
Chapter 1

After what felt like an eternity of waiting , Arata opened his eyes to rays of sunlight passing between leaves of tall trees; he had not unusually big trees in his previous life. Few seconds passed , then he realized two things, first being he was small, really small and second been all his senses were dialed to maximum.

He could hear the wind moving around him and sound of leaves falling down very high degree. he could also smell the leaf but to a greater extent than normal life possible for any human and the most distinct of his senses was his vision, he was able to see the veins of the leaf and the trees far away a in a very clear manner. When he concentrated on the Leaves falling down, he could see the small movements the leaf made while falling down in very slow motion .

All these sensations were very mesmerizing to him , he was in awe for a few minutes. After some time, he brought his senses back to normal and stopped smiling like a small kid.

He tried to remember why this was happening to him. Then he remembered his very odd encounter with a ROB, he was pretty sure he didn't die in his previous life to meet a random omnipotent being. That man or whatever that thing had given him three perks of Arata's choosing and he was given to choose a goal for himself to complete.

When asked why he was doing this, ROB just shrugged his Shoulders and told he was kind of irritated because some race was claiming themselves to be Gods of the universe, when they are not even covered 0.0000001 percent of the universe and tried to absorb the life force of the planet they conquered.

Arata thought about the offer and decided to reach the conclusion after a brief Q&A session with ROB. This time he was really surprised to find who this race was that managed to irritate a god, surprise surprise it's the Otsusuki's . Arata asked if he was expected to do something about it, ROB replied " It doesn't matter much because the World's Will already chose people who will be the protagonist of this era , which will lead to all probability to focus on them.".

When Arata heard that he immediately thought it was Naruto first, but was interpreted mid thought by ROB " No, not him but his pipsqueak of a son will be the hero at that point of time." Arata cursed in his ' No, not that idiot'. He didn't have anything against Boruto, but that kid was naive and overconfident as fuck intially, which lead to others taking some form damage for his sake and losing something important to them. Like Naruro getting kidnapped twice and losing Kurama or Sasuke losing his rinnegan.

But the kid could not be blamed for all the happenings either because 1) he grew in a peaceful era , so not much of an urgency to develop his skills 2) his opponents are massively stronger than him and have various powers which the shinobis have no idea about how to counter. And mainly his opponents were ruthless against their own kin, not to consider humans who were nothing more than fodder to them and most importantly the kid is 12 years old, most twelve olds are not into world saving business. The world should have let Naruto stay as it's blessed one or choose someone more older and mature.

Arata's mind ranting came to a halt when ROB started to speak again " you can worry all you want but that won't change a thing . So have you decided what to do ?" Arata nodded after a few minutes of thinking and decided to reveal his goal " I will rebuild the only clan who can fight against these beings on an equal foot ." Yes , Arata decided to build the Uzumaki clan back to counter this upcoming problem. Their sealing ability was so good , multiple nations attacked them and made them part of shinobi history which included at least two hidden villages attacking them, Kishimoto never actually mentioned how they were caught off-guard and killed off by other villages.

ROB nodded and continued " Good decision, many people would just think to solve the problems themself, which in my opinion is straight up stupid when encounterting something unknown. Now , choose the three things you would like before going down to Shinobi plain ."

Arata immediately answered " Vector control, Complete Hypnosis(Aizen's ability), All fiction". He had thought about this previously when he read various fan fictions and decided upon these powers if a chance was ever provided.

ROB replied while changing his face to Kishibe Rohan's and answered " Daga Kotowaru, those are too overpowered and you will you not be able improve the abilities at all", which disappointed Arata to some extent but he kind of expected this, hey no one could blame him for trying. This time he thought more about abilities which could be easily developed to be overpowered.

Moping around for some time he finally made his decision , facing ROB he started talking " 1), I want Jagan from Yu Yu Hakshou, without the actual eye on my forehead and it should be adjusted to be usable with any energy, instead of Demonic energy. 2), An Uzumaki Body and all of Uzumaki abilities maxed out to the extreme. 3) Six eyes(Rikugan) from JJK without it's drawback of eye straining and total control of his eye's abilities, again to be adjusted to any energy instead of Cursed energy " He finished all this in one breath and stared at ROB.

The staring match went till Arata's eye started watering and ROB finally relently sighing and replied " Fine, you can have these powers but in exchange you cannot choose when , where you will transmigrate and how old you will be."

Arata replied" Sure, as long as I am Male and don't just pop up on a random battlefield." Inside his mind he was doing a dance routine consisting of all dances he had seen in his previous life due to sheer happiness he felt. Outside he was just having a polite smile. ROB deadpanned him and said "Stop dancing like a buffoon and prepare for the transfer to Shinobi plain to start."

Hearing this Arata his mind paused ' what does he mean by shinobi plain, shouldn't it be shinobi world ' before he could ask the question he was already surrounded by pure darkness and couldn't feel anything.

Next chapter