
The Rizz System

"Rejoice! You maidenless trash!" "Heh?" "You who suffer the curse of no bitches has been given a chance by the almighty. The power... Of Rizz." "What the actual fuck?" A lonely teen who yearns for the touch of a woman was given a chance to get some bitches. The Rizz System shall rizz them all up.

DatToothpaste ¡ Anime & Comics
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Rizz Somthing N Something

Sigh... Another day, another night with my right hand.

I sometimes question where and how my life went wrong... Let's be honest, it was probably when I decided to jerk off to 2D drawings.

Yeah. That seems right.

"God fucking dammit..." Post nut clarity is a bitch and so are women. 18 years old and I've been rejected a total of 12 times.

I wouldn't say I have an attractive face, but it should be enough to get me a girlfriend!

Short black hair that goes down to my neck, normal brown eyes and an above average face. Sure, I might not be supermodel levels of handsome but still... Can't they just give me chance?

"This is stupid to think about... I wanna take a walk." Sitting up from my bed, I chuck a tissue into the small trash can near the side of my room before heading out my house.

"Fresh air." The cool night air hitting my face feels pleasantly relaxing. Almost relaxing enough to make me forget how lonely I am... Almost.

I walk through the empty streets of my residential area, taking in the sights I've been seeing for the past 3 years. Graffiti signs here, pieces of litter there, Y'know, just the usual.

"...Hm?" Looking to my left, I spotted a strange building I've never once seen before. It was a small, rundown building with a cross built ontop. "The hell?"

Even though it seems new, it looks so rundown... The hells up with that. With my interest peaked, I decided to do what 90% of our parents told us to do as kids. Not to enter strange places you don't know about.

"Hello?" Pushing the wooden doors open, I was greeted with the sigh of what a church would normally look like. A rows of chairs of both sides and... Whatever the other stuff is. "Anyone here? I mean, it's 9PM I don't exactly think anyone would be here-"

"Greetings, ye bitchless!"

From out a nowhere, a woman's voice echoed throughout the church, causing me to jump up in surprise.

"What the fuck?"

"For ye who hath stumbled upon this sanctuary... Must mean you are the chosen one."

A pair of footsteps sounded from behind me. Quickly turning around, I was greeted with the sigh of a beautiful girl with light brown hair dressed in a nun uniform. Her hands were held together like she was praying and her eyes were closed as she slowly walked towards me.

"As described by the ones from above. Should a person without maidens perceive this hidden sanctuary and enter will be blessed with the power from up above."

What? What the hell was this crazy woman on about? Power? Chosen one? Also, how the hell did she know I was single? Is it that obvious?!

"What kind of nonsense are you saying?!" Taking a step back, I shout at the woman who continued to walk towards me. However, instead of replying she only continued her speech.

"Now, I shall begin the inheritance!" Her eyes suddenly snapped open, revealing a pair of light brown eyes which seemed to be glowing.

"Rejoice! You maidenless trash!"




"You who suffer the curse of no bitches has been given a chance by the almighty. The power... Of Rizz."

"What the actual fuck?" Is this girl high or somethin- HOLY SHIT!

All of a sudden, the ground below us lit up a blinding yellow. And then I suddenly felt a sharp spike of pain in my head, causing me to fall to the ground.

"Ack!" It felt as if someone was repeatedly bashing a hammer against my skull as I writhed around in pain.

[R..z Sys..em ...vated!]

[Bond... towards curr.... st]



Then, just like that. It stopped. It felt like all the pain just went away, as I stared at the ground in confusion from the strange thing I was seeing.

A blue sorta translucent like screen was etched into my mind.

[Congratulations for inheriting the Rizz System]

[From now on, gaining bitches will be as easy as 1 2 3!]

"What... What the hell is this?!" This was officially the weirdest day of my life.