
The Road to our Destiny

After the events of Pokemon XY&Z, Serena decides to go to Kanto with Ash to compete in Pokemon contests. While they're in Pallet Town, however, they meet a 28-year-old trainer named Timothy who forms a rivalry with Ash and challenges him to compete in the Indigo League again. Thus, with Serena's permission, Ash joins Serena on her journey through the Kanto region. Along the way they come across Ash's traveling companions as Serena competes in Pokemon contests and Ash rechallenged the gym where he didn't earn his badge properly. But unknown to Ash and his friends, Timothy, his Raichu, Electchu, and his best friend, Coovers from the International Police, are on a mission to go through the Battle Frontier in order to find Brandon who may have found the Gieldanstone: a white jewel that makes Arceus itself obey the will of anyone who holds it. The two men and the Raichu are attempting to retrieve the Gieldanstone before Team Rocket gets it and uses it for their ultimate plan to finally control all Pokemon and rule the world.

HAKDurbin · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 23

Inside a two-person bedroom at a Pokemon Center, Timothy snores with his mouth open until he feels something poke his nose. The trainer whimpers and rolls over on the bed only to feel something poke his nose again. He covers his head with a pillow and tries to go back to sleep, but his moment of peace is interrupted when he hears a voice saying, "Rai…" and his eyes snap open.

"Okay, okay!" he shouts in a sitting position. "You win, Electchu! I'm up!"

Timothy's faithful Raichu gives him a smirk as it hops out of bed, pleased with its work in walking up its trainer. Timothy sighs and groans, mentally wishing his partner would not force him to wake up by threatening to use Thunder on him so often. He yawns and stretches before he gets out of bed, and turns to the bed on the other side where Coovers is sleeping soundly.

"Rai…" Electchu begins, preparing to hit the other man with a Thunder.

"No!" Timothy hisses as he tiptoes over to Coovers' bed. "I have a better idea."

Electchu looks at Timothy, confused until he gestures to Raichu to listen. The two of them lean in close to Coovers, who is hugging his pillow tightly and muttering in his sleep.

"Oh, my darling...you're so beautiful...let's get married and have a hundred children…"

Timothy and Electchu fight the urge to laugh out loud. The trainer puts his finger on his lips before he tiptoes back to his bed, grabs his pillow, and tiptoes back to Coovers' bed. The two of them wait carefully until the black-haired man is slowly leaning his head toward his pillow with his lips pressed together. Timothy grins evilly as he waits for the right moment before he slams his pillow on Coovers' head.

"AUGH! WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Coovers screams as he jumps out of bed and makes a defensive stance.

"Oh good, you're up," Timothy chortles while Electchu falls on the floor, squealing with laughter.

Coovers takes a moment to recognize his surroundings before he turns to Timothy and Electchu with a mopy face.

"Tiiiimmmmooottthhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy," he whines like a little child. "That's not funny."

"You're right. It's hysterical," Timothy says while making his bed.

"I was having such a wonderful dream," Coovers whimpers.

"Yeah, we noticed," Timothy says, earning a snicker from Electchu while he grabs clean clothes from his backpack and walks over to the bathroom. "Let me guess, your dream girl had short blonde curly hair, blue eyes and a high-pitched voice that you think is adorable.

Coovers frowns as his friend goes to the bathroom and says, "No, she had a really sweet voice with chocolate-brown eyes and long, shiny black hair that she kept in a ponytail."

"Score," Timothy sarcastically says from the other side of the bathroom door.

Electchu keeps snickering, earning a death glare from Coovers. He walks over to the bathroom door with a bitter look on his face.

"You're just making fun of me because I want that special kind of companionship," he claims.

Timothy opens the door dressed in clean clothes while holding his pajamas.

"Nope, I'm making fun of you because you almost kissed your pillow," Timothy says.

Coovers frowns again and says, "You know what? Someday you're gonna find a nice girl that's gonna make you super happy, and when you two get married with me as your best man, my speech is going to be nothing but how you stepped on my dreams for true love, and you're gonna get embarrassed and...and...and your wife is going to hate you forever."

Timothy scoff and says, "Classic comeback, Coovers, except for all we know I might choose Electchu as my best man, and there's nothing in that story that says you got married too."

Timothy and Electchu both chuckle as the trainer puts his pajamas in his backpack. Coovers glares at his friend bitterly and storms over to him.

"I'm serious, Timothy. There's nothing wrong with wanting romance in your life," he says. "I mean, what are you going to do even if you successfully win every single Pokemon league there is? Just keep training and traveling with Electchu and your other Pokemon for the rest of your life?"

Timothy's teasing smirk fades, and he thinks about Coovers' question seriously for a moment before he looks away and shakes his head.

"I can't worry about that stuff, Coovers," he says. "Now is not the time to find a special lady in my life."

"If not now, then when?" Coovers challenges.

Timothy frowns and thinks about it again for a second.

"I don't know," he confesses. "I just know that it can't be now, especially since we need to focus on our mission. Remember? We got to find Brandon?"

Coovers stares at Timothy for a moment before he understands and chuckles sheepishly.

"Right," he says. "You have a match at the Battle Dome today."

"Exactly," Timothy says. "So let's turn in our key cards, get that battle against this city's Frontier Brain over with, and keep working our way to stop Team Rocket. Then we can worry about other things."

"Fine," Coovers sighs. "But I won't give up on finding someone just because we have a job to do. We can multitask if we have to."

Timothy scoffs again as Coovers grabs some clothes from his backpack and heads to the bathroom to change out of his pajamas.

"Can is not the same thing as should, Coovers," Timothy calls out. "Besides, how are we going to come across any pretty ladies during the Battle Frontier?"



Timothy frowns at the sight of countless women flooding the stands inside the Battle Dome. After coming across an uncomfortable crowd of reporters and cameramen and awkwardly partaking in a press conference, Timothy stands backstage, waiting to enter the battlefield. He can see all the women screaming and fawning for his opponent while holding out signs and wearing t-shirts that have the face of a guy with strange purple hair. He turns to Coovers, who has a gaga look on his face and then to Scott who is standing next to them and Electchu with his signature smirk.

"So…" Timothy begins. "This Tucker guy is popular?"

Scott chuckles.

"You could say that," he says. "Tucker is a great strategist, but he's also a performer at heart. He tries to make every battle he's in entertaining whether he wins or loses, and that definitely includes a match against the trainer who has defeated the bi-regional champion."

"Okay, so why couldn't you have explained that to me before the press conference where I made things awkward by asking who was Tucker that the reporters were asking me about?" Timothy asks.

Scott chuckles nervously and says, "I like to take everyone by surprise when a contender is having a press conference."

Timothy gives the stout man an unamused glare before he sighs and turns to Coovers, who is still checking out the crowd.

"Will you stop that?" He rebukes. "They're here for Tucker, not for you."

"I know, but there's so many pretty ladies out there," Cooves says, not looking at his friend. "I don't know how I can look away."

"Oh yeah? Well, how about I have Electchu hit you with Thunder if you don't stop creepily staring at those poor, unsuspecting women within the next five seconds?" Timothy challenges with Electchu squeezing its cheeks in preparation.

"Okay, okay, you win!" Coovers says, panicking.

Timothy, Electchu, and Scott chuckle before Scott walks over to Timothy and places his hand on the trainer's shoulder.

"Timothy, I know you're eager to win and continue your journey through the Battle Frontier, but I want you to enjoy yourself while you're facing Tucker," he says.

"Why? Just to entertain the crowd some more?" Timothy asks.

"Well, yes," Scott admits. "But I think you should use this battle to work on having fun battling. You said yourself that you found yourself enjoying your double battle with Ash even though it wasn't an important battle. Why not practice treating other battles better with a battle where part of the goal is to entertain people?"

Timothy frowns, unsure of Scott's advice. He turns to Coovers, who thinks deeply in thought before gesturing to his friend to come to him and lean in his ear.

"That actually might be a really good idea, Timothy." He whispers.

"Seriously?" Timothy says.

"Well, you did say that you want to be more open to friendly competition, didn't you?" Coovers asks.

"Well, yeah, but I just meant with Ash as my new rival," Timothy says.

Coovers sighs and rubs his forehead before he gives his friend a serious look.

"Look, Timothy, I've been trying to get you to be more open around other trainers for years," he says. "You have a chance to do that thanks to Ash and all of his friends, and I'm not going to let it slip away. You need to have fun battling with other trainers."

"And what about the mission?" Timothy challenges.

"It'll still be here," Coovers says. "Besides, this could be a good cover for the mission."

"How do you figure?" Timothy asks.

"Well, this battle is being televised," Coovers points out. "And as one of my superiors taught me, you should keep your enemies unaware that you suspect anything. So, if Giovanni or anyone from Team Rocket are watching this right now, how likely are they going to suspect that you might be trying to stop them if you're appearing like you're having lots of fun battling?"

Timothy thinks for a moment before he says, "I think Giovanni and his minions would be the last people in the world to be interested in watching a televised battle surrounded by squealing women, but I do see your point."

Coovers smiles hopefully and asks, "So you'll do it?"

Timothy hesitates before he reluctantly says, "I guess I could act like I'm enjoying the battle before I crush this guy in front of his adoring fans."

Coovers stares at his friend, feeling uneasy.

"Uh, great. Please do" he says.

The two of them break from their huddle, and Timothy turns to Scott, saying, "Scott, I can't promise to be a hundred percent fun, but I'll give it a try."

Scott smiles and nods in approval.

"That's all I ask, Timothy," he says.

Suddenly, music starts to play in the auditorium, and the audience screams louder in anticipation.

"Looks like it's showtime," Scott says. "Good luck, Timothy. We'll be cheering for you on the balcony."

"Thanks," Timothy says half-heartedly as Scott and Coovers leave.

Timothy lets out a big sigh before turning to Electchu.

"Fun and entertaining, huh?" He says. "Do you think we can do it?"

"Rai!" Electchu replies proudly.

Timothy smiles at his partner's enthusiasm and says, "Then let's go have fun, crushing another opponent."

The trainer and his Raichu nod and step on the platform that lifts them up to the stage. The lights in the stadium go dark, and the audience becomes quiet, and a large screen appears showing a picture of Timothy and Electchu.

"From the quiet village of Pallet Town, this trainer has made a tremendous career as a Pokemon trainer," an announcer begins.

"Well, that's not overselling it," Timothy mutters sarcastically to Electchu.

"He has competed in the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos Pokemon Leagues many times, getting stronger each time," the announcer continues.

"Well, that's more or less true," Timothy admits.

"He's this year's winner of the Johto League who has defeated the Johto Elite Four and Lance, the bi-regional champion. Please give a big round of applause for Timothy Durbin!"

A spotlight appears right above Timothy and Electchu, and the two of them quickly force big smiles on their faces and wave at the audience who are cheering loudly for them.

"Thank you. Thank you very much," Timothy calls out, acting as happy as possible. "I hope you can all forgive me for beating your celebrity."

Electchu snickers at its trainer taking advantage that no one can hear him from all the cheering and applause. Suddenly, after Timothy and Electchu make it to the platform on their side of the battlefield, the spotlight disappears, and the audience immediately becomes silent again.

"And now, for the moment you've been waiting for. A man talented for creating beauty in Pokemon battles," the announcer begins. "Reigning undefeated apart from his legendary battle against Ash Ketchum who is also from Pallet Town, a master who cares about his fans as much as his craft, feast your eyes on the greatest display of talent the Battle Dome has to offer! It's Tucker, your Dome Ace!"

The audience roar of high-pitched screams of joy that make Timothy and Electchu cover their ears as a man with large purple hair, and a strange outfit is lowered to the other side of the battlefield via cables.

"Battle Frontier greetings to you, my friends! Welcome one and all to the Battle Dome!" He says in a mellow but friendly voice. "I'm here to have a good time. How about you?"

The audience screams even louder with Timothy, hearing some women calling him a dreamboat or saying he's very hot.

"Really? They find a guy in that getup attractive?" He mutters quietly.

"Rai," Electchu says, agreeing with its trainer.

Tucker waves energetically and blows kisses to his fans, much to their delight. Finally, he turns to Timothy and Electchu and smirks.

"At last, the man who defeated Lance, the bi-regional champion," he says enthusiastically. "I have been eagerly awaiting for you to make it this far in the Battle Frontier."

"Is that right?" Timothy asks, smirking back.

"Very much so," Tucker replies. "So here's to a battle between us that is worthy of the Tactic Symbol."

"Here's to such a battle indeed," Timothy calls out, keeping his proud demeanor. "But you realize, of course, that symbol is mine no matter what you throw at me."

Tucker's smirk grows, and he says, "Now that's the kind of confidence I'd like to hear. So, our fighting theme will be the hot but cool fusion of fire and water."

Without another word, Tucker throws two Pokeballs into the air, and they open to reveal an Arcanine and Swampert both pumped for battle. A referee appeared on a floating platform.

"This is a double battle between Tucker the Dome Ace and Timothy Durbin, the challenger!" he announces. "The battle will be over when both Pokemon from either side are unable to continue! Timothy, since the Frontier Brain revealed the identity of his Pokemon, it's time for you to do the same! You may even have Pokemon transported here if you wish!"

A transporter appears next to Timothy and Electchu's platform. Timothy thinks hard about his decision until Electchu tugs his parents for attention.

"Raichu. Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai Raichu," it says.

Timothy frowns and looks at Tucker's Arcanine and Swampert carefully and then looks at his opponent. Tucker has an upbeat look on his face, but Timothy can see the look of an expert strategist in his eyes, and his Pokemon clearly look very strong. Timothy scratches his chin in thought for a few seconds before he sighs and turns to his Raichu with an apologetic look.

"No, I think I should use Odyssey and Shockwave again instead of you and Poliwrath," he says.

Electchu looks at its trainer shocked before it looks upset and says multiple "Rai" and "Raichu's" that make Timothy uneasy.

"I know Arcanine is weak against water, but Swampert is a water and ground type," he points out. "So Poliwrath has a type advantage against either of Tucker's Pokemon, but you don't."

"Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Raichu."

"Odyssey and Shockwave may not have any advantage over those two while Odyssey is weak to fire, but that's why Shockwave has its back to protect it."

"Raichu! Rai, Rai, Raichu!"

"Electchu, look at the way Tucker and his Pokemon are looking at us. Even if Swampert is only a water type, do you really think they aren't prepared to fight well against the Pokemon they are weak against? They did offer me to switch Pokemon."

Electchu looks at Timothy skeptical until it looks down and thinks carefully. After a moment, it sighs and reluctantly says, "Rai. Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Rai, Raichu."

"Exactly," Timothy says, relieved that his partner understands. "Don't worry. You and Poliwrath will get your chance during the Frontier. I promise."

The Raichu bitterly nods, still wishing that it could battle with Poliwrath.

"Timothy, what is your decision?" The referee asks.

"I'm sticking with the Pokemon I have, thank you," Timothy answers.

"Okay," the referee says as he presses a button, and the transporter disappears.

Timothy nods before he takes out two Pokeballs and takes a deep breath.

"Try to have fun," he mutters to himself before he shouts, "Odyssey, Shockwave, showtime!"

The two balls open, and the trainer's Lucario and Gardevoir come out, also ready for battle.

"A Lucario and a Gardevoir? What an interesting choice," Tucker says. "I am eager to see what kind of strategies you are going to use with them."

"I can honestly say the same thing about your Swampert and Arcanine," Timothy says.

"All Pokemon are in place, so now it's on to the frontier battle!" the referee declares. "And go!"

"Okay, Odyssey and Shockwave, let's test the water with Extreme Speed on Arcanine and Disarming Voice on Swampert!" Timothy orders.

Shockwave and Odyssey nod before the Gardevoir fires a Disarming Voice, and the Lucario charges toward Arcanine at blinding speed.

"Arcanine counter with Extreme Speed like the wind. Swampert, use Protect," Tucker responds calmly.

Swampert summons a force field around itself, blocking Shockwave's attack while Arcanine charges at Odyssey with equal speed. The two of them run into each other, and Odyssey is sent flying back and landing next to Shockwave.

"Well done, both of you," Tucker says to his Pokemon.

"So, Swampert can use Protect, and Arcanine's Extreme Speed is slightly more powerful than Odyssey's," Timothy analyses. "You've trained your Pokemon well, Tucker."

"Thank you, Timothy," Tucker says with a proud smile. "But, I am disappointed to know you and your Pokemon were only testing Arcanine, Swampert, and me. Show me your full power!"

Timothy gives his opponent a playful smirk and says, "Sorry pal, but nobody simply gets our full power. They earn it like Ash did."

The audience gasps, taken aback at Timothy's response while Tucker looks at his opponent intrigued.

"So, you too have battled against Ash," he says.

"We've formed a little friendly rivalry after a little battle with Odyssey and Shockwave here," Timothy replies. "So, if you want to see our full power as he did, then you better prove you can handle it."

Tucker smirks at Timothy and says, "Very well. Swampert, use Mud Shot, and Arcanine use Flamethrower."

Arcanine shoots Flamethrower at Odyssey while several balls of mud shoot out of Swampert's mouth and head toward Shockwave.

"Odyssey, counter with Aura Sphere and Shockwave, catch the Mud Shot with Psychic!" Timothy calls out.

Shockwave's eyes glow blue, and the balls of mud are frozen in midair while Odyssey fires an Aura Sphere, and the collision between the beam and the Flamethrower explodes on impact.

"Now, Shockwave, throw the Mud Shot back!" Timothy commands.

"Swampert, Protect," Tucker calls out quickly.

Shockwave throws the balls of mud back, using the smoke as a cover, but Timothy frowns when the smoke clears, and Swampert is using Protect in front of Arcanine.

"Clever idea, Timothy, but I've seen trainers try that on me before," Tucker says. "Swampert, use Dynamic Punch and Arcanine, use Extreme Speed."

With Swampert's fist glowing in an orange aura, both it and Arcanine charge at the Lucario and Gardevoir, making Timothy smirk.

"Seriously?" He says unimpressed. "Shockwave, lift them up in the air with Psychic!"

Sharing its trainer's disappointment, Shockwave's eyes glow blue again. Swampert and Arcanine stop in mid-charge and are raised high into the air with a blue glow surrounding their body. The two Pokemon begin to panic until they hear Tucker's voice.

"Arcanine, Swampert, do not be afraid," he calls out in a warm, comforting voice. "Use Flamethrower and Mud Shot on Shockwave."

Arcanine and Swampert stop panicking and fire their attacks.

"Bone Rush," Timothy says plainly.

Odyssey creates a large bone of energy and stands in front of Shockwave, spinning the Bone in front of both of them rapidly. The two attacks hit the bone, causing an explosion only to find neither the Lucario or Gardevoir harmed.

"Ah, I see you have your own way of having your team protect each other," Tucker says.

"I sure do," Timothy stars proudly.

"Rai!" Electchu shouts triumphantly.

"It's good to see such teamwork between trainer and Pokemon in a double battle," Tucker says. "But you do not have the upper hand against me. Swampert, use Water Pulse!"

Swampert's tail glows orange, and it summons water vapor from the air with its tail. A geyser then fires from the water above Swampert's tailfin, and it unexpectedly lifts Odyssey and Shockwave into the air, sucking them into a water tornado, freeing Swampert and Arcanine.

"Oh no," Timothy says, suddenly afraid.

"Arcanine, use Fire Blast!" Tucker calls out.

Arcanine fires a Fire Blast, and the water tornado and the two attacks combine, fusing the them together. Odyssey and Shockwave shout in pain as the two attacks cause an explosion that sends them flying into the air and crashing into the ground.

"Odyssey! Shockwave!" Timothy calls out.

"How did you like that, Timothy?" Tucker asks triumphantly. "This is the foundation of my craft. The bedrock in which everything I do is built; the bending of two opposing powers to achieve maximum damage. Fire-water fusion!"

The audience let out ear-piercing screams of cheer, with many women rooting for Tucker with hearts in their eyes. Timothy and Electchu, however, look worriedly at Odyssey and Shockwave, who are still on the ground with scratches all over their bodies.

"Timothy, I can't thank you enough for this battle," Tucker says sincerely. "You forced me to use my greatest combo against your Pokemon. Only Ash has ever given me such a battle here in the Battle Dome. Truly, I have enjoyed this challenge, and I hope you have too."

Timothy only half pays attention to Tucker with his eyes on his Pokemon.

"Odyssey, Shockwave, can you keep up?" He asks.

The two Pokemon groan before Odyssey slowly gets up and offers Shockwave its hand. The Gardevoir smiles appreciatively and accepts the Lucario's hand before Odyssey pulls it up. They turn to Timothy and firmly nod to show they are still up for battling.

"Thank heaven," Timothy sighs in relief.

"Rai, Rai, Raichu!" Electchu says, which makes Timothy, Odyssey, and Shockwave look at it in confusion.

"What's that, Electchu?" Timothy asks.

"Raichu! Rai, Rai, Rai, Raichu!" Electchu says excitedly.

Timothy thinks about it before it hits him, and he turns to Odyssey and Shockwave, who are grinning deviously, having figured it out as well.

"Yeah, you got a point there, pal," the trainer says. "He did say that, so now we have the upper hand. Don't you agree, fellas?"

"Gardevoir!" Shockwave calls out with a smirk.

"Luca!" Odyssey roars, grinning.

Tucker sees his opponent's Pokemon pumped again, and he chuckles, saying, "Your Lucario and Gardevoir have a lot of spirit, Timothy. I'm glad Arcanine and Swampert can continue to face such an energetic team."

"I'm glad to hear it because they won't be facing us for much longer," Timothy states. "Odyssey, use Extreme Speed!"

Tucker frowns and says, "I don't see how that will do you any good. Arcanine, use Extreme Speed as well."

Arcanine and Odyssey charge at each other with inhuman speed. Timothy watches carefully until he makes the next call.

"Now, jump!" He shouts.

Odyssey jumps over Arcanine right as the two are about to collide, surprising the quadruped Pokemon. Tucker smirks as he realizes that Timothy tricked him into thinking his Lucario was going after Arcanine when it's actually heading toward Swampert.

"Ah, you tricked us, but it will do you no good," he says. "Swampert, Protect."

Swampert summons another green forcefield, and Odyssey runs right into it, tumbling to the ground. Timothy, however, smirks at the display.

"Shockwave, use Psychic!" he commands. "Give Swampert back, its friend!"

The Gardevoir grins, and its eyes glow blue. Arcanine, who is still taken aback by Odyssey dodging it, panics as it is lifted off the ground and sent flying straight toward Swampert, who is still using Protect. Arcanine rams right into the force field and falls down groaning in pain, and Swampert stops using Protect, shocked that it unintentionally harmed its friend.

"Odyssey, Strength!" Timothy shouts.

Tucker looks at its opponent surprised and looks down to find Odyssey, who is still lying down on the ground, opening its eyes and grinning deviously as it surrounds its body in red aura before quickly standing up, picking up Swampert, and tossing it high in the air. The mudfish Pokemon hangs in the air for a moment before it falls right on top of Arcanine. Tucker looks at his downed Pokemon, shocked before he smiles and shakes his head.

"Impressive," he says. "You used Odyssey as a distraction twice. Very risky to have it intentionally ram into Swampert's Protect."

"Actually, it really isn't," Timothy says matter-of-factly. "Odyssey has had the misfortune of running into Protect and Reflect and other means of protection when using Extreme Speed enough times that it's used to it, so it doesn't have the same effect as it used to."

"What a remarkable feat," Tucker compliments.

"We're not done yet," Timothy states. "Shockwave, lift them up again."

Shockwave's eyes glow, and it lifts Arcanine and Swampert high into the air with Psychic.

"That won't work again, Timothy," Tucker says. "Swampert, Water Pulse and Arcanine, use Fire Blast."

"Not this time!" Timothy declares. "Shockwave, clap your hands!"

Shockwave grins again and starts clapping its hands repeatedly. The gesture causes Swampert and Arcanine to slam into each other in the air multiple times before they can make a move. Tucker and the audience gasp as the Gardevoir stops clapping its hands and lets go of its opponents, causing them to fall toward the ground, barely conscious.

"Arcanine! Swampert! No!" Tucker calls out.

"Odyssey, batter up!" Timothy calls out.

Odyssey creates a green bone of energy and holds it up like a baseball bat. Right as Arcanine and Swampert are about to hit the ground, Odyssey swings its bone right on their faces causing them to crash right into the railing and fall down on the floor with swirly eyes. The referee stares at the display, shocked for a moment before he clears his throat.

"Swampert and Arcanine are unable to battle!" he announces. "Odyssey and Shockwave win, and so the Battle Dome competition goes to Timothy Durbin from Pallet Town!"

The entire dome stays silent after the referee makes his call. Suddenly, Tucker laughs out loud and starts clapping his hands.

"Well done! Well done!" He shouts.

The crowd waits a moment until they start cheering with him. Timothy sighs, glad that the battle is over while Electchu jumps up and down for joy, and Odyssey and Shockwave walk over to his side of the field.

"Nice job, you guys," he says. "I knew you were just the kind of duo to take them down."

"Gar," Shockwave states.

"Luca," Odyssey says.

Tucker returns his Pokemon back into their Pokeballs and gives them words of thanks before putting the Pokeballs away and walks over to Timothy.

"That was a very brutal but effective strategy," he says. "What influenced you to come up with such a combo?"

"Well, to be perfectly honest, you did," Timothy states. "You see, it was a mistake for you to tell me that you used your best combo when you did because that meant I knew I had little surprises left from you. So, when I created the chance to have Swampert and Arcanine lifted into the air again with Shockwave's Psychic, I knew there was only one combo you could use to try to free them from Shockwave's grasp again, which meant all my Pokemon had to do was stop them from trying anything while forming our own combo to take Arcanine and Swampert down."

"Ah, you took my own boasting to your advantage. Sharp thinking," Tucker compliments. "You're a skilled tactician, and it was a blast to have such a match with the likes of someone like you, Timothy."

Timothy smiles and says, "You know what, Tucker? I think I had a little fun as well."

"Did you?" Tucker asks, intrigued.

"Yeah," Timothy replies. "Thinking back on it, I am intrigued with your little water-fire fusion combo. Hardly any people have figured out a way to overcome the teamwork I have created with Odyssey and Shockwave, but you found a way around our tactics creatively. Without that, I would not have come up with a way to do the same to you, and I would not have learned more ways Pokemon can find a way through our defenses. All in all, it was a thrilling yet enlightening experience, and I thank you for that."

Tucker smiles brightly and says, "You are very welcome, Timothy."

The two men shake hands, and the crowd cheer again. Suddenly, Timothy feels an arm wrap around his neck from behind and pulls him back for a noogie.

"Augh! Coovers, cut it out!" He yells.

"No, I won't," Coovers says bitterly. "How dare you break the hearts of all these lovely ladies by beating their hero."

"Coovers, they're cheering for both of us," Timothy rebukes.

"Yeah, only because Tucker applauded first," Coovers counters.

Timothy frees himself from Coovers' grasp just in time for Scott to step in with a smile.

"Timothy, that was quite the battle out there. Good work," he says.

"Thanks, Scott," Timothy says.

"Everyone, give our big winner another huge round of applause!" Tucker calls out.

The crowd cheers again, and Timothy smiles and waves at them, appreciative of the audience being good sports like their idol. Tucker then smiles at Timothy, Electchu, Odyssey, Shockwave, Coovers, and Scott and walks away.

"Uh, Tucker, aren't you forgetting something?" Timothy asks. "Like giving me my symbol?"

Tucker stops walking and turns to Timothy and says, "Look behind Odyssey's left ear."

Timothy looks at him in confusion until he turns to his Lucario and looks at the back of its ear to find the Tactic Symbol lying there.

"How did you do that?" Timothy asks, baffled.

But Tucker just smirks and winks before walking away. Timothy watches the purple-haired man walk away from his sight before turning to Electchu, Odyssey, and Shockwave. The four of them shrug simultaneously before Timothy puts the Tactic Symbol in his case and turns to Scott.

"Alright, Scott, that's three down, and four to go," he says. "Where are we going next?"

"Next is the Battle Pike," Scott answers. "I had it installed in Coovers' PokeNav while we were on our way down after the battle."

"He sure did," Coovers announced with a smile. "And it's a few miles away from Fuchsia City."

"Fuchsia City? That's quite a distance from here," Timothy comments. "What's our quickest route there?"

"That would be taking the Cycling Road west of Celadon City, which will lead us right to Fuchsia City," Coovers analysis. "From there, we can make our way to this Battle Pike in no time flat."

Timothy frowns and says, "Cycling Road would be a great way to get there with haste, but we would need bikes to take that road, and I left mine in Pallet Town."

Scott chuckles and says, "You're in luck. They recently have started renting bikes to people who want to travel through Cycling Road."

"Really?" Timothy asks, surprised.

"Yes. Trainers go the long way from Celadon City to Fuchsia City so frequently because they can't afford to own bikes that it made sense for businesses to offer renting bikes to trainers who are just traveling from one side to the other," Scott explains.

"That's perfect," Coovers says happily.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Timothy asks as he returns Odyssey and Shockwave to their Pokeballs. "The day is still young, so let's get a head start."

"Raichu!" Electchu shouts in agreement.

"I'll be waiting for you there," Scott says.

Thus, the three men and Electchu exit the Battle Dome, and Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu say goodbye to Scott before taking the route to Saffron City, where they will head west to Celadon City. As they walk, Coovers decides to take a moment to look at his friend with a playful frown.

"You know, I think you broke a lot of hearts by beating Tucker so ruthlessly," he states.

"Mmmm hmmm," Timothy hums uncaringly.

"My soulmate could have been in that crowd, and now we'll never meet because my best friend defeated her hero in battle," Coovers says.

"Sure, sure," Timothy says with a wave of his hand.

Coovers' frown deepens, and he steps in front of Timothy and Electchu.

"Come on, Timothy, why can't you consider the possibility that I could have found my true love in the Battle Dome?" he pouts.

Timothy sighs and puts his hands on Coovers' shoulders, looking at him deeply in the eyes.

"Because, Coovers - and I say this in the most caring way possible as your friend, can you honestly tell me that you would be okay with dating a woman who has a thing for guys with weird hairdos and flamboyant outfits like Tucker?" he challenges.

Coovers opens his mouth to counter before he thinks about it for a moment and lowers his head in defeat.

"No. I guess not," he says.

"Good," Timothy says before giving Coovers as supportive smile. "All teasing aside, though, I'm sure there's a Ms. Right out there for you somewhere."

"You think so?" Coovers asks.

"Hey, if I can start to have fun battling or have a friendly rival for once despite what went down with Trent, I'd say anything is possible," Timothy encourages. "But I also stand by what I said this morning that we should focus more on what we have going on now first."

Coovers smiles at his friend and makes a determined face.

"You're right," he says. "We should focus on getting the next three Battle Symbols and find out what Brandon has discovered before Team Rocket does. Then we'll be heroes, the love of my life will hear of my deeds, and will search far and wide to find me, and when she finds me, we will be together forever."

Timothy and Electchu stare at their friend, baffled at what he just said.

"Uh, can we just focus on stopping Team Rocket first for now?" Timothy suggests.

"Er, sure," Coovers says bashfully before the two trainers, and the Raichu continue walking down the dirt path.

Meanwhile, Jessie, James, and Meowth continue following Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu on their balloon with their binoculars once again fixed on the unsuspecting trio.

"I must say, that Timothy guy put on quite a battle," Jessie comments.

"Indeed," James agrees. "It makes me glad we are keeping our distance with him and his friends. Who knows what he would do with that Lucario and Gardevoir if they found us following him?"

"All the more reason to follow da boss' orders not to engage with anybody," Meowth says. "And now he only needs three more of dem symbols, and then he will be able to lead us right to Brandon."

Jessie and James nod in agreement, and the trio continues to watch their targets carefully from their hot air balloon while the cloaked figure continues to follow them from the trees.

"He already has half the symbols," the figure states. "Now, I just have to follow them to three more locations before I do what needs to be done for the sake of the world."