
The rising revenant

a man who dies in an accident. when he wakes up he finds himself in a mysterious place. He find out the he is some kind of mark one and he has to fight the encroaching darkness and bring peace. See how he uncover his secrets and deals with the challenges in his journey.

methestranger · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 20: Whispers of the Past

A shaft of sunlight pierced through the dusty attic window, illuminating a forgotten corner. Drawn by an inexplicable pull, Elias shuffled towards a stack of leather-bound books tucked away in the shadows. One book, its cover worn smooth with age, seemed to vibrate with a faint warmth. He picked it up, his fingers tracing the inscription – a familiar symbol, the Mark of Xulthor.

This wasn't his grandfather's journal. It was a diary, filled with a spidery script that danced across the aged pages. Curiosity gnawed at him. This was a glimpse into his grandfather's life, a man shrouded in mystery. With trembling hands, he cracked open the book.

August 12th, 19 (Year intentionally left blank to create a sense of mystery)

The world is changing, Elias. The whispers grow louder, more insistent. They speak of a darkness rising, a veil thinning between worlds. I can feel it in my bones, a chilling premonition that sends shivers down my spine.

He continued reading, transported back in time through his grandfather's words. He was a scholar, a man consumed by a thirst for knowledge. But it wasn't dusty tomes on history or philosophy that captivated him; it was the forbidden lore, the whispers that echoed in the shadows.

The diary chronicled his descent down a rabbit hole – ancient texts that spoke of the Tenebris, of a forgotten order known as the Dawnbringers, and of a world beyond the veil, a desolate wasteland where the shadows reigned supreme.

October 2nd, 19

The whispers led me to a hidden temple, a forgotten sanctuary deep within the Whispering Woods. Here, I met others, marked like me - the last remnants of the Dawnbringers. We trained, learning to control the whispers, to turn them from a weapon of chaos into a shield against the encroaching darkness.

The words painted a vivid picture – a fellowship of warriors, bound by a shared legacy and a desperate mission. Elias could almost feel the camaraderie, the shared fear and determination. His grandfather wasn't just a scholar; he was a soldier fighting in a hidden war.

December 14th, 19

The shadows are growing bolder. A scouting party sent north never returned. We fear they have been consumed by the darkness. We must act, before it's too late. The whispers speak of an artifact, a stone said to hold the power to mend the veil and banish the Tenebris. We must find it, before it's lost forever.

A sense of dread settled in Elias's stomach. This was the mission, the desperate attempt to push back the encroaching darkness. His grandfather's words hinted at failure, at a cost paid. The whispers, it seemed, were a double-edged sword.

The diary entries grew sparse, filled with cryptic messages and desperate pleas. The last entry was a single, faded sentence scrawled across the page.

February 2nd, 19

They are here. The whispers have betrayed us.

The diary slammed shut, leaving Elias with a heavy heart. His grandfather, the scholar warrior, had faced the darkness and seemingly been consumed by it. A single tear rolled down his cheek, a mix of grief and determination welling up within him.

He wasn't just reading his grandfather's story; he was inheriting it. The whispers, the mark, the fight against the darkness – it was all a legacy passed down, a torch waiting to be rekindled. He held the diary close, the worn leather a tangible connection to the man he never knew.

With newfound resolve, Elias looked around the dusty attic. It wasn't just a forgotten place anymore; it was a training ground, a sanctuary. He had his grandfather's lessons, his techniques, and most importantly, his unwavering spirit. He was Elias Thorn, marked by the whispers, and he was ready to face the darkness, his grandfather's story fueling his fight.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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