Twister from its tail, but Timothy smirks.

"Use your Iron Tail to cut through that Twister," he says.

Lucy looks at Timothy in confusion until Electchu moves its tail in front of its face and spins it. The tornado hits the spinning tail of iron, but it fails to affect the mouse Pokemon or stop it from running towards its opponent. Milotic keeps using Twister, hoping to push Electchu back only for the Raichu to make it way all the way to its target and hit Milotic hard in the face.

"Nice one, Electchu!" Timothy compliments.

"Milotic, use Facade now!" Lucy says, suddenly.

Timothy's confidence falters as he watches Milotic quickly summon an orange aura around its body again and rams into Electchu. His partner squeals in pain as it is sent flying into the air and crashing into the ground just a few feet away from Milotic.

"Go, Lucy! Go, go, Queen Lucy!" Barbara and Lucy's other sisters chant excitedly.

"Way to go, Lucy!" Brock praises. "Such a quick response after getting hit by Iron Tail!"

"Brock, will you knock it off already?!" Coovers shouts, annoyed. "I thought you said you are rooting for both sides."

"Hey, yeah. Coovers' right," Ash says. "Cheer for Timothy, too, why don't you?"

Brock hesitates and struggles to make another response again.

"I...I...I can't help it! I want to cheer for Lucy!" He exclaims.

Lucy's cheeks turn red again, and she smiles while putting her hand on her heart. She can feel it fluttering at the sound of Brock's words as he openly chooses to root for her over his friend and it makes her feel happy inside. Timothy, however, looks at Brock with an unamused glare.

"Nice to know who I can count on to support me during important battles," he snarls sarcastically. "Electchu, use Electro Ball!"

Once again, Lucy is snapped out of her precious moment, and she glares at the man in the "H.A.K." shirt with an intent to bring him down.

"Milotic, use Hydro Pump!" She orders.

Milotic fires Hydro Pump right as Electchu throws another ball of electricity. The two moves collide, causing them to explode and cancel each other out.

"Use Electro Ball again!" Timothy says determinedly.

"Use Twister," Lucy says seriously.

Once again, the two moves collide and cancel each other out. Timothy grows frustrated with his Raichu's electric moves not landing another hit.

"You can try to use an electric attack like that all day, but it won't work," Barbara taunts boastfully. "Lucy is prepared to counter whatever electric moves come her way."

Timothy's frown deepens as he considers that Barbara is right.

"How am I going to land an effective hit?" He asks himself. "Even though Eletchu hit Milotic with Electro Ball the first time, it was able to swat it away and counter with Hydro Pump. It looks like they have covered their bases to make sure we don't hit them like that again."


Timothy turns his eyes to Electchu, who looks at him with a confident smirk.

"What do you mean, Electchu?" He asks.

Electchu answers by saying several "Rai" and "Raichu's."Timothy listens intently while scratching his chin in thought. Then, he realizes what his Pokemon is getting at and grins.

"Excellent point, pal," he says. "Let's use it to our advantage."

"Raichu!" Electchu shouts excitedly.

"Wow, he can understand what Electchu is saying just like that? That's incredible," Ash says, amazed.

"Pikachu," Pikachu says, agreeing with Ash.

Timothy smirks and points at Milotic, shouting, "Alright, use Thunder!"

"Ha! What a waste of time," Barbara mocks. "Milotic is going to counter that with ease."

"I did not say to use it on Milotic," Timothy counters.

Everyone looks at Timothy in confusion. Lucy turns to Electchu, who is preparing for its attack, trying to figure out what the Raichu and its trainer are up to. She suddenly turns to the water Milotic is swimming in and gasps.

"Milotic, get out of the water!" She shouts.

But her call was made too late. Electchu fires his Thunder straight at the water, instantly shocking Milotic before it can move. It howls in pain until Electchu finishes its attack leaving the tender Pokemon whimpering while sparks appear all over its body.

"Oh, no!" Barbara shouts.

"Oh yes," Timothy says excitedly. "Now, use Thunder again."

"Milotic, get out of the water!" Lucy shouts again.

Milotic fights through the pain, and it swims to ground as fast as it can right as Electchu fires on the water again.

"Now use Iron Tail!" Timothy commands.

Milotic only has a moment to realize what is happening when it turns its head to see Electchu hitting it in the face again with another Iron Tail.

"Use Hydro Pump!" Lucy shouts desperately.

Milotic opens its mouth to shoot a large stream of water again. But suddenly, the sparks appear all over its body again, and it stops in mid-preparation, causing Lucy's heart to sink.

"Now or never, Electchu! Use Thunder again and give it everything you've got!" Timothy shouts.

Electchu's body becomes surrounded in electricity and it fires a massive beam of electricity. Milotic screams at the top of its lungs as the electricity hits it hard all over its body. Brock, Lucy, Barbara, and Lucy's other sisters can do nothing but watch in shock as the tender Pokemon falls to the ground unconscious.

The light-blue haired girl sighs sadly baffled she raises her left arm and says in a softer voice, "Milotic is unable to battle. Electchu wins, which means the victory goes to Timothy, the challenger."

"Alright! Way to go, Timothy!" Ash cheers.

"Pi, Pikachu!" Pikachu also cheers.

"Well done," Scott says with a smirk.

"Atta boys, Timothy and Electchu!" Coovers calls out.

Timothy lets out a sigh of relief and gives his friends a nod before turning to his Raichu, who hops back onto his platoon, and he goes down on one knee to hug it.

"Nice job, pal," he says.

"Raichu," Electchu says pleased.

Meanwhile, Lucy, her sisters, and Brock stare at her fallen Pokemon sadly before the Frontier Brain returns it back into its Pokeball.

"You battled well, dear. Thank you," she whispers before walking over to Timothy and Electchu on the other side of the battlefield and says, "That was an interesting way to use the water in the area to your advantage. I can't say I've seen someone use an electric attack like that before."

"Well, credit goes to Electchu, who figured it out and told me," Timothy says honestly. "Although the two of us wouldn't have been looking for a loophole as much if Barbara wasn't boasting so much about your counter moves."

"Yes, I suppose her pride has led to my downfall this time," Lucy admits before taking a symbol out of her pocket. "Still, your Pokemon were very powerful, and to have your bond with your Raichu be so strong that you can understand it and use that bond in battle is remarkable. Therefore, it is my pleasure to present to you the Luck Symbol."

"Thank you, Lucy," Timothy says politely as he takes the symbol and turns back to Electchu with a friendly smirk. "Just two more until we get to Brandon."

"Raichu," Electchu says happily.

Lucy smiles, pleased to see her challenger be so eager while Scott, Ash, Pikachu, Coovers, Brock, and Lucy's sisters walk over from the bleachers to meet them.

"That was a great battle, Timothy," Ash compliments.

"Thanks, Ash," Timothy says.

"I knew you and Electchu were going to pull through no problem," Coovers states confidently.

Brock, however, turns to Lucy and takes both her hands, making her cheeks heat up again.

"Dear Lucy, even though you lost, you're still the best to me," he states in an over-the-top manner.

Lucy stares at him bashfully. In her mind, she is trying to force herself to say something, but she feels a sudden sense of shyness from being so close to Brock, who is encouraging her with such a kind and warm look in his squinting eyes. Unfortunately, she only manages to open her mouth halfway when a hand grabs poor Brock firmly by the ear.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Queen Lucy?!" Barbara growls as he yanks him away. "I oughta drag you all the way outside and tie you to a tree."

Timothy, Coovers, Ash, and Scott chuckle at Barbara, dragging Brock toward the exit while Lucy lowers her head in disappointment.

"That's what you get for not supporting your friend," Timothy rebukes before turning to the others. "We probably should be going anyway. Coovers and I will want a head start to the next Frontier Brain."

Lucy winces at Timothy's words. Her heart slowly sinks at the thought of watching Brock leave so soon again.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while, Timothy," Scott says. "Your next destination is the Battle Palace in the Seafoam Islands, and the next ship heading there from Fuchsia City won't be leaving until late in the day after tomorrow."

Timothy, Electchu, and Coovers frown, eager to get a move on for their mission. Ash notices this and gives the two men an encouraging smile.

"Hey, don't worry about waiting so long," he says. "Look at it this way, you at least get to stay in Fuchsia City for Serena's contest."

Timothy keeps his displeased look for a moment before he thinks about it and gives Ash a weak smile.

"That's true," he admits. "I suppose Serena would be happy if we stay to see her compete."

"No doubt about it," Ash says confidently. "In fact, I bet she and Absol have Double Team already figured out by the time we get back to Fuchsia City."

"Well, if they haven't, then we can at least be there to help them out," Coovers says, also trying to hide his own disappointment.

"Then let's be on our way," Scott suggests as the three men and Ash and Pikachu turn around to leave.

"Yes, and please take your friend with you," Barbara snarls as she continues to hold Brock by the ear. "I don't ever want him near Queen Lucy for as long as I -"

"Hold it!"

Everyone stops what they are doing and turns to Lucy. The Pike Queen suddenly feels a sense of embarrassment and nervousness as her cheeks turn red again, with her eyes fixed on Brock. She can feel everyone's eyes on her looking at her in confusion, wondering what she has to say.

"I...if you four aren't doing anything else while you're staying in Fuchsia City...then why don't you come over to my place tomorrow for...dinner?" She suggests, struggling to fight through her shyness.

"Dinner?" Ash, Timothy, and Coovers asks at the same time.

"Dinner?!" Brock asks excitedly despite Barbara keeping a painful hold on his ear.

"Dinner with them?" Barbara asks in disbelief.

"Yes," Lucy answers with her voice sounding more confident. "It's been too long since I've had good friends over at my house, and I wish to show my courtesy to Ash and Timothy for giving me two extraordinary battles I will never forget."

"Awesome. Is it okay if we bring Serena too?" Ash asks.

"Of course," Lucy says with a friendly smile. "As I said, any good friend of yours and Brock's is a good friend of mine."

"Wow, you lucky guys," Barbara says, suddenly smiling while letting go of Brock's ear.

"Then we would be happy to come," Ash says.

Coovers and Timothy look at each other hesitantly before Coovers shrugs, and Timothy says, "Alright, dinner it is."

"Wonderful," Lucy says with a soft smile. "My cabin is a couple of miles northwest from here. You can't miss it. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night."

"I'll be counting the moments," Brock says joyfully as he walks over to Lucy only for Timothy to stop him by grabbing him by the collar.

"Come on, Casanova. You can't start counting if you don't leave," he says as he pulls Brock away.

Lucy and her sisters walk Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Scott, Timothy, Electchu, and Coovers to Scott's car and wave goodbye as the seven of them drive off back to Fuchsia City. Once they are out of sight, Barbara turns to Lucy with a confused look.

"Queen Lucy, with all due respect, are you really going to make dinner for them because of your battles with Ash and Timothy?" She asks.

Lucy puts her hand on her heart, and she smiles and looks at the sky while blushing again.

"Never you mind, Barbara," she answers. "Never you mind."